Esri / arcgis-osm-editor

ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap is a toolset for GIS users to access and contribute to OpenStreetMap through their Desktop or Server environment.
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Only allow specific well defined relation types as geometries in the Feature Classes on import #164

Open mboeringa opened 7 years ago

mboeringa commented 7 years ago

Hi @ThomasEmge ,

I have noticed with the latest build, that certain ill-defined relation types like:

actually can make their way into shapes / geometries in the Polygon, Polyline and Point feature classes.

I don't know if this is part of the "super-relation" processing, but allowing these to result in geometries, causes a number of issues:

My suggestion would be to allow only a small subset of well defined and established relations to make their way into the final output Feature Classes of the import tools - and especially the OSM File Loader (Load Only) tool - and to ignore / drop all other types. As far as I have understood it, osm2pgsql also only allows a very limited set of relation types to result in geometries in the database.

E.g. relations of the following types seem most appropriate for rendering, and usually have a rather clear interpretation and single geometry type to represent them with:

@ThomasEmge , what are your ideas about this, and do you have any insights to share about how relations in general are now being interpreted, also related to the relation and super-relation processing I see happening in the output of the OSM File Loader (Load Only) tool?

ThomasEmge commented 7 years ago

I haven't looked to deeply into this issue. The current approach is that everything is translated into a geometry if possible. Some do get special treatment such as multipolygon or route or coastline, but that's about it. The fundamental challenge is the polymorphic behavior of relations. My initial suggestion would probably be to be inclusive for the types rather than exclusive. For the load only tool the 'type' tag is a default attribute, so you can filter out the problematic features at the time of rendering.

mboeringa commented 7 years ago

The current approach is that everything is translated into a geometry if possible. Some do get special treatment such as multipolygon or route or coastline, but that's about it.

Does that mean that if a relation consists of members consisting of nodes, some unclosed ways, and closed ways with area=yes tag or multipolygons, that in that case:

And that all have the original relation ID set in the records of the respective feature class? I haven't actually properly checked up to now what happens with these kind of "polymorphic" relations...

The fundamental challenge is the polymorphic behavior of relations.

I agree, this is a major challenge

My initial suggestion would probably be to be inclusive for the types rather than exclusive. For the load only tool the 'type' tag is a default attribute, so you can filter out the problematic features at the time of rendering.

As another option: how difficult would it be for you to implement a simple checkbox option, something like

"Only convert well established relation types"

and that defaulting to the list I specified?

Or maybe even having an editable string parameter in the tool with this default shown, that users could edit to add their desired relation types, and then dropping any other relation types not specified?

This way, you would get the best of both worlds, while still allowing to weed out unwanted stuff at conversion time. The problem with having to do this in SQL afterwards is that the potential list of relation types is endless, and would make the already complex SQL even more unwieldy... and would require to add this statement to every single render rule in a style.

mboeringa commented 7 years ago

@ThomasEmge ,

Hmmm... my latest thoughts on this are that I possibly need to include the suggested functionality in my Renderer as well, as part of the pre-processing stage. I am thinking of making the list of allowed relation types a style property, so configurable using the Modify Style tool.

I will then use this information to exclude any non-conforming relation types in pre-processing using the type key, so the SQL of the style's render rules remains clean of these statements.

However, I am still a bit in doubt. It will mean another export / copy step of a feature class, as deleting the selected records is probably to expensive and / or slow on mega-large datasets. This will be yet another feature adding complexity to the render models.

In that respect, not creating them in the first place during conversion, is the most efficient solution.