Esri / arcgis-maps-sdk-swift

Swift Package Manager support for ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
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Kotlin Multiplatform support #18

Open orelvis15 opened 1 week ago

orelvis15 commented 1 week ago

In my company we are migrating current apps to multiplatform Kotlin test versions.

Currently kotlin multiplatform does not support SPM, they only maintain integration with cocoapods.

Would it be possible to upload these dependencies to cocoapods?, or implement a multiplatform Kotlin library to use directly in the projects.

I'm waiting for the answer. greetings.

zkline101 commented 1 week ago


Thank you for the feedback. We don't have plans to add support for cocoapods.

Thank you.

zkline101 commented 1 week ago

Also, just a heads up we have a forum for this product which would be the best place to ask questions. Thank you!