Esri / military-features-data

Source data for Esri defense and intelligence feature templates. This data is used to create features and derived data products using military symbology.
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2525C Symbols Reported as not displaying correctly in ArcGIS Runtime #1

Closed csmoore closed 10 years ago

csmoore commented 11 years ago

Customer reports in NIM092427 that some symbols do not display in ArcGIS Runtime 10.1.1. Source of the problem is missing or erroneous symbols in the Style Files (and derived symbol dictionary).

Here are the issues reported with the symbols that do not display:

Number Issue Reported Source Notes Heirarchy Name Symbol Id Name
3 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR S_G_USAW--***** MORALE
4 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.CRP S_G_USAWT-***** MWR Theater
5 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.THT S_G_USAWC-***** MWR Corps
6 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Could Not Repro EMS.INCDNT.CVDIS.DISPOP O_I_R-----***** CIVIL DISPLACED POPULATION
7 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing EMS.INFSTR.TSP.ANCRG WOS-HPBA--P---- SHIP ANCHORAGE
8 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WOSMIC.SUFWET WAS-GNW-SWP---- SURFACE WET
9 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.CSNALH WAS-GSSCH-P---- COMPACT OR WET SNOW
10 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.CWSNLH WAS-GSSCL-P---- COMPACT OR WET SNOW
11 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.LDSALH WAS-GSSLH-P---- LOOSE DRY SNOW
12 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.WTH.FG.FZSNV WAS-WSFGFOP---- FOG - FREEZING, SKY NOT VISIBLE
13 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.WTH.FG.FZSV WAS-WSFGFVP---- FOG - FREEZING, SKY VISIBLE
14 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.AMPHC.WTH.TROPLV WAS-WST-LVP---- TROPOPAUSE LEVEL
15 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.ATN.LITHSE WOS-HALH--P---- LIGHTHOUSE
16 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.ATN.PRH1.PRH2 WOS-HABP--P---- PERCHES/STAKES
17 Does not display Symbol Dictionary (“L--” misplaced) METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.CSTHYD.FSH1.FSH2 WO-DHCF----L--- FORESHORE
18 Does not display Unknown May be a bug in Runtime if ID value is repeated/same METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.CSTHYD.FSH1.FSH3 WO-DHCF-----A-- FORESHORE
19 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.FLGRD1.FLGRD2 WOS-HHDF--P---- FOUL GROUND
20 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.REEF WOS-HHDR---L--- REEF Line
21 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.LNDRNG WOS-HPM-R-P---- LANDING RING
22 Does not display Symbol Dictionary “L--” misplaced METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF2 WO-DHPMO---L--- OFFSHORE Line
23 Does not display Unknown May be a bug in Runtime if ID value is repeated/same METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF3 WO-DHPMO----A-- OFFSHORE
24 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.PRT.ANCRG1 WOS-HPBA--P---- ANCHORAGE
25 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.TDECUR.TDEG WOS-TCCTG-P---- TIDE GAUGE
26 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.MMD.SUBCBL WO-DMCA----L--- SUBMARINE CABLE
27 Does not display Symbol Dictionary “L--” misplaced WO-DHPBA---L--- Anchorage Line
28 Does not display with GetSymbolImage Style File Bad Symbol (Hostile Only) WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.CBRN.CML.RECON.WARMVH SHGPUUACRW----- Wheeled Armored Vehicle
29 Minor-wavy lines extend just outside frame Style File Note: looks fine in style file WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.JMG S_G_UUMSEJ----- Jamming
30 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.REEF WOS-HHDR--P---- REEF Point
31 Does not display Symbol Dictionary Missing METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF WO-DHPMO--P---- OFFSHORE Point
32 Does not display StyleFile Bad Symbol Rep METOC.AMPHC.BDAWTH.MVFR WA-DBAMV--P---- Bounded Area VFR
csmoore commented 10 years ago

Can someone test this and see which of these are still an issue at 10.2

bmoore1 commented 10 years ago

(1) SFGPEVCTL-*****, (27) WO-DHPBA---L---,SFGPUUMSEJ----- work for me, but the rest of the images do not show up.

