Esri / calcite-design-system

A monorepo containing the packages for Esri's Calcite Design System
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Slider label wrapping can cause handle to move off track #9239

Open ellenupp opened 2 weeks ago

ellenupp commented 2 weeks ago

Check existing issues

Actual Behavior

Long slider labels can wrap and push the handle off the track.


Expected Behavior

Ideally labels wouldn't wrap when there is enough space. If it really needs to wrap it should move up and not affect the position of the handle. Also in the above example I wouldn't expect the tick labels to wrap either as there is enough space for them to be inline.


Reproduction Sample

Reproduction Steps

  1. In the sample slide handle to the left and notice that the handle label wraps. It works much better when sliding to the right.

Reproduction Version


Relevant Info

No response


No response

Priority impact

p3 - want for upcoming milestone


No response

Calcite package

Esri team

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