Esri / arcgis-powershell-dsc

This repository contains scripts, code and samples for automating the install and configuration of ArcGIS (Enterprise and Desktop) using Microsoft Windows PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration).
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Upgrade of Insights 2022.3 does not work #445

Closed alexanderwalkowski closed 1 year ago

alexanderwalkowski commented 1 year ago

Community Note

Module Version

Affected Resource(s)

Configuration Files

    "AllNodes": [
            "NodeName": "ServerHost",
            "Role": [
            "NodeName": "PortalHost",
            "Role": [
    "ConfigData": {
        "Version": "10.9.1",
        "OldVersion": "10.9.1",
        "ServerContext": "arcgis",
        "PortalContext": "portal4arcgis",
        "ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer",
        "InsightsVersion": "2022.3",
        "OldInsightsVersion": "2022.1.1",
        "DownloadSetups": false,
        "Credentials": {
            "ServiceAccount": {
                "UserName": "user",
                "Password": "password",
                "IsDomainAccount": true,
                "IsMSAAccount": false
        "Server": {
            "LicenseFilePath": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGISGISServerStandard_ArcGISServer_1144804.prvc",
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Server_Windows_1091_180041.exe",
                "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\Server",
                "InstallDirPython": "C:\\bin\\Python27",
                "EnableArcMapRuntime": true,
                "EnableDotnetSupport": true,
                "PatchesDir": "C:\\data\\installation\\arcgisPatches",
                "PatchInstallOrder": [
            "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories",
            "ConfigStoreLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store",
            "LocalRepositoryPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\local",
            "ServerLogsLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\logs",
            "ServerDirectories": [
                    "name": "arcgiscache",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgiscache",
                    "directoryType": "CACHE",
                    "cleanupMode": "NONE",
                    "maxFileAge": 0
                    "name": "arcgisjobs",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisjobs",
                    "directoryType": "JOBS",
                    "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",
                    "maxFileAge": 360
                    "name": "arcgisoutput",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput",
                    "directoryType": "OUTPUT",
                    "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",
                    "maxFileAge": 10
                    "name": "arcgissystem",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgissystem",
                    "directoryType": "SYSTEM",
                    "cleanupMode": "NONE",
                    "maxFileAge": 0
            "PrimarySiteAdmin": {
                "UserName": "siteadmin",
                "Password": "siteadmin"
            "Extensions": {
                "MappingChartingSolution": {
                    "Installer": {
                        "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Mapping_and_Charting_Solutions_Server_1091_180544.exe",
                        "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\MappingChartingSolution"
                    "Features": [
        "Portal": {
            "LicenseFilePath": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal_1091_367221_20211130.json",
            "PortalLicenseUserTypeId": "creatorUT",
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_1091_180052.exe",
                "WebStylesPath": "C:\\data\\installation\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_1091_180053.exe",
                "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\Portal",
                "ContentDir": "C:\\arcgisportal",
                "PatchesDir": "C:\\data\\installation\\arcgisPatches",
                "PatchInstallOrder": [
            "ContentDirectoryLocation": "C:\\arcgisportal\\content",
            "EnableAutomaticAccountCreation": false,
            "DefaultRoleForUser": "viewer",
            "DefaultUserLicenseTypeIdForUser": "viewerUT",
            "PortalAdministrator": {
                "UserName": "user",
                "Email": "mail",
                "Password": "password",
                "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
                "SecurityAnswer": "vanilla"
            "EmailSettings": {
                "SMTPServerAddress": "host",
                "From": "mail",
                "Label": "Portal Admin",
                "AuthenticationRequired": true,
                "SMTPPort": "port",
                "UserName": "user",
                "Password": "password",
                "EncryptionMethod": "TLS"
        "Insights": {
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Insights_Windows_2022_3_184093.exe"

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce

Important Factoids


alexanderwalkowski commented 1 year ago

I tried the installation (Install) mode instead of upgrade, with the following configuration file:

    "AllNodes": [
            "NodeName": "ServerHost",
            "Role": [
            "NodeName": "PortalHost",
            "Role": [
    "ConfigData": {
        "Version": "10.9.1",       
        "ServerContext": "arcgis",
        "PortalContext": "portal4arcgis",
        "ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer",
        "InsightsVersion": "2022.3",        
        "DownloadSetups": false,
        "Credentials": {
            "ServiceAccount": {
                "UserName": "user",
                "Password": "password",
                "IsDomainAccount": true,
                "IsMSAAccount": false
        "Insights": {
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Insights_Windows_2022_3_184093.exe"

