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Documentation and samples for ArcGIS API for Python
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ArcGIS dataset_type='ner_json facing UnicodeDecodeError:'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position 1305: invalid start byte #1239

Closed Daremitsu1 closed 2 years ago

Daremitsu1 commented 2 years ago

I am following the Named Entity Extraction Workflow with arcgis.learn given in the link below:

I have created the entity labels using doccano. Example of the doccano file as below: admin.jsonl:

{"id": 84, "data": "Document Prepared By:\t\t\t\n\"Shannon R. Crull, P. C. 3009 Firefighter Lane\"\t\t\t\n\"Birmingham, Alabama 35209\"\t\t\t\n\"Chi l ton County , AL\"\t\t\t\nJudge JASON L . CALHOUN\t\t\t\nFi led /cert 1 / 12/2022 9:41 :25 AM Total : $95.25\t\t\t\n3 Pages\t\t\t\nType :R Book :2022 Page :243150\t\t\t\nInst :2431 50\t\t\t\nSend Tax Notice To:\t\t\t\n\"County Roa MHP,..-4k\"\"\"\"' LC\"\t\t\t\nI00 l                       00 fL  1l- V\\\t\t\t\n/                               so eo\t\t\t\nGENERAL WARRANTY DEED\t\t\t\nSTATE OF ALABAMA\t}\t\t\nCOUN'TY OF CHILTON.\t}\tKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT S:\t\nTHAT IN CONSIDERATION OF Three Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars and N0/ 100\t\t\t\n\"($360,000.00) to the undersigned Grantor, in hand paid by the Grantee herein, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, I:> Jimmy Coleman, a single person, (herein referred to as Grantor), grant, sell, bargain and convey unto, County Road MHP LLC, an Alabama Limited Liability Company (herein referred to as Grantee whether one or more),  the following described real estate, situated in CHILTON\"\t\t\t\n\"County, Alabama to wit:\"\t\t\t\nParcel 1: 14-04-07-35-0-000-006.000\t\t\t\nA lot or parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest\t\t\t\n\"Fourth of the No1�thwest Fourth, Section 35, Township 24 North, Range 12 East in Chilton County, Alabama, and run thence North 84�18' West for a distance of 495 feet to a point which said point is the point of beginning of the lot or parcel of land hereinafter conveyed.From said point thus established as a point of beginning, continue to run North 84�18' West for a distance of 495 feet to a point; thence run North 11�56' West for a distance of 1,791.92 feet to a point on the Southerly right of lvay line of an unpaved county road; run thence in a Northeasterly direction along said. right of'vay line of said road for a distance of 586.9 feet to a point; thence run South\"\t\t\t\n\"11�56' East for a distance of 1,927.49 feet and back to the point of beginning.Said pa1�cel lying and being sitt1ated partially in the Southwest Fourth of Northwest Fourth and partially in the\"\t\t\t\n\"No1�thwest Fourth of the Northwest Fourth, Section 35, Township 24 North, Range 12 East, Cl1ilton County, Alabama.\"\t\t\t\nP ircel 2: 14-04-07-35-0-000-007.000\t\t\t\nA lot or parcel of land described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southwest\t\t\t\n\"Fourth of the Northwest Fourth, Section 35, Township 24 North, Range 12 East in Chilton County, Alabama, and run thence North 84�18' West for a distance of 495 feet to a point; th.ence North 11�56' West for a distance of 1,927.49 feet, more or less, and to a point on the Southerly right of way line of an unpaved county road ; run thence in a Northeasterly direction along said right of way line of said road for 488.1feet to a point; run thence South 06�04' East for a distance of 2,063.99 feet and to the point of beginning. Said parcel lying and being situated partially in the Southwest Fourth of Northwest Fourth and partially in the Northwest Fourth of the Northwest Fourth, Section 35, Township 24 North, Range 12 East, Chilton County, Alabama.\"\t\t\t\n\"Subject to easements, set back lines, restrictions, covenants, mineral and mining rights and current taxes\"\t\t\t\ndue.\t\t\t\n\"Jimmy L. Coleman is the surviving grantee of the deeds recorded in Volume 600, Page 385 and Volume 592, Page 711. The other grantee, Bonnie Sue Coleman, having passed away on or around February 16, 2016.\"\t\t\t\n\"$288,000.00 of the above consideration was secured by and through the purchase money mortgage closed\"\t\t\t\nherewith.\t\t\t\n\"TO HAVE AND HOLD the said tract or parcel of land unto the said Grantee, his/her heirs,\"\t\t\t\nsuccessors and assigns forever.\t\t\t\n\"And I do for myself and for my heirs and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee, his/her heirs\"\t\t\t\n\"and assigns, that I am lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises and I am authorized to convey the same; that they are free from all encumbrances, unless otherwise noted above; that I have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; that I will, and my heirs, executors and administrators , shall warrant and defend the same to the said Grantee, his/her heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful\"\t\t\t\nclaims of all persons.\t\t\t\n\"[ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Grantor has hereunto set his/her hand and seal, this\"\t\t\t\n\"3r;  day ofc.JCl                   , l-o?..2:\"\t\t\t\n\"I, the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for said County, in said State, do hereby certify that\"\t\t\t\n\"Jimmy Coleman whose name is signed to the foregoing deed and who is known to me, acknowledge d before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the conveyance, he/she executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date.\"\t\t\t\nPublic\t\t\t\ncomm1� ss1� on\t\t\t\nexpi� res:\t\t\t\nReal Estate Sales Validation Form    �\t\t\t\n\"This Document must be filed in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975, Section 40-22-1\"\t\t\t\nGrantor's Name Jimmy Coleman                            Grantee's Name                              County Road MHP LLC\t\t\t\nMailing Address    2\t\t\t\n\"';7;_--+-<; --\"\"T----A-- -=-     Mailing Address\"\t\t\t\nt�oo\t\t\t\n\"=--l=,v,\"\t\t\t\nProperty Address\t\t\t\nJ       2f_        o-::r-\t\t\t\nDate of Sale\t\t\t\n_i_:::r::    =----   o\t\t\t\n\"January 3rd, 2022\"\t\t\t\n\"0 County Road 987, Montevallo, AL 35115\"\t\t\t\n\"Total Purchase Price                        $360,000.00\"\t\t\t\nor\t\t\t\nActual Value                                     $\t\t\t\nor\t\t\t\nAssessor's Market Value                 $\t\t\t\nThe purchase price or actual value claimed on this for m can be verified in the following documentary\t\t\t\nevidence: (check one) (Recordation of documentary evidence is not required)\t\t\t\nBill of Sale                                                         Appraisal\t\t\t\nSa   s Contract                                                   Other\t\t\t\nClosing Statement\t\t\t\n\"If the conveyance document presented for recordation contains all of the required information referenced above, the filing of this form is not required.\"\t\t\t\nInstructions\t\t\t\nGrantor's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons conveying interest to property and their current mailing address.\t\t\t\nGrantee's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons to whom interest\t\t\t\nto property is being conveyed.\t\t\t\n\"Property address - the physical address of the property being conveyed, if available.\"\t\t\t\nDate of Sale - the date on which interest to the property was conveyed.\t\t\t\n\"Total purchase price - the total amount paid for the purchase of the property, both real and personal,\"\t\t\t\nbeing conveyed by the instrument offered for record.\t\t\t\n\"Actual value - if the property is not being sold, the true value of the property, both real and personal, being\"\t\t\t\nconveyed by the instrument offered for record. This may be evidenced by an appraisal conducted by a licensed appraiser or the assessor's current market value.\t\t\t\n\"If no proof is provided and the value must be determined , the current estimate of fair market value,\"\t\t\t\n\"excluding current use valuation, of the property as determined by the local official charged with the\"\t\t\t\nresponsibility of valuing property for property tax purposes will be used and the taxpayer will be penalized pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22- 1 (h).\t\t\t\n\"I          I attest, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information contained in this document is true and\"\t\t\t\naccurate. I further understand that any false statements claimed on this form may result in the imposition of the penalty indicated in Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22-1 {h).\t\t\t\nDate ll\t\t\t\n\"Sign__...,..    --- ,,   _..,._,����____\"\t\t\t\n(Grant\t\t\t\n", "label": [[422, 443, "DocumentType"], [721, 734, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [824, 843, "BuyerNonIndividualName"], [1036, 1061, "AssessorParcelNumber"], [174, 185, "RecordingDate"]]}
