Esri / angular-esri-map

A collection of directives to help you use Esri maps and services in your Angular applications
Apache License 2.0
213 stars 107 forks source link

Questions regarding this repo #306

Closed kxgoto1927 closed 8 years ago

kxgoto1927 commented 8 years ago

Sorry about this but I have no idea where to go for questions regarding this repository. Github deprecated private messaging while ago and I am not sure if I can reach the right people through Stack Overflow. I do refer to the documentation regularly. Let me know if there is a process in place for just questions, not specifically submitting issues.

I understand that the map itself is generated by a directive "esrie-scene-view," but how do you add custom components on the map itself. I want to add lets say a panel that gives filter layer options to the user. Does that have to be outside of the map?

tomwayson commented 8 years ago

Please follow these instructions next time you have a question.

A custom component can be outside the map like the WebScene slides directive, or you can emulate how the home button adds itself to the view's .ui.