But I get the following errors:

Dot Sourcing the Configuration:- ArcGISInstall
PSDesiredStateConfiguration\Node : Es ist nicht möglich, eine Methode für einen Ausdruck aufzurufen, der den NULL hat.
--> TRANSLATION: it is not possible, to invoke a method on a null value expression.
In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.2\Configurations-OnPrem\ArcGISInstall.ps1:27 Zeichen:5
+     Node $AllNodes.NodeName {
+     ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull,PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node
WARNUNG: Es wird davon abgeraten, Domänenanmeldeinformationen für den Knoten 'portalHost' zu verwenden. Um die Warnung zu unterdrücken, können Sie Ihren DSC-Konfigurationsdaten für Knoten 'DEV0308W' eine Eigenschaft namens 
'PSDscAllowDomainUser' mit dem Wert '$true' hinzufügen.
Kompilierungsfehler bei der Verarbeitung der Konfiguration "ArcGISInstall". Überprüfen Sie die im Fehlerdatenstrom gemeldeten Fehler, und ändern Sie den Konfigurationscode entsprechend.
In C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psm1:3917 Zeichen:5
+     throw $ErrorRecord
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (ArcGISInstall:String) [], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToProcessConfiguration

If I use the update mode, I get the error mentioned below. I am not sure, if I am using it the right way, but for me it would make sense to just update Insights by specifing InsightsOldVersion, InsightsVersion and the Insights config block.

No Enterprise Version for present installation ('OldVersion') specified for Configuration File Name - ./Deployment-upgrageInsights.json
In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.2\ArcGIS.psm1:1893 Zeichen:17
+ ...             throw "No Enterprise Version for present installation ('O ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (No Enterprise V...geInsights.json:String) [], RuntimeException
cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

Hi @alexanderwalkowski,

When using -Mode Upgrade the json configuration file will need to include both ConfigData.OldVersion, and ConfigData.OldInsightsVersion attributes.

And when using -Mode Install the json configuration file will need to include ConfigData.Portal block and ConfigData.Server block.

For examle:

    "AllNodes": [
            "NodeName": "host1",
            "Role": [
            "NodeName": "host2",
            "Role": [
    "ConfigData": {
        "Version": "10.9.1",
        "OldVersion": "10.9.1",
        "ServerContext": "arcgis",
        "PortalContext": "portal4arcgis",
        "ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer",
        "InsightsVersion": "2022.3",
        "OldInsightsVersion": "2022.1.1",
        "DownloadSetups": false,
        "Credentials": {
            "ServiceAccount": {
                "UserName": "username",
                "Password": "password",
                "IsDomainAccount": true,
                "IsMSAAccount": false