{"id": 85, "data": "THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY:\nJ. Clay Maddox\n\"J. Clay Maddox, LLC ATTORNEY S AT LAW 409 Lay Dam Road Clanton, AL 35045\"\n\"Chi l ton Count y , AL\"\nJudge JASON L . CALHOUN\nFi led/cer t 1 /21 /2022 9:33:28 AM Total : $25.75\n3 Pages\nType :R Book :2022 Page :243338 Inst :243338\nWARRANTY DEED\n- - ------- -- --- - - --- - - -- --- --- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - --- - -- --- - --- - - - --- --- -- -- --- -- -- -\nSEND TAX NOTICES TO:\n( f L          (0 P' d\nSTATE OF ALABAMA              )\n�����C 0\\ f\\./ Of\\\n1\n\"t, 3  0 <IS\"\nCHILTON COUNTY           )\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n\"WHEREAS, in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Thirty Thousand and\"\n\"00/ 100 ($130,000.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations to the undersigned GRANTOR(S), Robert A. Jones, a single person, in hand paid by the GRANTEE (S), Shannon Hyde, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, I(we), the said GRANTOR(S), do(es) hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said GRANTEE(S) my interest in\"\n\"the following described real estate situated in Chilton County, Alabama, to wit:\"\nCommence at the Southwest corner of the Southeast    of Southwest    of the\n\"Northeast    of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 14 East, Chilton County, Alabama; thence North 00 deg. 11min. 46 sec.West along the West line of said\"\nSection and run 150.12 feet; thence North 87 deg. 58 min. 57 sec.East and run\n25.08 feet; thence North 00 deg. 16 min. 36 sec. West and run 112.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue along the last described course and run 404.92 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right of way line of County Road No. 50; thence South\n47 deg.32 min. 43 sec.East and run 243.83 feet; thence South 24 deg. 08 min. 23 sec.\n\"East and run 147.20 feet; thence South 03 deg. 27 min. 33 sec. East and run 84.72 feet; thence South 84 deg.57 min. 54 sec. West and run 244.20 feet back to the point of beginnin g. Containing 1.51acres, more or less.\"\n\"ALSO, the following ingress, egress and utility easement: Commence at the\"\n\"Southwest corner of the Southeast    of Southwest    of the Northeast    of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 14 East, Chilton County, Alabama; thence North 00 deg.09 min. 55 sec.West 150.05 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00 deg. 09 min. 55 sec. West 503.84 feet to the Southerly margin of County Road 50, said easement being 25 feet right or East of the above described line.\"\nDeed Ref: Real Book 211page 965.\n\"NOTE:$127,645.00 of the purchase price was obtaine d by a Purchase Money\"\nMortgage.\n\"This conveyance is subject to all easements, rights of way, restrictions and\"\nreservations of record affecting said property.\n\"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said GRANTEE(s) in fee simple, and to the\"\nheirs and assigns.\n\"AND THE GRANTOR(S), do(es) for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, covenant with said GRANTEE(S), their heirs, executor, administrators, successors and assigns, that we are lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises, that I(we) are free from all encumbrances, that I(we) have a good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid, and that I(we) will, and my(our) heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall, warrant and defend the same to the said GRANTEE(S), their l'leirs, executors and assigns forever, against the lawful claims of all persons.\"\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR(S) have hereunto set my(our)\"\n\"hand and seal, on this 13th day of January, 2022.\"\nRobert A. Jone\nSTATE OF ALABAMA                   )\n)\nCOUNTY OF CHILTON               )\n\"I, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, in and for said County, in said State,\"\n\"hereby certify that Robert A.Jones is(are) signed to the foregoing conveyance, and who is(are) known to me, acknowledged before me on this day, that, being inf ormed of the contents of the conveyance, they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears\"\ndate.\n\"Given under        'Na111d1     hdtP,fficial seal 13th day of January, 2022.\"\n\",',,.\"\n\"...........v\"\"'o//'/\"\n' ') .      .. +//\n\"g.....         \"\"V ��                               �            /\"\nCJ_.:\n� oTAR Y ��..                NOTARY P     LIC\n\"[     � ,,_             �:             My Commission Expires:  L/\"\" '3 -  J\"\n-   .             : UJ --\n:: -P \\.  PU BL\\ C  :� C9 ::\nAddress of Grantee� J ����                     �...Address of Grantor:\nProperty Address:\n'.../. 't < I!'/\n\"� \"\" �\"\n� � � � � � � ���\n\".;(\"\"' V  '\"\n11146 County Road 50\n\"_______ /�,,....,,/... 1,- s1�A\\    ,--T --------\"\n--------''1 1 1 1 J 1 1 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\    ---------\n\"Clanton, AL 35045\"\n\"Real Value: $130,000.00\"\ntd\n0\n0\ntv\n0\ntv tv\n(.f.l\ntv\n+::.\nw w w\n00", "label": [[272, 285, "DocumentType"], [181, 192, "RecordingDate"]]}
{"id": 86, "data": "This Instrument Prepared By:\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Garry S. McAnnal ly, Esq. Garry S. McAnnally , LLC Attorneys at Law\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n50 Wisteria Place\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Millbrook, AL 36054 File No. 88863\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Chi l t on Coun ty , AL\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJudge JASON L. CALHOUN\t\t\t\t\t\t\nFi led /cer t 1 /21 /2022 2:21 :51 PM Total : $26.75\t\t\t\t\t\t\n4 Pages\t\t\t\t\t\t\nType :R Book :2022 Page :243357\t\t\t\t\t\t\nIns t :243357\t\t\t\t\t\t\nWARRANTY DEED\t\t\t\t\t\t\nJOINTLY FOR LIFE WITH REMAINDER TO SURVIVOR\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSTATE OF ALABAMA             _ )\t\t\t\t\t\t\nCOUNTY OF CHILTON           )\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that in consideration of Two Hundred Sixty-Nine\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Thousand Nine Hundred and No/ I 00 Dollars ($269,900.00), the amount of which can be verified in the Sales Contract between the Parties, and other good and valuable consideration paid to the undersigned GRANTORS in hand paid by the GRANTEES herein, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, Jeremy D. Holmes and Danielle N. Holmes, husband and wife (herein referred to as GRANTORS), do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY unto Terry Lee Eisler, Jr. and Katie Nicole Clark (herein referred to as GRANTEES), for and during their joint lives as joint tenants and upon the death of either of them, then to the survivor of them in fee simple, together with every contingent remainder and right of reversion, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Chilton, Alabama,  to wit:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSee Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and made a part hereof.\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"This conveyance is made subject to statutory rights of redemption, regulations, restrictive\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"covenants, restrictions, conditions, liens, set back lines, reservations, easements, rights-of� way, and other rights of whatever nature, recorded and/or unrecord ed, if any, heretofore imposed of record affecting title to said property, municipal zoning ordinances now or hereafter becom ing applicable, and taxes or assessments hereafter becom ing due against said property.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"$272,626.00 of the purchase price of the above-described property was financed with the\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nproceeds of a mortgage loan closed simultaneously herewith.\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the aforesaid premises to the said GRANTEES, for and during their\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"joint lives and upon the death of either of them, then to the survivor of them in fee simple, and to the heirs and assigns of such survivor FOREVER, together with every contingent remainder and right of reversion.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nAnd GRANTORS do covenant with the said GRANTEES that they are lawfully seized in fee\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"simple of the aforementioned premises, that it is free from all encumbrances, except as hereinabove provided , that they have a good right to sell and convey the same to the said GRANTEES and that GRANTORS will WARRANT AND DEFEND the premises to the said GRANTEES forever, against the\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"lawful claims of all persons, except as hereinabove provided.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n[SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE.]