Esri / geoportal-server

Geoportal Server is a standards-based, open source product that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources including data and services.
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Harvest to local drive GP 1.2.7 Feature #228

Closed MapZombie closed 8 years ago

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

Going through the new features of version 1.2.7 it has the:

Ability to harvest metadata to a local folder in addition to geoportal repository

I have added the following to gpt.xml in version 1.2.7 <webharvester> <dataProcessorFactory enabled="true" className="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.extensions.localfolder.LocalFolderDataProcessorFactory" name="localfolder" rootFolder="c:\data"/> </webharvester> Yet it hasn't yielded any XML files inside the c:\data folder.

Am I missing anything here?

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

I am testing this by using the dedicated metadata editor and then saving.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

From gpt log Jun 29, 2016 3:20:25 PM execute FINE: HTTP PUT, http://cal8783:8079/geoportal1/rest/manage/document?publicationMethod=editor&errorsAsJson=jErr&id=D8817C3D-D4DA-472B-A19C-5BDD40D29233 Jun 29, 2016 3:20:25 PM com.esri.gpt.framework.sql.DatabaseReference openConnection FINE: Connection opened for gpt, jndiName: jdbc/gpt, productName: Oracle, driver: Oracle JDBC driver Jun 29, 2016 3:20:25 PM executePut FINE: Approving of uploaded documents through the REST with 'approve' flag: Jun 29, 2016 3:20:37 PM com.esri.gpt.framework.sql.DatabaseReference closeConnection FINE: Closing connection for gpt, jndiName: jdbc/gpt

From localhost access log: - - [29/Jun/2016:15:19:52 -0600] "GET /geoportal1/catalog/publication/ HTTP/1.1" 200 15406 - - [29/Jun/2016:15:19:56 -0600] "POST /geoportal1/catalog/publication/ HTTP/1.1" 200 16248 - - [29/Jun/2016:15:19:58 -0600] "GET /geoportal1/gxe/definition?key=iso-19115&f=json&dojo.preventCache=1467235198820 HTTP/1.1" 200 256030 - - [29/Jun/2016:15:20:37 -0600] "PUT /geoportal1/rest/manage/document?publicationMethod=editor&errorsAsJson=jErr&id=D8817C3D-D4DA-472B-A19C-5BDD40D29233 HTTP/1.1" 201 - - - [29/Jun/2016:15:20:53 -0600] "POST /geoportal1/catalog/publication/ HTTP/1.1" 200 116888 - - [29/Jun/2016:15:21:03 -0600] "POST /geoportal1/catalog/publication/ HTTP/1.1" 200 116947

I couldn't find anything on the webharvester posting to the local drive. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

Any ideas?

Synchronization and Publishing

Support for robots.txt when harvesting, see Being-a-Good-Robot Ability to harvest metadata to a local folder in addition to geoportal repository

zguo commented 8 years ago

Please try to register a site and then harvest to see if the local folder will be populated.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

Hi @zguo , I am trying to implement the ability to harvest a local copy of the XML file when users goto "Use a dedicated editor" to create new metadata.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

there is an option in gpt.xml that enables editing XML files you uploaded. the workflow would be:

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

@mhogeweg I do have metadata editing enabled as you layed out But the workflow I am looking to implement is:

Our users have MXDs, PDFs etc that they need to catalog. We want users to create new metadata for their MXDs using the editor. And ideally have the XML file placed in the same location as the MXD, or if this is not possible all in one central local location.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

your users with MXD should create their metadata in ArcGIS Desktop. from there they would publish map services and such for example to ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, both of which support metadata. If content is then exposed through the Open Data app for ArcGIS Online, the metadata flows all the way through to there.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

Our users won't be using ArcGIS Desktop to edit their metadata unfortunately. I won't be able to reinvent the wheel, and am just looking to implement a replacement for our current system.

Getting back to the original question, would it be possible to have the "Ability to harvest metadata to a local folder in addition to geoportal repository" as mentioned in the features for version 1.2.7?

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

that is possible from the administration page. since you'll be editing metadata from there and then need to save it to individual folders, the most practical path is to click the metadata download button for the item just created and save it to the right path and with the right name.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

The download metadata button was available in v1.2.6.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

it still is! in the administration page, select image to download the desired metadata to a file.

MapZombie commented 8 years ago

Sorry, what I meant was that it isn't a new feature as outlined in:

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

those metadata enhancement features are indeed new and not what I understood you were trying to do with downloading metadata.