Esri / arcgis-cookbook

Chef cookbooks for ArcGIS
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Create site not happening through Chef but working through manual method #242

Closed ArpitaChakraborty closed 4 years ago

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

I am able to install and authorize arcgis server 10.7.1, but while carrying out the action: create_site, the installation pauses and doesn't go any further: cmd_create_site Manually, site creation is possible. Also attaching the snapshot of my json file : image

These are the configuration for our environment:

  1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributables - Check
  2. OS: Windows Server 2016 (Supported Version) - Check
  3. RAM Requirement for ArcGIS Server : 10 GB- Check
  4. Firewall Stettings:Ports (6080 and 6443): Both Open - Check
  5. Microsoft .NET Framework requirement - v4.5.2 or higher (currently installed : 4.7.2) - Check
  6. Browser Compatibility: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11- Check

Please help @pbobov

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty, Thank you for reaching out. When launching the chef deploy, are you able to access the system and take a look at the Task Manager to see if the installer.exe is launched and processing is taking place? Can you also access the file structure of ArcGIS Server and confirm things have been configured successfully?

Pending on the resources (CPU/RAM) it can take some time for this to complete. It won't run forever as there will be a timeout to cause a failure.

With the run_list I am noticing names such as "server_test". Did we make a copy and edit these files?

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc , Yes, the installer.exe runs successfully, and the same is visible on the task manager. Yes i am also able to launch the server manager page, which asks to create site. All file structure are correct, and accessible.

Yes, I made a copy, and then edited the file. is that a problem?

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty Thank you for the speedy response. Primarily I want to see if there is an actual process underway following the action create_site.

With the recipe file editing, I wouldn't so much say it is an issue, but, for the sake of testing, could you revert the recipe file in the run_list back to the original "server" recipe that came with the cookbook and give it another shot?

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc , No, there is no actual process underway while create site . image

I tried with the original server recipe also, but i am getting the same issue.

pbobov commented 4 years ago

Try to add '-l debug' to the chef-solo command line parameters:

>chef-solo -j C:\chef\roles\arcgis-enterprise-windows.json -l debug

Chef will log all the HTTP requests sent to ArcGIS Server and the responses.

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @pbobov , I am not getting any HTTP requests or their response, for create site. There is just no furthur processing while site creation.


Is there any settings that we must do on the machine, so that this gets completed? But, I am able to configure it correctly manually.

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty something we are noticing is the inclusion of "esri_license_host" within your server fields. This is actually tied to License Manager for desktop (since ArcGIS Server does not utilize License Manager) and we notice the PowerShell command (which would have to be manually included within the server.rb file as it isn't there by default).

I am wondering if this is causing some sort of execution not ending gracefully. Since the inclusion of License Manager into the server.rb and server role setup isn't proper, I would suggest removing those inclusions and try again. Manually completing the create-site makes sense because it isn't involving a PowerShell/command for License Manager, unlike the Chef script.

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc, I have removed "esri_license_host"and also PowerShell command, but the process gets stuck exactly at the same place, and does not process furthur, with no processing seen on the task manager. Since there is no error, i am able to continue configuration manually, I am not understanding, what maybe causing the issue. Could it be some issue with IIS?

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty Thank you for getting back to us. I do not believe it is an IIS issue as you actually aren't utilizing it at all (since you are not installing/setting up a WA) so in reality, you could remove the "esri-iis" from the run_list.

I am still seeing some irregularities with the role file such as "mapshareddrive" which isn't an Esri recipe.

What we could do to help pin this down a bit further is to remove all the recipes from the run_list besides the "server" recipe, and give it a go. If this is successful, add-in "system" and the "fileserver", if successful add-in "iis" (although this one is not needed since we don't have a WA involved). If these are successful you can then add in the "mapshareddrive" again and give it a shot.

Hope this helps us dial down to what piece is giving us issues.

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty is the E: drive mapped to a network location? If we are mapping, I do not believe this is a viable option as ArcGIS Server utilizes UNC pathings (

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc, For trying, I have updated the .json file to image. I am keeping all the setup files in C drive for convenience sake. I am also just using the fileserver and server recipe as suggested by you. After running for like 14hours, I am getting the following error: image image And, in the log path: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\usr\logs\\server, i am getting the following error: image

However, I do not have any other server machine in this site

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty could we also leave out the "fileserver" recipe as it allows us to narrow down our focus further to a specific recipe? Be sure we complete a clean un-install and clear the local-mode-cache and nodes folders from the Chef directory.

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc, As suggested, I uninstalled everything (server, desktop and chef client v14.12.9) and started with a clean machine. I only ran recipe[arcgis-enterprise::server], but with the same issue, where ArcGIS server installation process stops with create_site, and does not further processing. Is there any access that I can check on my machine, which I might not have. Any Browser setting? As, till before the create_site, we dont hit the browser, we have setups and just install i, its in create site, that the browser is hit. Any suggestions? image image

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty thank you for getting back to us with these new tests. This is rather strange. I believe this takes us down the path of either possible service account issues (Group Policies) when running via Chef or perhaps how the script is handling the hostname.

If was mentioned before, but we should be able to run the following and get more information: chef-solo -j C:\chef\roles\arcgis-enterprise-windows.json -l debug (the l is a lowercase L)

ArpitaChakraborty commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nickolaitc, I finally got it to run correctly. For that, I had to add new inbound rules: <ArcGIS Server installation location>\bin\ArcSOC.exe  <ArcGIS Server installation location>\framework\etc\service\bin\ArcGISServer.exe  <ArcGIS Server installation location>\framework\runtime\jre\bin\javaw.exe  <ArcGIS Server installation location>\framework\runtime\jre\bin\rmid.exe.

Thanks for all the help! :)

Nickolaitc commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArpitaChakraborty that is great to hear! I am guessing we have pretty tight security on these internal systems. Either way, thank you for the update, and I am glad we were able to get this issue taken care of.

awittner commented 2 years ago

Hi @ArpitaChakraborty Thank you for putting so much time and detail in your responses. I am installing ArcGIS Enterprise Base - using arcgis-enterprise-primary.json from templates. I think I may be experiencing the same issue that you had. It gets to action create_site and seems as if its getting stuck. I have checked task manager and there is no activity. I am new to this IT side of GIS. I know it's been forever since this case was closed, but can you define what you did to make/place said inbound rules? I am wondering if I have the same/similar issue. image @pbobov or @cameronkroeker ?