\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals this 14th day of\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"January, 2022.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nGRANTORS:\t\t\t\t\t\t\n.  .\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSTATE OF ALABAMA           )\t\t\t\t\t\t\nCOUNTY OF ELMORE          )\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"I, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Jeremy D. Holmes and Danielle N. Holmes, whose names are signed to the foregoing conveyance and who are known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"conveyance, they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Given under my hand and official seal this 14th day of January, 2022.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n[SEAL]\t\t\t\t\t\t\nNotary Public                                         t/\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\",.�\\ ,...,.., o .'',\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"...\"\". '  '..:>... .. .....,,\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n�\t\t\t\t\t\t\nGARRY S.MCANNALLY\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMy Commission  Expires:_t/\t\t\t\t\t\t\nv:_f _1\t\t\t\t\t\t\n_--:J\t\t\t\t\t\t\n___\t\t\t\t\t\t\n:-....\t\t\t\t\t\t\n..-\t\t\t\t\t\t\n.. --\t\t\t\t\t\t\n:;NOTAAV   ����\t\t\t\t\t\t\nMy Commission Expires\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\":,,  ��.PUbllC .�\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n...\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Apti\\ 17,2024\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"#, � . ..�\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n......\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"'', -t<)aA' i'\\''\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n�������������''�������''������������������������������������������������������������������������\t\t\t\t\t\t\nEXHIBIT 'A'\t\t\t\t\t\t\nLegal Description\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Lot 7, Block 1, according to the Map and Survey of Wallwood Estates, Part II Addition to the City of\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Clanton, Alabam a, recorded in Map Book 4, Page 188, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Chilton County, Alabama.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\ntd\t\t\t\t\t\t\n0\t\t\t\t\t\t\n0\t\t\t\t\t\t\nN 0 N N\t\t\t\t\t\t\n(JQ\t\t\t\t\t\t\nN\t\t\t\t\t\t\nw w\t\t\t\t\t\t\nVl\t\t\t\t\t\t\n-.)\t\t\t\t\t\t\n(JQ\t\t\t\t\t\t\nw\t\t\t\t\t\t\n0\t\t\t\t\t\t\n�\t\t\t\t\t\t\nReal Estate Sales Validation Form\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"This Document must be filed in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975, Section 40-22-1\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nGrantor's Name\tJeremy D. Holmes\t\tGrantee's Name\t\t\t\"Terry Lee Eisler,Jr.\"\n\tDanielle N. Holmes\t\t\t\t\tKatie Nico le Clark\nMailing Address\t103 Camille Circle\t\tMailing Address\t\t\t103 Camille Circle\n\t\"Clanton,AL 35045\"\t\t\t\t\t\"Clanton,AL 35045\"\nProperty Address\t103 Camille Circle\t\t\t\t\t01/14/22\n\t\"Clanton,AL 35045\"\t\t\t\t\t\"$269,900.00\"\nThe purchase price or actual value claimed on this form can be verified in the following documentary evidence: (check\t\t\t\t\t\t\none) (Recordation of documentary evidence is not required)\t\t\t\t\t\t\nBill of Sa le\t\tAppra isa l\t\t\t\t\nSa le Contract\t\tOther\t\t\t\t\nClosing Statement\tX\t\t\t\t\t\n------\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"If the conveyance document presented for recordation contains all of the required information referenced above, the filing\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nof this form is not required.\t\t\t\t\t\t\nInstructions\t\t\t\t\t\t\nGrantor's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons conveying interest to property and their\t\t\t\t\t\t\ncurrent mailing address.\t\t\t\t\t\t\nGrantee's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons to whom interest to property is being\t\t\t\t\t\t\nconveyed.\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Property address - the physical address of the property being conveyed , if available.\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nDate of Sale - the date on which interest to the property was conveyed .\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Total purchase price - the total amount paid for the purchase of t he property, both real and personal, being conveyed by\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nthe instrume nt offered for record.\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Actual value - if the property is not being sold, the true value of the property, both real and personal , being conveyed by\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nthe instrument offered for record. This may be evidenced by an appraisal conducted by a licensed appraiser of the assessor's current market value.\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"If no proof is provided and the value must be determined, the current estimate of fair market value, excluding current use\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"valuation, of the property as determined by the local official charged with the responsibility of valuing property for property tax purposes will be used and the taxpayer will be penalized pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22- 1 (h).\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"I attest, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information contained in this document is true and accurate . I\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nfurther understand that any false statements claimed on this form may result in the imposition of the penalty indicated in Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22-1 (h).\t\t\t\t\t\t\nDate        01/14/22                                                                              Print\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\"Garry S. McAnna lly, LLC\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\nUnattested\t\t\t\t\t\t\n(verified by)\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSign\t\t\t\t\t\t\nForm RT-1\t\t\t\t\t\t\n", "label": [[370, 385, "DocumentType"], [253, 264, "RecordingDate"], [902, 918, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [923, 941, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [1041, 1062, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [1067, 1085, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [1370, 1396, "PropertyFullStreetAddress"]]}
{"id": 87, "data": "TIDS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY:\nJ.CLAY MADDOX\n\"J.CLAY  MADDOX, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW 409 LAY DAM ROAD CLANTON, AL 35045\"\n\"Chi l ton Count y , AL\"\nJ dge JASON L . CALHOUN\nFi led/cer t 1 /27/2022 9:07�44 Tot al : $51 .75          �  AM 3 Pages\n�  00 : 22 Pase :243487\nInst :243487\nSTATUTORY WARRANTY DEED\nSTATE OF ALABAMA              )\nPRESENTS:\nCHILTON COUNTY                   )\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE\nKNOW YE ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n\"WHEREAS, in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-One Thousand and 00/100 ($281,000.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations to the undersigned GRANTOR, M & M Homes and Properties LLC, a Limited Liability Company, in hand paid by the GRANTEE, Kip A. Hernandez and Madeline F. George, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, the said GRANTOR, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said GRANTEES in fee simple, for and during their joint lives, and upon the death of eitl1er of them, then to the survivor of them in fee simple, together with every contingent remainder and right of reversion, the following described real estate situated in Chilton County, Alabama, to wit:\"\n\"Commence at a Moates capped rebar purported to be the Northeasterly corner of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 14 East, Chilton County, Alabama; thence proceed South 89 deg.25 min. 56 sec.West a distance of 995.88 feet to a point; thence proceed South 01deg. 12 min. 38 sec.East a distance of 371.21feet to a point; thence South 88 deg. 47 min. 22 sec.West a distance of 240.00 feet; thence South 01deg. 12 min. 38 sec. East a distance of 438.32 feet; said point lying on the Northerly right of way margin of New Harmony Road; thence proceed South 06 deg. 04 min. 33 sec. East a distance of 80.36 feet to a point, said point lying on the Southerly right of way margin of New Harmony Road ; thence proceed along said Southerly right of way margin, South 78 deg. 31min. 32 sec. West a distance of 43.77 feet to a point, said point lying at the beginning of a curve turning to the left, said curve having a radius of 3045.45 feet, a central angle of 03 deg. 47 min. 13 sec., a chord bearing of South 75 deg.37 min. 55 sec.West and a chord length of 201.28 feet; thence proceed along\"\nsaid Southerly right of way margin and said curve for an arc distance of 201.28 feet\n\"to a point; thence leaving said Southerly right of way margin, proceed South 01deg. 26 min. 31sec. East a distance of 206.12 feet to a point, said point being the Point of Beginning of herein described parcel; thence proceed South 01deg. 26 min. 31sec. East a distance of 212.83 feet to a point, said point lying on the Northerly right of way margin of New Style Circle; thence proceed along said Northerly right of way margin, , S 86 degrees, 23 minutes, 62 seconds W a distance of 117.65 feet to a point, said point lying at the beginning of a curve turning to the right, said curve having a radius of 142.07 feet, a central angle of 01deg. 01 min. 23, a chord bearing of North 66 deg. 18 min. 12 sec. west, a chord length of 2.54 feet; thence proceed along said curve for an arc length of 2.54 feet to a point; thence leaving said right of way margin, proceed North 01 deg. 26 min. 31 sec. West a distance of 203.91feet to a\"\n\"point; thence proceed North 82 deg. 24 min. 01sec.East a distance of 120.70 feet to a point, said point being the point of beginning.