Esri / arcgis-cookbook

Chef cookbooks for ArcGIS
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Deploying a Geoevent server question #291

Closed Mike-DM closed 3 years ago

Mike-DM commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I'm brand new to Chef and I have been reading this site and the watching some tutorial videos. I'm in the process of deploying ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 using chef and cookbooks 3.7.0. I made a Windows 2016 Chef workstation (version 21.6.497) and an Ubuntu Chef Server. All my clients/nodes are Windows 2016. I've been following the guide here.

It has gone fairly smoothly, I have Base Enterprise deployed along with a Big Datastore and Geoanalytics server. Now I'm trying to make a Geoevent sever and I notice there isn't a file for Geoevent under "roles". I have the cookbook and templates, but following the guide I mentioned above, each server has had a corresponding "role" JSON file.

Can anyone assist me with how I would deploy a Geoevent server? Do I need to use the template with Chef Zero commands directly on the workstation that will become GeoEvent or will I need to use a template to create a "role" file so I can deploy Geoevent with Chef Workstation?

I also want to mention that when I first tried to deploy Base Enterprise using 3.7.0 cookbooks, I received missing dependency cookbook errors. I had to go into the 3.6.1 cookbooks and get the cookbooks for s3_files, windows, windows_firewall, hostsfile, openssl, nfs,.... etc,.

cameronkroeker commented 3 years ago

Hello @Mike-DM,

You can use the following json files for GeoEvent Server:

If using Chef Server, move them to the roles directory. Also may need to modify them a bit for them to work in Chef Server. For example, may need to embed "arcgis": { } in a "default_attributes" { } block.

For example:

  "name": "geoevent",
  "description": "ArcGIS GeoEventServer",
  "default_attributes": {
     "arcgis": {
        "version": "10.9",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "run_as_password": "Pa$$w0rdPa$$w0rd",
        "configure_windows_firewall": true,
        "repository": {
            "archives": "C:\\Software\\Archives",
            "setups": "C:\\Software\\Setups"
        "server": {
            "install_dir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Server",
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "admin_username": "siteadmin",
            "admin_password": "",
            "authorization_file": "C:\\Software\\AuthorizationFiles\\10.9\\Server.prvc",
            "log_level": "WARNING",
            "directories_root": "\\\\FILESERVER\\arcgisserver",
            "log_dir": "C:\\arcgisserver\\logs",
            "config_store_type": "FILESYSTEM",
            "config_store_connection_string": "\\\\FILESERVER\\arcgisserver\\config-store",
            "keystore_file" : "C:\\Software\\Certificates\\ssl_cert.pfx",
            "keystore_password" : ""
        "python": {
            "install_dir": "C:\\Python27"
        "geoevent": {
            "authorization_file": "C:\\Software\\AuthorizationFiles\\10.9\\GeoEventServer.prvc"
    "run_list": [

For the missing dependency issue, did you download and use the from the following location?

This will contain all necessary cookbooks. Otherwise if downloading the cookbook from it will only contain the Esri Cookbooks and not the third party dependency cookbooks.

Happy Automating, Cameron K.

Mike-DM commented 3 years ago

Hi Cameron,

Thanks a lot for your assistance! I will modify the templates as you suggested and put them in my roles directory for upload to my Chef Server.

You're right, I got the cookbooks from so that explain why I was missing the third party dependency cookbooks. Thanks for pointing me to the other location for the full cookbooks.

Best Regards, Mike

cameronkroeker commented 3 years ago

You're welcome! Since the original question has been addressed I'll go ahead and close this issue. However, feel free to open a new issue if there are further questions/issues that may arise.

Thanks, Cameron