Authoritative front-end development resources for Calcite design initiative. Includes extendable base components and styles, as well as a modular and efficient framework for ArcGIS properties.
"formatted": "Error: \"select\" failed to @extend \"avenir-regular()\".\n The selector \"avenir-regular()\" was not found.\n Use \"@extend avenir-regular() !optional\" if the extend should be able to fail.\n on line 191 of node_modules/calcite-web/dist/sass/calcite-web/components/_form.scss\n>> @extend avenir-regular();\n ----^\n",
"message": "\"select\" failed to @extend \"avenir-regular()\".\nThe selector \"avenir-regular()\" was not found.\nUse \"@extend avenir-regular() !optional\" if the extend should be able to fail.",
"column": 5,
"line": 191,
"file": "/Users/lloy3317/Git/Development/Devtopia/arcgis-js-sdk-4/node_modules/calcite-web/dist/sass/calcite-web/components/_form.scss",
"status": 1
node-sass": "^3.3.3