\"\n\"This conveyance is subject to all easements, rights of way, restrictions\"\nand reservations of record affecting said property.\nPrior Deed Ref erence: Bool< R 2019 Page 222702.\n\"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said GRANTEES, their heirs and assigns\"\nin fee simple forever.\n\"AND THE GRANTOR, DOES HEREBY  COVENANT with the Grantee,\"\n\"except as above-noted, tl1at, at the time of delivery of this Deed, the premises were free from all encumbrances made by it, and that it will warra11t and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming, by, through, or under it, but against none other.\"\nGRANTOR makes no representation or warranties of any kind or character express or implied as to the condition of the material and workmanship in the dwelling house located on said property. The Grantees have inspected and examined the property and are purchasing same based on no representation or\n\"warranties expressed or implied, made by Grantor, but on their own judgment.\"\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have, hereunto set our hands and seals, this\"\n\"the 2�5\"\"�.f�\"\"<lay of    ::S���f\\�����<>-�t��1�����,2022.\"\nM & M Homes and Properties LLC\nBy:Carl Mims\nIts:Managing Member\nState of Alabama\nChilton County\n\"I, a Notary Public, in and for said County, in said State, hereby certif y that\"\n\"by CMl Mims, Managing Member of M & M Homes and Properties LLC is signed to the foregoing conveyance and who is known to me, acl<nowledged before me on this day tl1at being inf ormed of the contents of the co11veyance, he, as sucl1officer and with full authority and power,\"\nexecuted the same as and for the act of on the day the same bears date.\nNOTARY P\nExpiration Date:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n", "label": [[274, 297, "DocumentType"], [178, 188, "RecordingDate"], [473, 537, "LoanAmount"], [690, 706, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [711, 729, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [1098, 1121, "PropertyFullStreetAddress"]]}
{"id": 88, "data": "THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY:\nJ. Clay Maddox\n\"J. CLAY MADDOX, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 409 LAY DAM ROAD Clanton, AL 35045\"\n(205) 755-1975\n\"Chi l t on Count y , AL\"\nJudge JASON L. CALHOUN\nFi led/cer t 1 /27/2022 10�23�4 Total : $42.25         � � 1 AM 2 Pages\nType�.R Book :2022 Page :243494 Inst :243494\nQUITCLAIM DEED\n-- - - -------- ---- - - - - - - -- --- --- -- - - --- - - --- - ---- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -------\nSTATE OF ALABAMA                   )\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nCH I LTON COUNTY                              )\n\"That for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty-two Thousand and 0/100 ($22,000.00)\"\n\"and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid to, Adam Justin Allen and wife, Vanessa Amelia Allen, (hereinafter called the GRANTOR) the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor, does hereby RELEASE, QUITCLAIM, GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto, Veni Vidi Vici, LLC, (l1ereinaf ter called the GRANTEE), all of the Grantor's right, title, interest, and claim in or to the following described real estate, situated in Chilton County, Alabama, to-wit:\"\n\"S-3/E Lot 19 & N/2 Lot 18 Blk 2 Candler Terrace 3-21-14 PB 1, Pg 16\"\nNOTE: The Draf ter of the instrument acted as a scrivener only and no representation is\nmade as to the chain of title or to the description contained herein.\nNOTE:This property may be subjec t to a right of redemption due to the seller acquiring\nthe property via tax sale.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD to said Grantee forever .\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have, hereunto se\"\n0Q\\�(\\�\\�M)'�(�������������������f  2022.\n\"seal, this tl1e :>'��..;�ay of\"\nVANESSA AMELIA ALLEN\nSTATE OF ALABAMA                                     )\n)\nCOUNTY OF CHILTON                                )\n\"I, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, inand for said County, insaid State,hereby\"\n\"certify that Adam Justin Allen and Vanessa Amelia Allen,are signed to the foregoing conveyance, and who are known to me, ackJ1owledged before me on tl1is day, that, being inf ormed of the contents of the conveyance, they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date.\"\nGiven under my hfil1.H\nmd official seal this\n\"G.r-\"\"day of        Q\\�(\\�CJ..11-�f�'\"\"'---f����, 2022.\"\n\",,   1\"\n''1\n\",, '\\\"\n\".\\.\\.J.\\.M.....Do''.1.1\"\".'...\"\n'' vl' �...       ...\n\",,,,,,\"\n......\n--\n..                  ..  -\n..:  Q\\AR y  ��..  --\n.  ...........\n..  -\nMy Commission Expires:\n-   �                                � UJ -\n\",y<\\..\"\nPUBL\\G\n../ .f.....2....  ..g...\n\"-;./. )7\\,.)(\"\"\\'\"\n��'�                �'�� '\n\"v\"\" :::\"\n\",, /  1\"\"11,q������� �'t:. \\>--','\"\n\"Address of Grantee: 1'1,\"\n\"STA\\ ,,,,,, Address of Grantor:\"\nProperty Address:\n\"Real Value:$22,000.00\"\n111 111 11\n1\n' '     27 Co. Rd. 1062\n\"Clanton, AL 35045\"\n115 Hinkle Road\n\"Clanton, AL 35045\"\n::0\nco\n0\nN 0 N N\n\"'\"\"t:l\"\ncffl\nN\nw\n'-0\n\"'\"\"t:l\"\ncffl\nN\n0\nI-Ti\nN\n", "label": [[195, 205, "RecordingDate"], [591, 633, "LoanAmount"], [697, 714, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [725, 745, "SellerNonIndividualName"], [299, 313, "DocumentType"]]}
{"id": 89, "data": "Chambers County AL 10/18/2021 11:06:19 AM Paul Story PROBA TE JUDGE 1 of 3\n\"Morrow & Nix, LLC\"\nP. 0. Box 466\n\"West Point, GA  31833\"\nSTATE OF AI .AB.AMA\nCOUNTY OF CHAMBERS\nTRAN 39419 REC $17.25 Deed $74.75 :2():21_ 41-68\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That for and in consideration of the   um of\n�\n\"EN AND N 0/ 100 ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations to the undersigned G . ntors,\"\n\"PH L.JORDAN and wife, DONNA P.JORDAN in han d paid by RALPH L.JORDAN and wife,\"\n\"ONNA P.JORDAN, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the said RALPH L.JORDAN and\"\n\"ONNA P. JORDAN, do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the said RALPH  L. JORD   I\"\n\"ONNA P. JORDAN, or the survivor of them, together with every contingent remainder and eversion, the following described real estate, to�wit:\"\n\"Lot Number Forty-four  (#44)  of  the Pine Hill Estates in Chambers County,\"\n\"Alabama, according toplatprep ared by T. Richard Fuller, Engineer, dated May\"\n\".3, 1968, recorded in M ap Book 4, at Page 176, in the Offi ce of  the Judge of Probate of Chambers County,Alabama.\"\nand\n�\nThis conveyance is made subject to:\nMORROW & NIX\n\"LANETT,ALABAMA\"\n\"WEST POINT, Gl!OllGIA\"\n1.Fifty (50) f oot building�set back line as shown on the recorded subdivision p lat.\n\"2.Restrictive Covenantsf or Pine Hill Estates Subdivision, recorded in Deed Book 189,at Page 428,and Amendment toRestrictive Covenants recorded in Deed Book 212,at Page 254,and Amendment toRestrictive Covenants recorded in Deed Book 254, at Page 77, and Restrictive Covenants dated March 3, 1995, recorded in Deed\"\n\"Book 334, at Page 67, all in the Offic e of the Judge of Probate of Chambers County,Alabama.\"\n\"TO HAVE AND TO HOID to thesaid         H L.JORDAN and DONNA P.JOJU)AN,\"\n\"r the survivor of them, during their joint lives and upon the death of either of them, then to the survivor of em infee simple, together with every contingent remainder and righ t of reversion, and to the heirs and assigns\"\nf such survivor  forever.