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Can't find Portal product when installing Excalibur #343

Closed tatornator12 closed 1 year ago

tatornator12 commented 1 year ago

Hey @cameronkroeker,

When trying to install Excalibur on an Enterprise version 11.0 Linux install using Chef on a single EC2 instance, the Excalibur outputs the below message:

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 1 21 56 PM

Not sure if this is due to how the Chef scripts are installing the software and the add-on can't detect or something else. Any thoughts?


cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

Hi @tatornator12,

There should be an<hostname or ip>.<version> file inside the arcgis run_as user account home directory. This file contains the information about which products are installed (product names, version, and install directory path). For example:


Perhaps either this file isn't present, or maybe the is not able to locate it.

Thanks, Cameron K.

cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago


I dug into the script and notice it will use this to find the file to check which products are installed:

${UserHome}/$(uname -n).${TempArcGISVersion}

I suspect the uname -n could be problematic in AWS EC2 instances. For example, if the file name contains the ip rather than what is returned by uname -n then it may not be able to locate the file.

On the EC2 instance run the command uname -n and compare it with the actual file name to see if it matches.

tatornator12 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response back @cameronkroeker. I was hoping that would be the issue but looks like everything looks good:

tatornator12 commented 1 year ago


I believe I found the issue which isn't documented well for the Excalibur installation:

The first step says to login as a user with admin privs, which I do by sudo su to root. However, what I just tried was to change to the arcgis user and try running the shell script again. Doing so, let me install Excalibur finally. So it appears that the add-on wants you to be logged in as the user who installed the ArcGIS software, at least on Linux.

Thanks for the assist!