Esri / calcite-design-system

A monorepo containing the packages for Esri's Calcite Design System
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New Component: Calcite Video #2869

Open macandcheese opened 2 years ago

macandcheese commented 2 years ago


WIP! - This branch has been sitting stale for some time. We'd like to finish up the video component and integrate it into the library.

User Stories

The original user story came from videos used on the documentation site. We'd like to replace that custom code with a calcite-video player. Additionally, this component has a set of configurable properties that allow for a variety of normal video use cases.

The API follows Anything not in alignment with that spec should get updated to match.

Helpful Details

This is a branch I started a year or so ago, so many of the conventions used in the .tsx file are probably out of date (ie, how we assign theme, scale, etc., is from that time period).

To Do

jcfranco commented 2 years ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with ZenHub @julio8a @macandcheese