\n\"AND the said RALPH L.JORDAN and , DONNA P.JORDAN herein do covena nt with e said RALPH L. JORDAN and wife, DONNA P. JORDAN, that they are seized in fee simple of said emises; that they are free from all encumbran ces and that they have a good right to sell and convey the same aforesaid; that they will and their heirs and assigns shall warrant and forever defend the same to the said\"\n\"RANTEES, th eir heirs, execu tors and assigns, forever, against the lawful claims of all person s whomsoever.\"\n\"Chambers,AL 10/1812021    :06:19 AM Bk 2021Pg 4168\"\n\"PaulSto!y, PR       JUDGE    2 of 3\"\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the ____\"\n\"day of                                                  , 2021.\"\nBy:\n. TATE OF _ ._\nOUNTY OF __ _\nBy:\n'\nI\nt:::::'.'...___ (SEAL)\nI\n\"I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby cert' y that\"\n.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I\n\"PH L.JORDAN and wife, DONNA P.JORDAN whose names are signed to the within and fotegoing\"\n\"onveyance, and who are known to me, acknowledged before me, that being informed of the contents of the onveyance, they executed the same on the day the same bears date.\"\n\"GIVEN under my hand and official seal, this             day of -'\"\n�\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nMY COMMISSION EXPIRES:\n:..:t..2:=.\n--- 2021.\n\"' )<;, 1\"\" ,\"\"') 0\"\n\".. \"\"\"\"' ..    . .    .\"\n.J �'\nMORROW &: NIX\n\"LANETT, ALABAMA\"\n\"\\VEST POINT, GEORGIA\"\n�     'his ilutl'llnwttprepared\nithout benefi t of title examination r current survey by :\n\"orrow & Nix, LLC\"\n� O. Box 466\n\"est Point, Georgia 31833\"\n-\n\".!  ...��   I 7       \"\"1'\"\n\"�    :             /')    � \"\"'\"\ni _..   -(    ��� Of j  ...\n�-          N.�\n� �\n\"Chambera, AL 10/18/2021 11:06:19 AM Bk 2021Pjj 4168\"\n\"PaulSto!y, PROBATEJUDGE    3 of 3\"\nReal Estate Sales Validation Form\n\"This Document must be filed in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975, Section 40�22�1\"\nGrantor's Name\n\"R,alph l. Jordan 1:;1nd Donna P. Jordan\"\na                                       a\n\"Grantee's Name ....R.L.ljS!!.9p!!h.!..L.!=.'-J11ordan a:n.::d.:..Di=-oin:n=.a.:p. ,_ J.ord=a-n=- .-\"\nMailing Address      1079�Coyntv�RO<!.d�45!$������������������������\n\"MaiIing Address ...1...0.....s,,\"\"\"\"C\"\"\"\"o\"\"'u..,n_.w.\"\".':..:..9:<ad:..;4;:\"\"5\"\"'5 ------\"\n\",,J.i:nett, Al 3..6,.8.\"\"6\"\":3::...\"\n---- � _\n\"���L�anet!,,�Al����36863����������������������������������������������������������������\"\n\"T                                  ,,\"\nProperty Address    1079�Co11ntv�.Boad�455��������������������������\n\"Ianett. Al a....3ii:68e6i:.:.:.,    ,��-���������\"\n\"Date of Sale .   ..0cto0Cru8..._z..,0..2..,1..            _____\"\nTotal Purchase Price -$=-------------\nActual Va lue\nor\n-$-------------r-\nAssessor's Market Value $\n112 Interest- 57 170..0...0...._����_\nThe purchase price or actual value claimed on this form can be verified in the following documentary\nevidence: (check one)   (Recordation of documentary evidence is not required)\n__ Bill of Sale                                                        Ap praisal\nSales Contract\n--CIosing Statement\n---x=--Other\n------------------------+-\nIf the conveyance document presented for recordation conta ins all of the required information referenced\n\"above, the filing of this form is not required.\"\n-                                          �� -                                                                                                                 --\nInstructions\nGrantor's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons conveying interest to property and their current mailing address.\nGrantee1s name and mailing address � provide the name of the person or persons to whom interest to property is being conveyed.\n\"Property address - the physical address of the property being conveyed, if avai able.\"\nDate of Sale �the date on which interest to the property was conveyed.\n\"Total purchase price � the total amount paid for the purchase of the property, both real and personal,\"\nbeing conveyed by the instrument offered for record.\n\"Actual value - if the property is not being sold, the true value of the property, both real and persona l, being\"\nconveyed by the instrument offered for record. This may be evidence d by an appraisal conducted by a\n�\nncensed appraiser or the assessor's curre nt market value.\n\"If no proof is provided and the value must be determined, the current estimate of fair market value,         I\"\n\"excluding current use valuation, of the property as determined by the local official charged with the\"\nresponsibility of valuing property for property tax purposes will be used and the taxpayer will be penalized pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22-1 (h).\n\"I attest, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the informa tio n contained in this document is true and\"\naccurate. Ifurther understand that any false statements claimed on this form may result in the imposition of the penalty indicated in Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22-1 (h).\n\"Date   October a, 2.021                               Print\"\n--Unattested\n(verified by)\n(Grantor/Grantee/O  ner/Agent) circle one\nForm RT-1\n��-       -- --               --  .     --�    .  ----                                 - --   . -- -                                                                                                    ..\n", "label": [[19, 29, "RecordingDate"], [399, 410, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [421, 435, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [453, 467, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [480, 493, "SellerIndividualFullName"]]}
{"id": 90, "data": "-\t\t\t\t\nr           .I\t\t\t\t\n\"Chambers County AL 10/18/2021 11:49:03 AM Paul Story , PROBATE JUDGE 1 of 3\"\t\t\t\t\nTRAN 39422 :EC $18.25 Deed $18.25 ?021 4176\t\t\t\t\nSend tax notice to:\t\t\t\t\nShawana Phil ot--\t\t\t\t\nThis instrument prepared by:\t\t\t\t\n\"Davidson, Davidson, Umbach & Forbus 3 10 Sa111ford Village Court, Ste. 200\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Auburn, AL 36830\"\t\t\t\t\nSTATE OF ALABA MA\t\t\t\t\nCOUNTY OF CHAMBERS\t\t\t\t\nWARRANTY DEED\t\t\t\t\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\t\t\t\t\n\"That in consideration of $115,000.00 and other good and valuable considerations in hand\"\t\t\t\t\n\"paid to the undersigned Tommie Larry Strain, III, an unmarried man, (hereinafter referred to as ''Grantor'') by Shawana Philpot and Jerrell Philpot (hereinaft er referred to as ''Grantees''), the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor does, by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto Grantees, as join t tenants with right of survivorship, the following described real estate situated in Chambers County, Alabama, to-wit:\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Lots 9, 10, and 11 in Block B of Todd Addition No 2., in Shawmut, Alabama as shown\"\t\t\t\t\n\"by plat prepared by J. E. Stanley and recorded in Map Volume 1, Page 46, in Office of the Judge of Probate, Chambers County, Alabama.\"\t\t\t\t\nThis property is subj ect to the Sewer Easement conveyed to The East Alabama Water;\t\t\t\t\n\"Sewer and Fire Protection District dated February 19, 1981, recorded March 2, 1981, in Deed Volume 225, at Page 958 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Chambers County, Alabama.\"\t\t\t\t\nTHIS CON VEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO ADVALOREM TAXES DUE\t\t\t\t\n\"OCTOBER   0 1,  202 I ,  AND  THEREAFTER ;  BUILDING  AND  SETBACK LINES, RESTRI CTIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITION S OF RECORD.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to Grantees, as joint tenants, with right of survivorsh ip, their\"\t\t\t\t\n\"heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"The G1�antor does for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, covenant with Grantees,\"\t\t\t\t\n\"their l1eirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that he is lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem ises; that it is free from all encumbrances except as noted above; that he has a good right t o sel l and convey  the same as aforesaid; and that he will, and h is successors, heirs, executors, administrators shall warrant and defend the same  to the said Grantee, their heirs  and assigns\"\t\t\t\t\n\"forever, against the l awfu l claims of al l person s.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Chant!e!s,AL 10/181202111:49:03AM Bk 2021Pg4176\"\t\t\t\t\n\"P&UIStory, PROBATE JUDGE  2 of 3\"\t\t\t\t\n�\t\t\t\t\n\"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor, To1mnie Larry Strain, III, has hereunto set his\"\t\t\t\t\n\"signature and seal on this 1st day of October, 2021.