Esri / devsummit-feedback

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Why is it so difficult for the ESRI JavaScript API's to implement kinetic panning? #7

Closed MapsRus closed 6 years ago

MapsRus commented 8 years ago

Why is it so difficult for the ESRI JavaScript API's to implement kinetic panning? Silverlight and Flex did. And, of course all other mainstream mapping libraries do as well (mentioning no names of course)!

JimBarry commented 8 years ago

Kinetic panning is a UI enhancement that the JS team here at Esri want to add soon; we just don't know when yet. For us it just comes down to resources, work priority, and interest from the developer community, rather than difficulty.

Until then, here is a project I came across with all the kinetic pan source code in there. Might be something you can make use of:

Also here are two entries on the ArcGIS Ideas site that you can vote up and promote: