I keep getting a syntax error for both FeatureClass and Hosted Service "Add GNSS Metadata Fields" ... the solution says make sure the script file is in the right location but when I refer to the folder the toolbox is in, there is no script "Add GNSS Metadata Fields (Pro).py" How do I extract that script out so its referencing the proper script or am I missing a step? I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1
I keep getting a syntax error for both FeatureClass and Hosted Service "Add GNSS Metadata Fields" ... the solution says make sure the script file is in the right location but when I refer to the folder the toolbox is in, there is no script "Add GNSS Metadata Fields (Pro).py" How do I extract that script out so its referencing the proper script or am I missing a step? I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1