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"__      ,\"\t\t\t\t\n< )             -\t\t\t\t\nTor1nnie Larr y Strain\t\t\t\t\nSTATE OF ALABAMA\t\t\t\t\nCO           OF LEE\t\t\t\t\n\"I, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said State at Large, hereby certify that\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Tomn1ie    Strain, III, whose na1ne is signed to the foregoing conveyance, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being info11ned�of the contents of said conveyance, he executed the same voluntarily on the day same bears date.\"\t\t\t\t\nblic\t\t\t\t\n\"Chantlers,AL 10/18/202111:49:03AM Bk 2021Pg4176\"\t\t\t\t\n\"PaulS1Dry, Pij()BATE JUDGE   3of 3\"\t\t\t\t\n\",�\"\t\t\t\t\n\"This Document must be filed in accordance with Code ofAlabama 1975, Section 40-22-1\"\t\t\t\t\nGrantor's Name\t\"Tommie Larry Strain Ill,\"\t\tGrantee's Name\t\"Shawana�Phl�lpot,Jerrell Phllpot\"\nMailing Address\t\t\tMailing Address\t\nProperty Address   2717 17th Avenue\t\t\t\t\n\"Valley,Al 36854\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Date of Sale         October 1,2021\"\t\t\t\t\nTotal Purchase Price\t\t\t\t\nor\t\t\t\t\n\"\"\"$'-1----5-,\"\"0.;..0..; 0.00\"\t\t\t\t\nActual Value         $\t\t\t\t\nor\t\t\t\t\nAssessor's Market Value$�����������������������������������������������������������\t\t\t\t\nThe purchase price or actual value claimed on this form can be verified in the following documentary evidence:\t\t\t\t\n(check one) (Recordation of documentary evidence Is not required)\t\t\t\t\n--Bill of Sale                                                          Appraisal\t\t\t\t\n--Sales Contract                                                               Other          ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������      Closing Statement\t\t\t\t\n\"If the conveyance document presented for recordation contains all of the required information referenced above,\"\t\t\t\t\nthe filing of this form is not required.\t\t\t\t\nInstructions\t\t\t\t\nGrantor's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons conveying interest to property and their current mailing address.\t\t\t\t\nGrantee's name and mailing address - provide the name of the person or persons to whom interest to property is being conveyed.\t\t\t\t\n\"Property address - the physical address of the property being conveyed, if available. Date of Sale - the date on which interest to the property was conveyed.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Total purchase price - the total amount paid for the purchase of the property, both real and personal, being conveyed by the instrument offered for record.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"Actual value - if the property is not being sold, the true value of the property, both real and personal, being conveyed by the instrument offered for record. This may be evidenced by an appraisal conducted by a licensed appraiser or the assessor's current market value.\"\t\t\t\t\n\"If no proof is provided and the value must be determined, the current estimate of fair market value , excluding current use valuation, of the property as determined by the local official charged with the responsibility of valuing property for property tax purposes will be used and the taxpayer will be penalized pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975 �40-22- 1(h).\"\t\t\t\t\n\"I attest, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information contained in this document is true and accurate.\"\t\t\t\t\nIfurther understand that any false statements cla imed on this form may result in the imposition of the penalty indicated in Code of Alabama 1975 � 40-22-1 (h).\t\t\t\t\nDate    10/01/ 202 1                                                            Print\t\t\t\t\n---Unattested\t\t\t\t\n----------- Sign __\t\t\t\t\n(verified by)                                      ntor/Grantee/Ow                 circle one\t\t\t\t\nFile No. 202 1-1310\t\t\t\t\nForm RT-1\t\t\t\t\nAlabama 08/2012 LSS\t\t\t\t\n", "label": [[383, 396, "DocumentType"], [45, 55, "RecordingDate"], [556, 575, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [644, 659, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [664, 679, "SellerIndividualFullName"]]}
{"id": 91, "data": "Instrument Num ber: 20220217000002   Document: SUB Rec: $209.50 Page-1 of 7 Record  Date:2/l 7/2022  6:54 AM\n\"Electronically Recorded  King County, WA\"\nRecord ing Req uested By\nAnd When Recorded Mail To:\nCity National Ban k\n\"350 So. Grand Avenue, 5th Floor\"\n\"Los Angeles, CA 90071\"\nAttn: FUN DING DEPT.\nLOAN 44376\nELC # XXXX15930\nA.P.N. 418710-0010\nSUBORDINATION  AGREEMENT\n(Prior Encum brance)\nNOTICE:  THIS  SUBORDINATION  AGREEMENT  RESULTS  IN  YOUR  SECURITY\nINTEREST IN THE PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THE LIEN OF SOME OTHER OR LATER SECURITY  INSTRUMENT.\n\"This Subordi nation Agreement (\"\"Agreement\"\") is made as of the 25th day of August, 2021,\"\n\"by and between Brandon B. Honcoop and Rebecca L. Honcoop, husband and wife\"\n\"(\"\"Owner\"\"), owner of the land hereinafter described and City National Bank, a national\"\n\"bank ing Association (\"\"Beneficiary'\"\"), present owner and holder of the Deed of Trust given to secure a Note, and all amendments thereto, in the original princi pal sum of $278,000.00 dated Jan uary 27, 2021 (\"\"Instrument\"\"), to Westcor Land Title Insu rance Company , as trustee, covering that certain real property (\"\"Property\"\") located in the County of King, more particularl y described as:\"\n\"LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AN D M ADE A PART HEREOF AS \"\"EXHIBIT A\"\"\"\n\"which currently has the address of 13615 NORTHEAST 103RD STREET KIRKLAND, WA\"\n98033\nSaid Instrument was recorded i n the Office of the County Recorder of said County as\n\"instrument No. 20210204001717 on February 4,2021\"\nl.    RECITALS.\n\"Ll          Owner has executed, or is about to execute, a Deed of Trust (\"\"Trust Deed\"\") and\"\n\"Note in the pri ncipal sum of $693,000.00 dated, August z5th, 2021 in favor of City National Bank, a national banking association ( \"\"CN B\"\"), which Trust Deed is to be recorded concu rrentl y herewith;\"\n1.2         1t is a condition precedent to obtaining the extension of credit secured by such\nTrust Deed that the Trust Deed shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a l ien or charge upon the Property prior and superior to the lien or charge of the Instrument;\n\"1.3         CNB  is willing  to make  the extension  of credit  secured  by  such  Trust  Deed,\"\n\"provided that the Trust Deed is a lien or charge upon the Property prior and superior to the l i en or charge of the Instrument, and provided that Beneficiary wil l specifically and unconditionally subordinate the lien or charge of the Instrument to the lien or charge of the Trust Deed; and\"\n1.4         It is to the mutual benefit of the parties hereto that CN B make the extension of\n\"cred it secured by such Trust Deed: and Beneficiary is wil l ing that the Trust Deed shall, when recorded, constitute a l ien or charge upon the Property which is uncond itionally prior and superior to the lien or charge of the Instrument.\"\n2.       AGREEMENT.\n\"THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties hereto and\"\n\"other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and in order to induce CN B to make the extension of cred it secured by such Trust Deed, it is hereby declared, understood and agreed as follows:\"\n\"2.1          That the Trust Deed, and any renewals or extensions thereof. shall unconditionally\"\n\"be and remai n at all times a l ien or charge upon the Property prior and superior to the l ien or charge of the Instrument and for all purposes, the Trust Deed shall be deemed recorded prior to the Instrument and CNB shall be deemed not to have notice of the Instrument within the mean ing of Cal ifomia Civil Code 1217;\"\n2.2         That any estate in the Property acquired by Beneficiary  shall be fully subject to\nthe Trust Deed;\n2.3          That CNB would not make the extension of credit secured by such Trust Deed\nwithout this Agreement; and\n2.4         That this Agreement  shall be the whole and only agreement with regard to the\n\"subord ination of the lien or charge of the Instrument to the lien or charge of the Trust Deed, and shall supersede and cancel, but only insofar as would affect the priority between the Trust Deed and the Instrument, any prior agreements as to such subord ination includ ing, but not l imited to, those provisions, if any, contained in the Instrument which provide for the subordination of the lien or charge thereof to another deed or deeds of trust or to other mortgage or mortgages.\"\n\"3.       