The EFS mounts used by the arcgis server and arcgis data store as part of the arcgis-enterprise-linux deployment should automatically mount the efs file share following EC2 restarts. After stopping my EC2 instances friday and turning them back on Monday, I had to manually mount the /mnt/efs directory to my primary and standby machines in order for the environment to function correctly. I initially found this problem because of an error with webgisdr import not being able to reach the fileshare:
Installs amazon-efs-utils package on AMIs in arcgis-server-linux-aws-image and arcgis-enterprise-base-linux-aws-image workflows.
Changes arcgis-server-linux-aws-infrastructure workflow to use new arcgis.common.efs_mount Ansible playbook instead of an SSM document. (That also removes dependency of arcgis-server-linux template on Chef-specific resources created by site-automation-chef-aws workflow. See #94).
Renames SSM document "nfs-mount-" to "efs-mount-", changes input parameter FileSystemDNS to FileSystemId, makes the SSM document use "efs" mount type supported by amazon-efs-utils package, and adds the EFS mounts to /etc/fstab file.
Changes arcgis-enterprise-base-linux-aws-infrastructure workflow to use new "efs-mount-*" SSM document.
The EFS mounts used by the arcgis server and arcgis data store as part of the arcgis-enterprise-linux deployment should automatically mount the efs file share following EC2 restarts. After stopping my EC2 instances friday and turning them back on Monday, I had to manually mount the /mnt/efs directory to my primary and standby machines in order for the environment to function correctly. I initially found this problem because of an error with webgisdr import not being able to reach the fileshare:
After doing some research on the topic, it appears there may be options via modifying the fstab file to include the _netdev option, suggested here: It is further defined here by Amazon and falls in-line with Amazon's recommended options to include with NFS mounts:,your%20%2Fetc%2Ffstab%20file.
Here are a few screenshots of my workaround to get ArcGIS Server back up and running: