Esri / filter-gallery

Category Gallery is a configurable app for group content. It enables browsing by group or organization categories. The app is built with the Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript v4 and the Esri Application-Base
Apache License 2.0
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it didn't run after initial set up #1

Open Michael-coc opened 5 years ago

Michael-coc commented 5 years ago

So I set it up using files under dist folder but am getting the following error: hostReportError.ts:8 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined at Object.w [as normalize] (dojo.js:471) at Object.h._sanitizeUrl (IdentityManager.js:197) at Object.h.findOAuthInfo (IdentityManager.js:181) at IdentityManager.js:178 at Array.filter () at Object.h.registerOAuthInfos (IdentityManager.js:178) at Object.t._registerOauthInfos (ApplicationBase.js:465) at Object.t.load (ApplicationBase.js:146) at e.project (portal.ts:13) at e._next (switchMap.ts:104)

ceddc commented 5 years ago

Hello Michael, hope you found your answer in the meantime.

Just had the same problem testing the gallery, here is what's worked for me :

First, remove "arcgisWebApps" form the following config line it should work on any public group:

If you want to use a private group, just change the "group id" and you can log in. If you want to use oauth, it seems you need to put the parameter isEsri at false here :

Then you will have to :

AlejandroPeq commented 5 years ago

@Michael-coc remove "oauthappid": "arcgisWebApps", as @ceddc said and load your app using encrypted protocol -> https://

lshakes commented 4 years ago

I am new to hosting configurable apps from my own web server, so help is appreciated. I downloaded this app to my web server.

I have gone in to the application.json file and adjusted the group id that I want to show in the gallery. This is a group that is public on ArcGIS Online. However, I am not able to get this to work.

I know the readme file lists those items that can be adjusted but which items are absolutely necessary to adjust to get this to work?

Also, to access this it mentions to serve the contents of the /dist/ directory from my web server. Does that mean the link would look something like this https:///FilterGallery/dist/index.html ?