Beneficiary declares, agrees and acknowledges that:\"\n3.1          Beneficiary consents to and approves (i) the Trust Deed and all provisions of the\n\"extension of credit secured by such Trust  Deed, and (ii) all agreements, including, but  not\"\n\"limited to, any J oan or escrow agreements for the disbu rsements pursuant to the extensi on of\"\ncred it secured by such Trust Deed ;\n\"3.2        CNB, i n maki ng d isbursements pursuant to any such extension of cred it secured\"\n\"by such Trust Deed, is under no obligat ion or duty to, nor has CNB represented t hat it will, see to the appl ication of such proceeds by the persons to whom CNB d isburses such proceed s and any application or use of such proceeds for the purposes other than those provided i n such agreement or agreements shall not de feat the subord ination herei n made i n whole or i n part;\"\n\"3.3        Beneficiary    intentional ly   and    u ncond itional ly   waives,   rel i ng u ishes   and\"\n\"subord inates the lien or charge of the Instru ment i n favor of the l ien or charge u pon the Property and u ndersta nds that in rel iance u pon, and in consideration of, th is wai ver, rel i ng uishrnent and subord ination, speci fic loans and advances are bei ng and wi ll be mad e pursuant to such extension of cred it secured by such Trust Deed and, as part and parcel thereof, specific monetary and other obl igations are being and will be entered into which would not be made or entered into but for said rel iance upon th is wai ver, relingu ishment and subord ination; and\"\n3.4         An endorsement has been placed upon the Note secured by the I nstru ment that the\n\"lien or charge of the Instru ment has, by th is Agreement, been subord inated to the lien or charge of the Trust Deed .\"\nNOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT CONTAINS A PROVISION WHICH\nALLOWS THE PERSON OBLIGATED ON YOUR REAL PROPERTY SECURITY TO OBTAIN A LOAN A PORTION OF WHICH MAY BE EXPENDED FOR OTHER PURPOSES THAN IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROPERTY.\n\"\"\"Beneficiary\"\"     City National Bank, a nat ional banki ng associ ation\"\n\"u_L...    .,\"\n\"Ba rba rH \\Vilson, Vice President\"\n\"\"\"Owner\"\"\"\nBrandon B Honcoop                                     Borrower\nRebecca L Honcoop                                     Bor rower\n(ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A NOTARY l'UHLJC)\n\"A notary  publ i c or ot her officer compl eting t his\ncerti ficate verifies on ly the id entity of the i nd ivid ual who signed t he document  to which  th is certi ficate is attached,  and  not  the truthful ness,  accuracy,  or val idity of that  docu ment.\"\nState of Cal i fornia\n\"County of__. t..'.\"\"_'�.-  .Air!!r>.J,..!''s =e'=\"\" ------)\"\npersonal ly appea red\n\"before me,\"\n(insert name and title of the officer)\nwho  proved  to  me  on  the  basis  of  satisfactory  evid ence  to  be  the  person(s)  whose  name(s)  is/are\n\"subscribed to the within instru ment and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/thei r authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the  instrument  the person(s), or the entity u pon behal f of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.\"\nI certify u nder PENA LTY OF PERJ URY u nder the laws of the State of California that the foregoi ng\nparagraph is true and correct.\nWITNESS my hand and official seal.\n(Seal)\n\"limited to, any loan or escrow agreements for the disbursements pursuant to the extension of\"\ncred it secured by such Trust Deed;\n\"3.2         CNB, i n making disbursements pursuant to any such extension of credit secured\"\n\"by such Trust Deed, is under no obligation or duty to, nor has CN B represented that it will, see to the application of such proceeds by the persons to whom CNB disburses such proceeds and any application or use of such proceeds for the purposes other than those provided in such agreement or agreements shall not defeat the subordination herein made in whole or i n part;\"\n\"3.3         Beneficiary    intentional l y    and    uncond itionally    waives,    rel inquishes    and\"\n\"subordinates the l ien or charge of the Instrument i n favor of the lien or charge u pon the Property and understands that in reliance upon, and in consideration of, this waiver, relinqu ishment and subordination, specific loans and advances are being and will be made pursuant to such extension of credit secured by such Trust Deed and, as part and parcel thereof, specific monetary and other obl igations are being and will be entered into which would not be made or entered into but for said reliance upon this wai ver, relinq uishment and subordination; and\"\n3.4         An endorsement has been placed upon the Note secured by the Instrument that the\n\"l ien or charge of the Instrument has, by this Agreement, been subord inated to the lien or charge of the Trust Deed.\"\nNOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION  AGREEMENT  CONTAINS A PROVISION  WHICH\nALLOWS THE PERSON OBLIGATED ON YOU R REAL PROPERTY SECURITY TO OBTAIN A LOAN A PORTION OF WHICH MAY BE EXPENDED FOR OTHER PURPOSES THAN IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROPERTY.\n\"\"\"Beneficiary\"\"        City National  Bank, a national banki ng association\"\n\"Ba rba ra Wilson, Vice President\"\n\"\"\"Owner\"\"\"\nJ&/beccaLHoncop\nBor rower\nBor rower\n(ALL SIGNATrRES MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGl:D  BY A NOTARY Pt'BIJC)\n\"A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that dQCument.\"\nWA\nState o�&1ifePRia                                            )\nCounty of_K_i_ng=-                                >\n\"On 2 5, Aug 2021                 before me,   Augustus Roberts - Notary Public\"\n(insert name and title of the officer)\npersonally appeared  BRANDON�B�HONCOOP�AND�REBECCA�L�HONCOOP\nwho proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are\n\"subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized  capadty(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.\"\nI certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing\nparagraph is true and correct.\nWITNESS my hand and official seal.\nRe11des at Seattle\n(Seal)\nExhibit A\nLegal Description\n\"Lot 1of Langley Ranch, as per plat recorded in Volume 170 of Plats, Page 60,Records of King County\"\nAuditor;\n\"Situate inthe County of King, State of Washington.\"\nParcel ID: 418710-0010\n", "label": [[349, 373, "DocumentType"], [20, 34, "CaseNumber"], [698, 716, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [721, 739, "SellerIndividualFullName"]]}
{"id": 92, "data": "Instrument Number: 20220217000003  Document:WD Rec: $207.50 Page-1 of 5\n\"Excise Docs: 3173234 Selling Price: $926,000.00 Tax Amount: $15,587.80 Record Date:2/1712 Electronically Recorded  King County, WA\"\nWhen recorded return to:\n\"Chase Dawkins and Dion R. Yee 3213 California Ave SW Unit C Seattle, WA 98116\"\nFiled for record at the request of:\n@. C 1E\n\"15215 SE 272nd St., Suite 101\"\n\"Kent, WA 98042\"\nEscrow No.: 0230519-04\nSTATUTORY WARRANTY  DEED\n\"THE GRANTOR(S) Daniel Goll and Candice Goll, a married couple\"\n\"for and in consideration of Ten And No/100 Dollars ($10.00) , and other valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys, and warrants to Chase Dawkins and Dion R. Yee, a married couple\"\n\"the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington:\"\n\"SEE EXHIBIT \"\"A\"\" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF\"\nAbbreviated Legal: (Required if full legal not inserted above.}\n\"UNIT LOT DD, CITY OF SEATTLE SHORT SUBDIV NO. 3022078\"\nTax Parcel Number{s}:  570850-0490-00\nSubject to:\n\"SEE EXHIBIT \"\"B\"\" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF\"\nStatutory Warranty Deed (LPB 10-05)\nWA0000059.doc I Updated: 04.26.19                                          Page 1                                    WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624632-0230519-04\n\"Instrument Number: 20220217000003  Document:WD Rec: $207.50 Page-2 of 5 Record Date:2/17/2022 6:58 AM King County, WA\"\nDated: February 1Oy2022- j.\nSTATUTORY WARRANTY DEED\n(continued)\n\"if;\"\"-J,\\.    -          .\"\n\"-11    ,,.----\"\nState of WASHINGTON\nCounty of KING\nIcertify that Iknow or have satisfactory evidence that Daniel Goll and Candice Goll are the persons\n\"who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument.\"\n/    Dv\nOFFICIAL STAMP JEANNINE MARIE SHAW NOTARY  PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 1018045\n\"MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 14, 2025\"\nStatutory Warranty Deed (LPB 10-05)\nWA0000059.doc I Updated: 04.26.19                                                Page 2                                         WA-CT-FNSE-02150. 624632-0230519-04\n\n", "label": [[19, 33, "CaseNumber"], [156, 162, "RecordingDate"], [467, 478, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [483, 495, "SellerIndividualFullName"], [650, 663, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [668, 679, "BuyerIndividualFullName"], [993, 1007, "CaseNumber"], [1352, 1361, "RecordingDate"], [1415, 1438, "DocumentType"]]}

