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copy feature service failing #244

Open jimmyknowles opened 6 years ago

jimmyknowles commented 6 years ago

Trying to copy a hosted feature service. I've been able to get it to work on a very simple (single layer) feature service, but it fails on most other feature services. I've pasted a screenshot below of the results from the console.


slibby commented 6 years ago

@jimmyknowles does your more complicated service have additional layers/tables in it?

You can try the build from here: to see if it's any different. We'll take a look at it - is your service public by chance?

jimmyknowles commented 6 years ago

@slibby thanks for the follow up.

The feature service has five layers and five tables in it. I tried the build you linked and got similar error messages.


The service is not public and I don't have rights to make it public. I could create a group and share it with you that way. I've also attached a fgdb that the service was published from. Let me know if you need anything else.

slibby commented 6 years ago

The file geodatabase should be perfect, thanks!

slibby commented 6 years ago

Similar to #247, I believe this is an issue with copying feature layers with Tables.