Esri / geoportal-server

Geoportal Server is a standards-based, open source product that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources including data and services.
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Error browsing metadata after search on federated catalogs #11

Closed gcampanile closed 10 years ago

gcampanile commented 11 years ago

To reproduce the error.

psanyal commented 11 years ago


The sample browse page is configured to query local site or "This site" by default. However, browse tree can be configured to query remote catalogs.


mhogeweg commented 11 years ago

to be more specific, here's how you could do that:

    <!-- News from other sites -->
        <name>What&apos;s New</name>
            <name>ArcGIS Online</name>
            <name>Geoportal Sandbox</name>

note that in the above I did not use resource keys for the <name> elements. you could do this as well for localization purposes. in that case, add your new keys to

gcampanile commented 11 years ago


the problem is not to query remote catalogue in the browse tree, but the fact that the browse tree detail link queries always the last catalog used, not the local one. You can reprodure the error by following the steps.

psanyal commented 11 years ago


I reproduced the error by following the steps. Will keep you posted on it.

gcampanile commented 11 years ago

Thanks Pratik. A brief note: yesterday I downloaded the 1.2.4 ZIP ( and the “binary-distributions” folder contains a “”. The direct download of the binary file ( instead is correct.

Regards Gianni

    Gianni Campanile
    GIS Specialist

e-mail tel. (+39) 06.40696.245 mob. (+39) 349.8729716 fax. (+39) 06.40696.333

    ESRI Italia S.p.A. - via Tiburtina, 755 - 00159 Roma -<http://>

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I reproduced the error by following the steps. Will keep you posted on it.

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eggwhites commented 11 years ago

Hello Gianni, Thanks for pointing out the redundant "binary-distributions" folder in the ZIP download. Because the binary distribution is available from, there is no need to distribute it also with the source code. As a result of your finding, I've deleted the binary-distributions folder from our dev branch; the next time the dev branch is merged with the Master, it will no longer be included in the ZIP download of the source code.


zguo commented 10 years ago

The browsing issue has been fixed and available in the develop branch.