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Combobox (Form) - Indicate live regions for dynamically changing content - (2036570497) #5631

Open dqateam opened 1 year ago

dqateam commented 1 year ago


40 Form


Indicate live regions for dynamically changing content


WCAG Reference:

Instance ID:





[Issue] There are dynamically changing content on activating or entering letter(s) in the "What is your favorite component(s)?" field that does not indicate live regions.

[User Impact] Screen reader users will be unaware of important updates to this content when they occur.

[Code Reference]

<input aria-activedescendant="combobox-item-99352be9-91c2-5c5b-2603-da27e20e5061" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="combobox-listbox-1b9b7881-0c55-e2cc-43a2-89b0875bd08e" aria-label="What is your favorite component(s)?" class="input input--single" id="combobox-input-1b9b7881-0c55-e2cc-43a2-89b0875bd08e" placeholder="Select favorites…" type="text">


[Suggestion] Indicate live regions for dynamically changing content. Live regions can be created by adding a role attribute set to "log", "status", "alert", "progressbar", "marquee", or "timer" as appropriate. Alternatively, custom behavior can be created by using the aria-live, aria-atomic, and aria-relevant attributes. Text injected into this live region element will be announced by screen readers.

Importantly, the element with the ARIA live attributes must be available when the page loads. Otherwise, many screen readers will not detect updates to the element. Additionally, the element must be empty on page load unless an immediate screen reader announcement is desired.

Remove aria-hidden attributes from options.

Media Type:

Live Regions

Additional Resources:

geospatialem commented 1 year ago

Could be coupled with effort from #5587

geospatialem commented 1 year ago

When multiple values are present in the combobox, only one item (the latest added) is read back to AT, for instance in the following sample when Alert and Button are selected, only the last item, in this case, Button is provided to AT:

Screenshot of display: image

JAWS transcript:

What are your favorite Calcite Components? Combo box 
3 of 18
To change the selection use the Arrow keys.

There is a similar implementation by Twilio Labs with a Multiselect Combobox, which provides much better context with their code base.

Screenshot of display: image

JAWS transcript:

Selected Paste components list 
with 2 items
Press Delete or Backspace to remove. Press Enter to toggle selection.

@jcfranco Not sure on the change we'd need to account for here. Could you take a peek to provide your expertise? 🧠

jcfranco commented 1 year ago

Excellent sleuthing! 🕵️‍♀️ Quickly comparing at DOM rendering, we could look into prototyping combobox using a container with the role of listbox for the selected items and it also applying option to selection chips to see if we get an improved interpretation.

anveshmekala commented 1 year ago

When multiple values are present in the combobox, only one item (the latest added) is read back to AT, for instance in the following sample when Alert and Button are selected, only the last item, in this case, Button is provided to AT:

Tested this with Voiceover + safari 16.4 and screen reader is able to read out all the selected options.

I see an issues with the combobox where user are unable to type or get into the input field of the combobox which could be an issues from Voiceover itself ( mentioned in multiple domains). The same issue is persistent in Twilio Labs Multiselect Combobox component.

To fix the above, tried moving the role attr to input element which fixes the above issue but restricts the Voiceover announcing selected options and treats the selected item chip's as plain text.

Additionally, I think there are multiple labels being read out, one from aria-label of the container element with role='combobox' , other from the <input/> element and also from the <label/> element which should have been removed here.


geospatialem commented 1 year ago

Additional research will be sought in August to determine if the above recommendation:

  1. Can be adopted with our current component,
  2. If a refactor may be needed, and/or
  3. If any of the accessible autocomplete examples can provide guidance for us

Additional observations from Anvesh's R&D and prototype include:

geospatialem commented 12 months ago

Since the draft covers part of the context, and the efforts in providing support via dropdown in is underway, maybe we can combine some of the same efforts here as well? Pushing this issue out until December, to hold off until changes from 4866 can be ironed out.

geospatialem commented 7 months ago

Blocking this effort by the R&D of

geospatialem commented 4 months ago

Unblocked the above effort, however the efforts of dropdown cannot be included as there was no accepted solution that could be achieved.

geospatialem commented 4 weeks ago

Spike to determine if the above is still valid.