Tested with

10.2 Runtime &

eacheson commented 10 years ago

re: number 23 in table, using the ‘Offshore Loading Facility Area’, ID is WO-DHPMO-- :png is output but blank – png file is called ‘WO-DHPMO----A-- presumably for ‘area’ ‘Offshore Loading Facility Line’, ID is WO-DHPMO-- : png is output but blank – png file is called ‘WO-DHPMO----L-- presumably for ‘line’

csmoore commented 10 years ago

As the table indicates "WO-DHPMO----L-- " does have an error (the L is in the wrong column/location), but I am genuinely baffled to explain why the "WO-DHPMO----A-- " doesn't draw/export so this one needs some more investigation.

eacheson commented 10 years ago

I've looked at all the output pngs and there's one more which was just blank: WA-DBAMV----A-- No others that I could see, just the two in my previous comment. When I try to add the corresponding symbol (Bounded Areas - Marginal Visual Flight Rule) to my Java app (via, it froze my app.

csmoore commented 10 years ago

@conklinbd Updating the Style Files fixed the other issues, but did not fix the issue with the following not displaying/exporting, so an issue will need to be opened in Runtime. There seems to be an issue with the METOC symbols when the start (first 10 chars) of the SymbolId are the same (none of the other Appendices repeat the first 10 chars).

These symbols do not export correctly. To repro, call getSymbolImage with these IDs: WO-DHCF-----A-- WO-DHCF----L---


WO-DHPMO----A-- (Note: exports but incorrectly exports point version - WO-DHPMO--P----) WO-DHPMO---L--- (Note: exports but incorrectly exports point version - WO-DHPMO--P----)

csmoore commented 10 years ago

I have updated the tester to read in and export from the 1st column in a .csv file. To test the fixes to this issue: 1) copy and paste the text below into a .csv and 2) run/use the updated exporter/tester at

