Esri / military-tools-geoprocessing-toolbox

military-tools-geoprocessing-toolbox is a collection of models, scripts, and tools for use in ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. This toolbox is one component that is a part of Military Tools.
Apache License 2.0
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Update Conda package disconnected install instructions #369

Closed BobBooth closed 6 years ago

BobBooth commented 6 years ago

Although I have done it a couple of times now, I had a difficult time doing the conda package offline install because I had trouble identifying the correct Python command prompt to use. When I search on my start menu I see numerous Python interpreter/command window shortcuts, and most of them are not the correct one. I suggest that we update the instructions here: to be more specific about what command prompt is needed and how to start it. Specifically, I would change step 2 from:

  1. Open a Python Command Prompt window. to:
  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ArcGIS\ArcGIS Pro and double-click the "Python Command Prompt" shortcut. Step Result: A command line window will open, and before the cursor, it will say something like: ([Your Environment Name]) C:\Users[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs[Your Environment Name]> Where [Your Environment Name] is the name of the environment you set up in the "Create a new environment" section, above, and [Your User Name] is your user name on the computer.
BobBooth commented 6 years ago

@dfoll - what do you think?

mfunk commented 6 years ago

Use this one:


It is specifically called Python Command Prompt. Having the user navigate to a particular path first before is a bit much and not necessary.

BobBooth commented 6 years ago

@mfunk - at least on my (Win 8) machine, the first hit returned on searching for Python Command Prompt >>does not actually start anything<< - perhaps because of multiple install/uninstall cycles of multiple flavors of Python, ArcGIS, and Pro. The other immediate results (which I tried, because that one did not work) are not the right command prompt and do not work. image If I page down to the all Apps view, I find a shortcut that does work, but some others that don't. image

Users who have Python 2.7 and Python 3.x will have multiple dead-end options. Specifying the path seemed like the best way to eliminate ambiguity.

BobBooth commented 6 years ago

@mfunk - perhaps we say:

  1. Open the Python Command Prompt window Note: look for an item called "Python Command Prompt". Other Python command interfaces like IDLE, Python Interactive Terminal, and Python Command Line items will not work. instead of:
  2. Open a Python Command Prompt window.

I think "a" suggests that any given Python command line will work.

lfunkhouser commented 6 years ago

Change "a" to "the". We will not point out what does not work as those are not the Python Command Prompt.

@dfoll @ACueva @topowright @BobBooth

dfoll commented 6 years ago

@lfunkhouser guidance was a recommended change from copy editing image