Esri / arcgis-cookbook

Chef cookbooks for ArcGIS
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Permission issue when installing Portal #360

Closed franchyze923 closed 1 year ago

franchyze923 commented 1 year ago

Running into what appears to be a permission issue when trying to install Portal. I'm running sudo cinc-client -z -j arcgis-enterprise-primary.json

During Recipe: arcgis-enterprise::install_portal I get the following error -

STDERR: bash: line 1: /home/vagrant/chef_install/software/setups/11.1/PortalForArcGIS/Setup: Permission denied


Any ideas? The portal archive was originally owned by root, I changed it to my user but still get the same error.

franchyze923 commented 1 year ago

Got it working! I had set a custom arcgis.repository.artifacts location (i.e. instead of placing the installers in /opt/software/archives, I put them somewhere else and updated the .json to reflect that location)

moving over all the installers to /opt/software/archives (the original location specified in the .json) seemed to have fixed the issue. Not really sure why, but seems to be working now.