SFGPEVCTL-*_,1,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,WAR.GRDTRK.EQT.GRDVEH.CVLVEH.TRTRLF.SMAL,S_GEVCTL-**,SMALL/LIGHT BOX TRAILER SHGPEVCTL-**,1,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,WAR.GRDTRK.EQT.GRDVEH.CVLVEH.TRTRLF.SMAL,S_G_EVCTL-**,SMALL/LIGHT BOX TRAILER SNGPEVCTL-**,1,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,WAR.GRDTRK.EQT.GRDVEH.CVLVEH.TRTRLF.SMAL,S_G_EVCTL-**,SMALL/LIGHT BOX TRAILER SUGPEVCTL-**,1,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,WAR.GRDTRK.EQT.GRDVEH.CVLVEH.TRTRLF.SMAL,S_G_EVCTL-**,SMALL/LIGHT BOX TRAILER SFGPUUMSEA**,2,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.ARMWVH,S_G_UUMSEA**,ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE SFGPUUMSEA**,2,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.ARMWVH,S_G_UUMSEA**,ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE SFGPUUMSEA**,2,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.ARMWVH,S_G_UUMSEA**,ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE SFGPUUMSEA**,2,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.ARMWVH,S_G_UUMSEA**,ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE SFGPUSAW--**,3,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR,S_G_USAW--**,MORALE SHGPUSAW--**,3,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR,S_G_USAW--**,MORALE SNGPUSAW--**,3,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR,S_G_USAW--**,MORALE SUGPUSAW--**,3,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR,S_G_USAW--**,MORALE SFGPUSAWT-**,4,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.CRP,S_G_USAWT-**,MWR Theater SHGPUSAWT-**,4,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.CRP,S_G_USAWT-**,MWR Theater SNGPUSAWT-**,4,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.CRP,S_G_USAWT-**,MWR Theater SUGPUSAWT-**,4,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.CRP,S_G_USAWT-**,MWR Theater SFGPUSAWC-**,5,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.THT,S_G_USAWC-**,MWR Corps SHGPUSAWC-**,5,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.THT,S_G_USAWC-**,MWR Corps SNGPUSAWC-**,5,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.THT,S_G_USAWC-**,MWR Corps SUGPUSAWC-**,5,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CSS.ADMIN.MWR.THT,S_G_USAWC-**,MWR Corps OFIPR-----**,6,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,EMS.INCDNT.CVDIS.DISPOP,O_I_R----**,CIVIL DISPLACED OHIPR-----**,6,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,EMS.INCDNT.CVDIS.DISPOP,O_I_R----**,CIVIL DISPLACED OUIPR-----**,6,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,EMS.INCDNT.CVDIS.DISPOP,O_I_R----**,CIVIL DISPLACED ONIPR-----**,6,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Could Not Repro,EMS.INCDNT.CVDIS.DISPOP,O_I_R----**_,CIVIL DISPLACED WOS-HPBA--P----,7,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,EMS.INFSTR.TSP.ANCRG,WOS-HPBA--P----,SHIP ANCHORAGE WAS-GNW-SWP----,8,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WOSMIC.SUFWET,WAS-GNW-SWP----,SURFACE WET WAS-GSSCH-P----,9,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.CSNALH,WAS-GSSCH-P---,COMPACT OR WET SNOW WAS-GSSCL-P----,10,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.CWSNLH,WAS-GSSCL-P----,COMPACT OR WET SNOW WAS-GSSLH-P----,11,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.STOG.WSMIC.LDSALH,WAS-GSSLH-P----,LOOSE DRY SNOW WAS-WSFGFOP----,12,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.WTH.FG.FZSNV,WAS-WSFGFOP----,"FOG - FREEZING, SKY NOT VISIBLE" WAS-WSFGFVP----,13,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.WTH.FG.FZSV,WAS-WSFGFVP----,"FOG - FREEZING, SKY VISIBLE" WAS-WST-LVP----,14,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.AMPHC.WTH.TROPLV,WAS-WST-LVP----,TROPOPAUSE LEVEL WOS-HALH--P----,15,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.ATN.LITHSE,WOS-HALH--P----,LIGHTHOUSE WOS-HABP--P----,16,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.ATN.PRH1.PRH2,WOS-HABP--P----,PERCHES/STAKES WO-DHCF----L---,17,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,(“L--” misplaced),METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.CSTHYD.FSH1.FSH2,WO-DHCF----L---,FORESHORE WO-DHCF-----A--,18,Does not display,Unknown,May be a bug in Runtime if ID value is repeated/same,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.CSTHYD.FSH1.FSH3,WO-DHCF-----A--,FORESHORE WOS-HHDF--P----,19,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.FLGRD1.FLGRD2,WOS-HHDF--P----,FOUL GROUND WOS-HHDR---L---,20,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.REEF,WOS-HHDR---L---,REEF Line WOS-HPM-R-P----,21,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.LNDRNG,WOS-HPM-R-P----,LANDING RING WO-DHPMO---L---,22,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,“L--” misplaced,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF2,WO-DHPMO---L---,OFFSHORE Line WO-DHPMO---A---,23,Does not display,Unknown,May be a bug in Runtime if ID value is repeated/same,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF3,WO-DHPMO---A--,OFFSHORE WOS-HPBA--P----,24,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.PRT.ANCRG1,WOS-HPBA--P----,ANCHORAGE WOS-TCCTG-P----,25,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.TDECUR.TDEG,WOS-TCCTG-P----,TIDE GAUGE WO-DMCA----L---,26,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.MMD.SUBCBL,WO-DMCA----L---,SUBMARINE CABLE WO-DHPBA---L---,27,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,“L--” misplaced,,WO-DHPBA---L---,Anchorage Line SHGPUUACRW-----,28,Does not display with GetSymbolImage,Style File,Bad Symbol (Hostile Only),WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.CBRN.CML.RECON.WARMVH,SHGPUUACRW -----, SFGPUUMSEJ-----,29,Symbol Lines,Style File,Minor-wavy lines extend just outside frame,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.JMG,S_G_UUMSEJ-----,Note: look fine in style file SHGPUUMSEJ-----,29,Symbol Lines,Style File,Minor-wavy lines extend just outside frame,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.JMG,S_G_UUMSEJ-----,Note: look fine in style file SUGPUUMSEJ-----,29,Symbol Lines,Style File,Minor-wavy lines extend just outside frame,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.JMG,S_G_UUMSEJ-----,Note: look fine in style file SNGPUUMSEJ-----,29,Symbol Lines,Style File,Minor-wavy lines extend just outside frame,WAR.GRDTRK.UNT.CS.MILINT.SIGINT.ECW.JMG,S_G*UUMSEJ-----,Note: look fine in style file WOS-HHDR--P----,30,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.DANHAZ.REEF,WOS-HHDR--P----,REEF Point WO-DHPMO--P----,31,Does not display,Symbol Dictionary,Missing,METOC.OCA.HYDGRY.PRTHBR.FAC.OSLF,WO-DHPMO--P----,OFFSHORE Point WA-DBAMV--P----,32,Does not display,StyleFile,Bad Symbol Rep,METOC.AMPHC.BDAWTH.MVFR,WA-DBAMV--P----,Bounded Area VFR

dfoll commented 10 years ago

Noticed that WOS-HPBA--P---- WO-DHCF-----A-- and WO-DHCF----L--- do not display... .png displays as solid black box

dfoll commented 10 years ago

tested these, defect #14 was opened for remaining defects found

dfoll commented 10 years ago

test data

runtime 10.2.2 build 509