Esri / geoform-template-js

GeoForm is a configurable template for form based data editing of a Feature Service.
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Fields showing up twice in app #452

Closed driskull closed 9 years ago

driskull commented 9 years ago

Fields showing up twice in this app.


screen shot 2015-03-26 at 10 31 11 am

driskull commented 9 years ago

It seems like all the fields are showing up twice for some reason.

CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago


Although fields are showing up twice in given app id, but we are not able to reproduce the same issue with other app id's. Can you please share the steps to reproduce so we can look into it in detail.


driskull commented 9 years ago

@CTDisasterManagement I'm not sure what happened. I just added this layer to the existing app when it was in all layer mode and then set all the domains to filter select.

Can you investigate the app json and use it to figure out what is causing it?

CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago

Sure @driskull we will look into it and keep you updated.

driskull commented 9 years ago


CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago


We analyzed the given app json and we found a 'length' property in fields objects that was causing this issue. The issue is resolved and we will send a pull request soon.


driskull commented 9 years ago

Awesome. thanks for investigating.

CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago


Although the above issue is fixed but due to changes in plugin files in vendor folder(DatePicker,Select2 etc..) code is breaking in some scenarios. We are trying to find the cause and will keep you updated.


driskull commented 9 years ago

@CTDisasterManagement ok. I'm not seeing anything broken. It may be a merge issue?

CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago


Code breaks when form has "Date" and "Filter Select" fields.

Date Field: setDate, setMaxDate and setMinDate from bootstrap Date Picker are deprecated.

Select2: 'val' property from Filter Select is also deprecated.

Do you want us to make the necessary changes and send pull request ?


driskull commented 9 years ago

Yes please if you can. Otherwise, I can probably handle it. Thanks @CTDisasterManagement

CTDisasterManagement commented 9 years ago


We will update the code and send new pull request soon.
