Esri / dashboard-samples

Using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, you can develop widget, map tools, and feature action extensions for Operations Dashboard running on Windows and in a browser.
Apache License 2.0
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My problem in Dashboard-samples. #1

Open anispiti opened 8 years ago

anispiti commented 8 years ago

Hi , my name is Piti Kumban.

slide1 slide2

In pictures, I have a problem when I use your dashboard-samples. Do you can explain for this problem ? It's wrong process of Add Item (Application) on ArcGIS Online or other process.

Thank you so much

jaychen15-zz commented 8 years ago

Hi anispiti,

Looking at your screenshot, since you can see the two widgets showing up inside of Add Widget dialog, it seems your registration (creation of Operations Dashboard Extension item in ArcGIS Online) is good. As you have seem the issue either adding a map tool or adding a widget, I suspect it's about the process of loading of the HTML for map tool and widget.

Would you be able to run the windows dashboard app in dev mode ( and, then open the debug window for either the map tool or widget, and see if there is any error being reported in console?

BTW, does your web server that you use to host the extension meet these requirements ()?


anispiti commented 8 years ago

Thank you Jay. I'm going to try again!


Dzeneralen commented 8 years ago

Had a similar issue, solved it by following the tips at

Basically if you got a dedicated and internal graphics processor, you need to make sure to use the same one for both Operations Dashboard and the browser

mahmoufadel commented 8 years ago

Hi jaychen15,

i need to extend the functionality of "Layers filter map tool" in dashboard by js api .

Could you help ?


mahmoufadel commented 8 years ago


Hi jaychen15,

i need to extend the functionality of "Layers filter map tool" in dashboard by js api .

what i need to change in the default behavior is to have the abilty to filter more than one layer in the same time , also to make the condition between filters AND not OR

Could you help ?


jaychen15-zz commented 8 years ago

Hi mahmoufadel,

To get started, you may want to take a look at the samples in this repo to get a basic understanding of what's involved. To get an overview of the API as well as the tutorials, you can start with API guide at

Let me know if that makes sense.


mahmoufadel commented 8 years ago

thanks Jay for you replay ,

i checked the above links and create my first maptool with js API but without function till now ..! 1 2

here is my js code

define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "esri/opsdashboard/DataSourceProxy", "esri/opsdashboard/MapToolProxy",
"dojo/text!./bufferMapToolTemplate.html" ], function (declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, DataSourceProxy,MapToolProxy, templateString ) {


return declare("Buffer", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin,DataSourceProxy, MapToolProxy], {

templateString: templateString, 

    hostReady: function () {     

        // Update the size of the user experience
        width: 200,
        height: 200     
        onDeactivateButtonClick: function(){


what i need is

also in my json file

{ "type": "Map Tool", "title": "Filter Map Tool", "description": "A map tool that creates buffers from a clicked point", "usePortalServices": true, "useDataFromView": true, "runtime": { "iconPath": "icon.png", "path": "buffer.html", "viewType": "toolbar" },
"configuration": { "path": "bufferConfig.html"

}, "credits": "By Esri (" }

i need to change "viewType": "toolbar" to value not to replace the default tool bar

thanks! Mahmoud.