Esri / arcgis-powershell-dsc

This repository contains scripts, code and samples for automating the install and configuration of ArcGIS (Enterprise and Desktop) using Microsoft Windows PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration).
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Problem WebAdaptor Java with Version #503

Closed jrascle closed 4 months ago

jrascle commented 7 months ago

Community Note

Module Version


Affected Resource(s)

ArcGIS WebAdaptor

Version Base deployment



#For JAVA Web Adaptor we will always require AGSWEBADAPTORHOME to be set. $AGSWEBADAPTORHOME_Path = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AGSWEBADAPTORHOME","Machine") if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AGSWEBADAPTORHOME_Path)){ throw "AGSWEBADAPTORHOME environment variable is not set." }

The variable $AGSWEBADAPTORHOME_Path seems useless.

$JavaWAInstalls = (Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName "ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) $($Version)") $InstallObject = ($JavaWAInstalls | Select-Object -First 1) if($InstallObject.Version -imatch $Version){ $WAConfigFolder = Join-Path $InstallObject.InstallLocation $Context $WAConfigPath = Join-Path $WAConfigFolder 'webadaptor.config' if((Test-Path $WAConfigFolder) -and (Test-Path $WAConfigPath)){ [xml]$WAConfig = Get-Content $WAConfigPath $WAConfigSiteUrl = if($Component -ieq "Portal"){ $WAConfig.Config.WebServer.Portal.URL }else{ $WAConfig.Config.WebServer.GISServer.SiteURL } }else{ Write-Verbose "No config file found for webadaptor at '$($WAConfigFolder)'" $result = $False } }else{ throw "Installed Java Web Adaptor version doesn't match $Version" }

The comparison of version with -imatch doesn't work with AGE 10.9.1.


cameronkroeker commented 4 months ago

Hi @jrascle,

This issue has been addressed in module v4.2.1:

Thanks, Cameron K.