        "Server": {
            "LicenseFilePath": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGISGISServerStandard_ArcGISServer_1111807.prvc",
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Server_Windows_1091_180041.exe",
                "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\Server",
                "InstallDirPython": "C:\\bin\\Python27",
                "EnableArcMapRuntime": true,
                "EnableDotnetSupport": true,
                "PatchesDir": "C:\\data\\installation\\arcgisPatches",
                "PatchInstallOrder": [
            "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories",
            "ConfigStoreLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store",
            "LocalRepositoryPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\local",
            "ServerLogsLocation": "C:\\arcgisserver\\logs",
            "ServerDirectories": [
                    "name": "arcgiscache",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgiscache",
                    "directoryType": "CACHE",
                    "cleanupMode": "NONE",
                    "maxFileAge": 0
                    "name": "arcgisjobs",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisjobs",
                    "directoryType": "JOBS",
                    "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",
                    "maxFileAge": 360
                    "name": "arcgisoutput",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput",
                    "directoryType": "OUTPUT",
                    "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",
                    "maxFileAge": 10
                    "name": "arcgissystem",
                    "physicalPath": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgissystem",
                    "directoryType": "SYSTEM",
                    "cleanupMode": "NONE",
                    "maxFileAge": 0
            "PrimarySiteAdmin": {
                "UserName": "siteadmin",
                "Password": "siteadmin"
            "Extensions": {
                "MappingChartingSolution": {
                    "Installer": {
                        "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Mapping_and_Charting_Solutions_Server_1091_180544.exe",
                        "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\MappingChartingSolution"
                    "Features": [
        "Portal": {
            "LicenseFilePath": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal_1091_367221_20211130.json",
            "PortalLicenseUserTypeId": "creatorUT",
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_1091_180052.exe",
                "WebStylesPath": "C:\\data\\installation\\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_1091_180053.exe",
                "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\Portal",
                "ContentDir": "C:\\arcgisportal",
                "PatchesDir": "C:\\data\\nstallation\\arcgisPatches",
                "PatchInstallOrder": [
            "ContentDirectoryLocation": "C:\\arcgisportal\\content",
            "EnableAutomaticAccountCreation": false,
            "DefaultRoleForUser": "viewer",
            "DefaultUserLicenseTypeIdForUser": "viewerUT",
            "PortalAdministrator": {
                "UserName": "portaladmin",
                "Email": "",
                "Password": "password",
                "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
                "SecurityAnswer": "answer"
            "EmailSettings": {
                "SMTPServerAddress": "mailserver",
                "From": "",
                "Label": "Portal Admin",
                "AuthenticationRequired": true,
                "SMTPPort": "587",
                "UserName": "username",
                "Password": "password",
                "EncryptionMethod": "TLS"
        "DataStore": {
            "ContentDirectoryLocation": "C:\\arcgisdatastore",
            "EnableFailoverOnPrimaryStop": false,
            "EnablePointInTimeRecovery": false,
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_DataStore_Windows_1091_180054.exe",
                "InstallDir": "C:\\bin\\ArcGIS\\DataStore",
                "PatchesDir": "C:\\data\\installation\\arcgisPatches",
                "PatchInstallOrder": [
        "Insights": {
            "Installer": {
                "Path": "C:\\data\\installation\\ArcGIS_Insights_Windows_2022_3_184093.exe"

Thanks, Cameron K.

alexanderwalkowski commented 1 year ago

Hi @cameronkroeker, thanks for clarifying the dependencies between the -Mode parameter and the required blocks in the configuration date. It might be helpfull to include this in the wiki.

With your clarification in mind, I double checked my configuration file, and the initial issue still appears. Just to make sure I understood you right, let me sumarize my setup:

New-Object : Ausnahme beim Aufrufen von ".ctor" mit 2 Argument(en): "Das Argument kann nicht verarbeitet werden, da der Wert des Arguments "userName" ungültig ist. Ändern Sie den Wert des Arguments "userName", und führen Sie den Vorgang erneut aus." In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.2\ArcGIS.psm1:2142 Zeichen:42

Dot Sourcing the Configuration:- PortalUpgrade PortalUpgrade : Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "InstallerPath" gebunden werden, da es sich um eine leere Zeichenfolge handelt. In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.2\ArcGIS.psm1:230 Zeichen:25

Logs Directory: C:\data\coding\TenneT\infrastructure\ArcGISEnterprise\Logs Finished DSC Job:- PortalUpgrade. Time Taken - 00:00:00.7191447 PortalUpgrade - Portal Upgrade Install Step Failed In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\4.0.2\ArcGIS.psm1:2172 Zeichen:9

* Test 3
  * mode `install`
  * configuration includes only insightsVersion=2022.3
  * configuration includes configData.server and configData.portal block
    * find the complete configuration below