Now I am the following the steps given in the tutorial to read and fetch the json file. While running the code: data = prepare_data(path=json_path, dataset_type='ner_json') we are getting the following error:

UnicodeDecodeError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-33-35d6ce63514b>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>()
----> 1 data = prepare_data(path=json_path, dataset_type='ner_json')

4 frames
[/usr/lib/python3.7/](https://localhost:8080/#) in decode(self, input, final)
    320         # decode input (taking the buffer into account)
    321         data = self.buffer + input
--> 322         (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
    323         # keep undecoded input until the next call
    324         self.buffer = data[consumed:]

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position 1305: invalid start byte

To solve this error, I found a leeway. I tried adding encoding='cp1252'. This resulted in the cell running.

However when I data.show_batch() I am getting the following dataframes: image

Basically it has not read any of the data. How do I solve it?

Platform (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here, attachments etc.

Daremitsu1 commented 2 years ago

Any update on the issue?

SurajBaloni commented 2 years ago

@Daremitsu1 it looks like you are using an old version of arcgis python API(1.6.2). You can install deep learning environment on anaconda prompt by using the following steps: 1.conda create -n dl_env

  1. activate dl_env
  2. conda install -c esri arcgis_learn

you can refer to this guide updated here:

Daremitsu1 commented 2 years ago

@Daremitsu1 it looks like you are using an old version of arcgis python API(1.6.2). You can install deep learning environment on anaconda prompt by using the following steps: 1.conda create -n dl_env 2. activate dl_env 3. conda install -c esri arcgis_learn=2.0.0

you can refer to this guide updated here:

If I am using Google Colab, will the following command do? conda install -c esri -c fastai -c pytorch -c anaconda arcgis ujson scikit-image=0.15.0 pillow=7.1.2 libtiff=4.1.0 fastai=1.0.60 pytorch=1.4.0 torchvision=0.5.0 python=3.7.9 --yes --no-pin