Esri / coordinate-conversion-addin-dotnet

Addin for ArcMap and Pro for convenient coordinate conversion in Desktop.
Apache License 2.0
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Export to KMZ output symbols are too small #595

Closed BobBooth closed 5 years ago

BobBooth commented 5 years ago

The symbols for the output points should be larger when coordinates collected by coordinate conversion are exported to KMZ. To reproduce:

  1. Add some output formats.
  2. Click on the map in several locations to collect coordinates. image The symbols in Pro are large enough to be easily visible.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Choose KMZ output.
  5. Choose an output location and export.
  6. Open the KMZ in ArcGIS Earth. image The points are barely visible.
  7. Export the points to shapefile.
  8. In contents, choose an 8pt red circle. image This approximates the symbol that is used by the addin for display of collected points.
  9. Use the Layer to KML GP tool to export the layer, add to ArcGIS Earth. The symbols are more visible. image
dfoll commented 5 years ago

@saip will share .kmz that is produced from the updates to see if they are acceptable in both ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro. We will need to get an answer back to them about that

saip commented 5 years ago

@dfoll Here is the compressed KMZ file that was generated after the updates from the CC addin. The points show symbol bigger than it used to show earlier in ArcGIS Earth, but it is not exactly of the same size you see in ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro.

We see that ArcGIS Earth renders the point symbol smaller for same data compared with how it is rendered in ArcMap. Please check and confirm whether the increase in symbol size is ok now.

dfoll commented 5 years ago

@saip thanks for sharing the kmz. one question, that I want to make sure of. Were there any changes to how the graphics render when using the Coordinate Conversion add-in? I understand all these changes were made to the export process, but I just wanted to confirm that we did not make any changes to the way that the original graphics that you get in CC from using the Map Point Tool display.

@lfunkhouser @csmoore @kgonzago The changes needed to satisfy the original issue of making the points display at a reasonable size when first brought into Earth, also make them display a little bit larger when the same kmz is brought into ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro. I did my best with the screenshot below to show the difference. @saip and @CTLocalGovTeam are waiting on our approval to go forward with this.


saip commented 5 years ago

@dfoll Correct, we made no changes to graphics rendering in the CC add-in. Only updated the size of the graphic(s) exported to KMZ.

dfoll commented 5 years ago

ok, it is good then, unless @lfunkhouser has anything to add

dfoll commented 5 years ago

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dfoll commented 5 years ago

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dfoll commented 5 years ago

Doc review:

lfunkhouser commented 5 years ago

Doc verified