{ "AllNodes": [ { "NodeName": "serverHost", "Role": [ "Server" ] }, { "NodeName": "portalHost", "Role": [ "Portal" ] } ], "ConfigData": { "Version": "10.9.1", "ServerContext": "arcgis", "PortalContext": "portal4arcgis", "ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer", "InsightsVersion": "2022.3", "DownloadSetups": false, "DownloadPatches":false, "Credentials": { "ServiceAccount": { "UserName": "user", "Password": "password", "IsDomainAccount": true, "IsMSAAccount": false } }, "Server": { "LicenseFilePath": "C:\data\installation\ArcGISGISServerStandard_ArcGISServer_1144804.prvc", "Installer": { "Path": "C:\data\installation\ArcGIS_Server_Windows_1091_180041.exe", "InstallDir": "C:\bin\ArcGIS\Server", "InstallDirPython": "C:\bin\Python27", "EnableArcMapRuntime": true, "EnableDotnetSupport": true }, "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation": "C:\arcgisserver\directories", "ConfigStoreLocation": "C:\arcgisserver\config-store", "LocalRepositoryPath": "C:\arcgisserver\local", "ServerLogsLocation": "C:\arcgisserver\logs", "ServerDirectories": [ { "name": "arcgiscache", "physicalPath": "C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgiscache", "directoryType": "CACHE", "cleanupMode": "NONE", "maxFileAge": 0 }, { "name": "arcgisjobs", "physicalPath": "C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisjobs", "directoryType": "JOBS", "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED", "maxFileAge": 360 }, { "name": "arcgisoutput", "physicalPath": "C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisoutput", "directoryType": "OUTPUT", "cleanupMode": "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED", "maxFileAge": 10 }, { "name": "arcgissystem", "physicalPath": "C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem", "directoryType": "SYSTEM", "cleanupMode": "NONE", "maxFileAge": 0 } ], "PrimarySiteAdmin": { "UserName": "user", "Password": "password" } }, "Portal": { "LicenseFilePath": "C:\data\installation\ArcGIS_Enterprise_Portal_1091_367221_20211130.json", "PortalLicenseUserTypeId": "creatorUT", "Installer": { "Path": "C:\data\installation\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_1091_180052.exe", "WebStylesPath": "C:\data\installation\Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_1091_180053.exe", "InstallDir": "C:\bin\ArcGIS\Portal", "ContentDir": "C:\arcgisportal" }, "ContentDirectoryLocation": "C:\arcgisportal\content", "EnableAutomaticAccountCreation": false, "DefaultRoleForUser": "viewer", "DefaultUserLicenseTypeIdForUser": "viewerUT", "PortalAdministrator": { "UserName": "user", "Email": "mail", "Password": "password", "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1, "SecurityAnswer": "vanilla"
} }, "Insights": { "Installer": { "Path": "C:\data\installation\ArcGIS_Insights_Windows_2022_3_184093.exe" } } } }

  * result
    * Insights for ArcGIS was updated and the version.txt in the installation folder, too.

* conclusion
  * in order to update Insights I need to use the installation mode without oldInsithgsVersion.
  * I think it would be greate if you could clarify in which cases the oldInsightsVersion parameter is neccessary and, may be you could integrate an update insights example.
Thanks a lot
kind regards
Alexander Walkowski
cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

Hi @alexanderwalkowski,

The -Mode Upgrade will first uninstall the previous version of Insights (ConfigData.OldInsightsVersion) and install the new version (ConfigData.InsightsVersion). This ideally should be used when upgrading both ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Insights. Though it should technically work when only upgrading ArcGIS Insights because the module is idempotent and will skip upgrading ArcGIS Enterprise.

If only upgrading ArcGIS Insights, then perhaps it makes more sense to use -Mode Install (as you did in Test 3). This will do an "in-place" upgrade of Insights. This is fine for newer versions, however I believe 10.7 and prior an "in-place" upgrade was not always supported.

I suspect that Test 1 did not fully work because ConfigData.Version and ConfigData.OldVersion matched. I would be interested in seeing this test ran again but with ConfigData.OldVersion set to something prior to 10.9.1, for example 10.8.1.

Your assessment of Test 2 is accurate. My apologies, I meant the ConfigData.Portal and ConfigData.Server block should contain the original attributes and values (usernames/passwords/install dir etc).

Thanks, Cameron K.

alexanderwalkowski commented 1 year ago

Hi @cameronkroeker, Sorry, but I am not able to rerun test 1, since the installation was successful in test 3.

In my opinion it would be helpful, to enhance the documentation

kind regards, Alexander

cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

Hi @alexanderwalkowski,

No worries, I was able to verify Test 1. Test 1 didn't work because of 2 reasons, first the ConfigData.OldVersion attribute value needs to be lower than ConfigData.Version, and second the full Enterprise stack (Server\Portal\DataStore\WebAdaptor) needs to be specified in the Role sections for it to invoke the Insights upgrade.

So what we have learned from this is, when upgrading both ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights then it's best to use -Mode Upgrade, and when only upgrading ArcGIS Insights then its best to use -Mode Install. I also do agree with you that there should be documentation that provides these details.


cameronkroeker commented 1 year ago

A new resource has recently been published that goes into detail about how to use the ArcGIS module to upgrade ArcGIS Insights.