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Portal for ArcGIS Service fails to start #326

Open Ayushyadav19 opened 1 year ago

Ayushyadav19 commented 1 year ago

Hi @cameronkroeker,

I am trying to deploy base ArcGIS Enterprise on Linux RHEL 8.6. I am facing an issue while installing the portal. The error is pasted below.


I tried to start the portal service using the command - sudo systemctl start arcgisportal.service, but it throws the below error:- image.

Then I tried to start the portal service using file and gives shows that the portal is already running. image

I tried to install the portal using cookbooks version 3.8.0 and 4.0.0 it throws the same error. I tried to installed portal by changing its installation directory - 1) /home/user/ 2)/opt. In both cases, it fails with the same message.

Additionally, I have two Linux RHEL VMs and I am facing the exact same issue on both VMs.

Kindly, help me out with this. For reference, I am attaching the chef role and log files.



Ayushyadav19 commented 1 year ago

Hi @cameronkroeker,

I hope you are doing well.

I just wanted to ask if have you gone through the above issue.

Kindly let me know if you have any ideas/thoughts on this. And one thing I just missed while creating the issue is that we are deploying ArcGIS Enterprise of AWS ec2 instance using this AMI l-

Let me know if you have any questions

Thanks Ayush

cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

Hi @Ayushyadav19,

After the arcgisportal.service fails to start, let's check to see if there are any additional details using journalctl:

$ journalctl -xe

Something that stands out to me is the data_dir location set in your json file.

"data_dir": "/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal/",

Does /arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal exist? The portal setup will create a default data_dir based off the install_dir path. So for example, if install_dir is set to /opt then the portal setup will create /opt/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal. In this scenario data_dir should be set to

"data_dir": "/opt/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal/",

You can use a non-default location for data_dir such as /arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal, however you will need to ensure it exists before hand and the arcgis_run_as account has permissions to it.

Thanks, Cameron K.

Ayushyadav19 commented 1 year ago

Hi @cameronkroeker,

Thanks for your information.

I worked with ESRI support on the above issue (Esri Case #03140093 - Getting error when installing portal on Linux). ESRI gave me a workaround for this. The steps of workaround are mentioned below:-

  1. Change the file permissions on - /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service file using below command
  2. sudo chmod 600 /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service
  3. Open /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service and add /bin/bash to Exec commands in the file like so ExecStart=/bin/bash /arcgis/portal/ ExecStop=/bin/bash /arcgis/portal/
  4. After that run - sudo system daemon-reload and re-start the arcgisportal.service using the below commands sudo systemctl stop arcgisportal.service sudo systemctl start arcgisportal.service

This is a defect as we need to make changes in /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service and I tested the same chef script to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, it deployed and ran smoothly.

Thanks Ayush