Esri / collector-integration

Multi Language repository that contains documentation and sample code for creating custom URL schemes in Collector for ArcGIS.
Apache License 2.0
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support for selecting an object in collector #12

Closed kdhl closed 4 years ago

kdhl commented 7 years ago

It would be great if one could add a GlobalID (or something similar) to the url and thus open collector with an object selected (point, line or polygon)

simongis commented 7 years ago

Related to this enhancement, how about leveraging a &search= parameter, that makes use of the layer level searches setup on Web Maps, to then select the corresponding feature (or return search results to then select from).

e.g. arcgis-collector://?itemID=35b1ccecf226485ea7d593f100996b49&search=HJ1262

jebu75 commented 7 years ago

+1 We would really like this capability as well. Also to turn on/off layers by parameters.

doug-m commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback on this - we've added this to our development road map.

mringel commented 5 years ago

+1 I would also love this capability.

DennisWelu commented 4 years ago

+1 This and potentially other options would be great.

DennisWelu commented 4 years ago

@doug-m I just noticed the date of your comment about the development road map. Is there any update to the roadmap or features that are not yet documented?

doug-m commented 4 years ago

@DennisWelu support for updating an existing feature's attributes is coming in the next release of Collector on iOS. Currently planned for April.

We have made a number of improvements for the new Collector - documented here:

Feel free to log an issue here if there are other enhancements/capabilities you'd like to see.

DennisWelu commented 4 years ago

@doug-m Hi Doug, thanks again for the link. I've had a chance to test the search capability in the cited documentation. While the documentation there shows the ability to search for a feature by its Id, I gather that the search-ability is probably affected greatly by the map setup. I've found in my first specific test that the search is more like a general user text search. Instead of finding my feature it did a general search that happen to have 2 Cyrillic search results for places in Kazakhstan. Kind of funny, but not what I was looking for to be sure.

I'd like to be able to say something to the effect of "layer=a&featureId=b" or something like that so that it immediately would center and select that specific feature.

doug-m commented 4 years ago

Thanks all for you feedback here - a number of items (search, and updating existing feature have been implemented). See our documentation pages for the latest status.