We have discovered that the dateFormat for the bootstrap-datetimepicker is wrong in certain languages. For example, Swedish (sv), Dutch (nl) have an incorrect dateFormat in their respective resources.js file. These files are located in /js/nls/xx/resources.js where xx is the locale short name.
We have discovered that the dateFormat for the bootstrap-datetimepicker is wrong in certain languages. For example, Swedish (sv), Dutch (nl) have an incorrect dateFormat in their respective resources.js file. These files are located in /js/nls/xx/resources.js where xx is the locale short name.
I have found that the bootstrap-datetimepicker documentation, http://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/Functions/#format references http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ so all dateFormat strings should conform to this standard.
This also affects the GeoForm webapp in ArcGIS Online