Minimum SDK version is now 20, target SDK version is 29. (Jump from minimum 16, target 16.)
Changed expected location of DSA files to match the changes Android
has made to scoped storage.
When previously data files needed copied to /sdcard/ArcGIS/Runtime/DSA/Data,
now data must be copied to <AppDataLocation>/ArcGIS/Runtime/DSA/Data.
For example, with the DSA Vehicle app, the data is expected to be located
at: /sdcard/Android/data/com.esri.arcgisruntime.opensourceapps.DSA_Vehicle_Qt/ArcGIS/Runtime/DSA/Data/files.
, now data must be copied to<AppDataLocation>/ArcGIS/Runtime/DSA/Data
. For example, with the DSA Vehicle app, the data is expected to be located at:/sdcard/Android/data/com.esri.arcgisruntime.opensourceapps.DSA_Vehicle_Qt/ArcGIS/Runtime/DSA/Data/files