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Web Adaptor Issues on Single Machine Install #361

Closed franchyze923 closed 1 year ago

franchyze923 commented 1 year ago

Attempting to install ArcGIS Enterprise on a single Linux machine using this guide -

Get the following errors related to the Web Adaptor install -

---- Begin output of "java" -jar "/opt/arcgis/webadaptor11.1/java/tools/arcgis-wareg.jar" -m portal -w 'https://hostname/portal/webadaptor' -g 'https://hostname:7443' -u 'testuser' -p '*****' -r false ---- STDOUT: Portal configuration requires fully qualified domain name in the WebAdaptor URL.

For privacy, I modified the URL above to say "hostname" but it in reality, it's my actual hostname without the .local. for example when I run hostname on the computer the result is hostname.local but what is getting put into the above command is just hostname.

Below is what the Portal section of arcgis-portal-primary.json looks like - -

        "portal": {
            "install_dir": "/opt",
            "admin_username": "testuser",
            "admin_password": "sensitivedata",
            "admin_email": "sensitivedata",
            "admin_full_name": "sensitivedata",
            "admin_description": "Initial account administrator",
            "security_question": "Your favorite ice cream flavor?",
            "security_question_answer": "bacon",
            "log_dir": "/opt/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal/logs",
            "log_level": "WARNING",
            "content_store_type": "fileStore",
            "content_store_provider": "FileSystem",
            "content_store_connection_string": "/opt/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal",
            "object_store": "",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/authorization_files/portal.json",
            "user_license_type_id": "",
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "wa_name": "portal",
            "root_cert": "",
            "root_cert_alias": "hostedserver",
            "system_properties": {
                "privatePortalURL": "",
                "WebContextURL": ""

I'll admit I don't fully understand what values need to be put for

privatePortalURL and WebContextURL and have tried a number of different combinations. I don't have a real FQDN, so thought I could fake it by adding an entry in my hosts file.

When I browse to https://localhost:7443 the browser redirects to whatever I put in WebContextURL but then refuses to connect.

It is also unclear to me if these values are required properties -

especially these - arcgis.portal.url arcgis.portal.wa_url arcgis.portal.private_url

franchyze923 commented 1 year ago

Was able to get it working! For reference, here is the config I used. This deploys a base enterprise deployment on a single machine.

    "java": {
        "version": "11",
        "tarball_path": "/opt/software/archives/openjdk-11_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz",
        "verify_checksum": false
    "tomcat": {
        "version": "9.0.54",
        "tarball_path": "/opt/software/archives/apache-tomcat-9.0.48.tar.gz",
        "install_path": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis_9.0.48",
        "verify_checksum": false
    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.1",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "repository": {
            "archives": "/opt/software/archives",
            "setups": "/opt/software/setups"
        "fileserver": {
            "directories": [
            "shares": [
        "web_server": {
            "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis_9.0.48/webapps"
        "server": {
            "install_dir": "/opt",
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "private_url": "https://hostname.local:6443/arcgis",
            "web_context_url": "https://hostname.local/server",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "siteadmin",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/archives/ArcGIS_Enterprise_Server_license.json",
            "log_level": "WARNING",
            "log_dir": "/opt/arcgis/server/usr/logs",
            "directories_root": "/gisdata/arcgisserver",
            "config_store_type": "FILESYSTEM",
            "config_store_connection_string": "/gisdata/arcgisserver/config-store",
            "wa_name": "server",
            "soc_max_heap_size": 64,
            "system_properties": {
                "suspendedMachineUnregisterThreshold": -1,
                "machineSuspendThreshold": 60,
                "WebContextURL": "https://hostname.local/server"
        "data_store": {
            "install_dir": "/opt",
            "setup_options": "-f Complete",
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "preferredidentifier": "hostname",
            "data_dir": "/gisdata/arcgisdatastore"
        "portal": {
            "install_dir": "/opt",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "Siteadmin2023",
            "admin_email": "",
            "admin_full_name": "Administrator",
            "admin_description": "Initial account administrator",
            "security_question": "Your favorite ice cream flavor?",
            "security_question_answer": "bacon",
            "log_dir": "/opt/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal/logs",
            "url": "https://hostname.local:7443/arcgis",
            "log_level": "WARNING",
            "content_store_type": "fileStore",
            "content_store_provider": "FileSystem",
            "content_store_connection_string": "/gisdata/arcgisportal/content",
            "object_store": "",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/archives/ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal_license.json",
            "user_license_type_id": "",
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "wa_name": "portal",
            "system_properties": {
                "privatePortalURL": "https://hostname.local:7443/arcgis",
                "WebContextURL": "https://hostname.local/portal"

        "web_adaptor": {
            "install_dir": "/opt",
            "admin_access": true,
            "reindex_portal_content": false
    "run_list": [