Esri / angular-esri-map

A collection of directives to help you use Esri maps and services in your Angular applications
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Minor: Broken CSS in the doc #344

Closed andygup closed 6 years ago

andygup commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior

The pages look pretty :relaxed:

Actual behavior

404 error on when loading the home page

jwasilgeo commented 6 years ago

Thanks for logging this @andygup.

It was more or less resolved over in #340 (specifically PR #342) but we've yet to successfully run the automated build step to deploy what's on master to gh-pages due to an issue with said build step (gulp deploy-prod, to be specific).

Fun fact: it worked for the v1 docs site over at

Definitely need to get to the bottom of this and get the master docs site redeployed soon.

jwasilgeo commented 6 years ago

Alright, looks like we're now back up with clean CSS in the docs pages.