Esri / ops-server-config

Operations Server Configuration scripts
Apache License 2.0
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(Military team) Need DemoAndScripts portion of "What's new in Ops Server 2014 Q4" document #614

Closed elinz closed 9 years ago

elinz commented 9 years ago

@jrweakland Need by 16:00 today Wed 10/15/2014

jrweakland commented 9 years ago

Domestic Operations

Demo 1 (PersonnelMgt_EM4O): This demo shows how to spatially enable your data from your commonly used spreadsheets. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS, Esri Maps for Office, and ArcGIS Online.

Demo 2 (Operations Dashboard): This demo shows how you can use the Operations Dashboard to monitor rapidly changing personnel information in real-time using dynamically changing data sources and information displays. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Operations Dashboard and Portal for ArcGIS.

Demo 3 (Westbound 64): This demo shows Network Analyst functionality to route and reroute evacuees from an oncoming storm to safer locations. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop and Network Analyst.

Demo 4 (Collector): This demo shows how to use the ArcGIS for Emergency Management Damage Assessment template - This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, 3D Analyst, and Spatial Analyst.

jrweakland commented 9 years ago


Emergency Management

Demo 1 (Watch Officer Briefing): This demo shows how the new presentation mode can be used to share dynamic information on the big screen within the Emergency Operations Center. Instead of printing paper maps every operational period, response personal can have access to information all the time in these dynamic presentations. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online.

Demo 2 (ArcGIS Online for Emergency Management): This demo shows the use of ArcGIS Online for Emergency Management. The ArcGIS Online Organization or Portal site has been configured to match a typical organization chart of an Emergency Management agency. There are groups to match day to day activities, Incident groups, and groups for the different roles within an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This demonstration is simply a tour of how Portal has been configured. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online.

Demo 3 (Damage Assessment): This demo shows how to use the ArcGIS for Emergency Management Damage Assessment template - This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, Operations Dashboard, and Collector.

Demo 4 (Hazard Mitigation Plan Briefing Book): This demo shows how Emergency Management agencies typically identify the intersection of risks, hazard, and values through the creation of a hazard mitigation plan. This is something that is required under law for state and local jurisdiction in the United States under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Unfortunately the content of these plans are often locked up in 3-ring binders or paper maps on the wall. This is an example of operationalizing those plans through publishing the data as map services and organizing the content in a briefing book. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, and Briefing Book.

Demo 5 (Hazard Mitigation Plan Status Application): This demo shows how many states want to share the status of the county and city hazard mitigation plan status as they need to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The purpose of this demonstration is to highlight how this could be done using ArcGIS. This was inspired by the State of North Dakota as they share this information with the public using an ArcGIS Online web application - This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Online.

Demo 6 (My Hazard Information): This demo shows how to use the My Hazard Information Solution template - The purpose of this application is to educate the public on the hazards they may face and what resources are available to help support them. This is an example of operationalizing the content of the hazard mitigation plan and getting it in to the hands of the public. In can also be used in a response to a disaster and let the community know things like where is the closest open shelter or where is there a hotel that is out of harm’s way. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, and My Hazard Info.

Demo 7 (GeoForm): This demo shows how to use GeoForm to collect spatial information in a non-map centric way. This particular configuration of the GeoForm uses the Citizen Service Request feature service from that template. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, and GeoForm.

Demo 8 (Impact Summary Map): This demo shows the Impact Summary Map to highlight the impact a disaster or event might have. This is a configuration of the Impact Summary Map web application. Often times the first question decision makers ask after what happened is who and what is impacted. This application is designed to answer those questions in an easy to use way. It can leverage the results of ArcGIS Online GeoEnrichment or you can use your own data (i.e. BYOD – Bring your Own Data). This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, and Impact Summary Map.

Demo 9 (Public Information Map): This demo shows how to use the Public Information Map ArcGIS Online web application template. This application was built with the specific use case to share information with the public. It was originally built by and for the Esri Disaster Response program and is currently in use to show current information for earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes, severe weather, and wildfire. It is also pre-wired with connections to social data through the public APIs. Specifically, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Flickr. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, and Public Information Map.

jrweakland commented 9 years ago


Land Operations

Demo 1 (Operational Environment): This demo shows how the Operations Server allows for the search, discovery, and collaboration of geospatial information, spatially referenced content, and modeled workflows that capture best practices for mission execution. The technology is scalable and can be used in an enterprise architecture from command level down to the individual soldier. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS.

Demo 2 (Compound Map): This demo shows that during the Intelligence analysis phase we need to look at the physical layout of the target compound as well as any limitations that may impede our forces en route to or leaving the target area. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS for Desktop.

Demo 3 (Collector/HUMIINT): This demo shows how to use Collector for personnel, such as human intelligence assets, who gather various data. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Collector and Portal for ArcGIS.

Demo 4 (HLZ Touchdown Points): This demo shows analysis to determine optimal touchdown points for helicopters within predetermined landing zones. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS for Desktop.

Demo 5 (Visibility and Range): This demo shows the Visibility and Range template. It helps us understand the effective distance of suspected enemy weaponry and how this analysis can affect our operation. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS for Desktop and Portal for ArcGIS.

Demo 6 (Incident Analysis): This demo shows the Incident Analysis template. It helps discover spatial patterns and trends in incident data. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS for Desktop.

Demo 7 (ArcGIS Pro): This demo shows the Range Dome Analysis project and how to visualize, edit, and perform analysis in both 2D and 3D. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS Pro and Portal for ArcGIS.

Demo 8 (Esri Maps for Office): This demo shows Esri Maps for Office. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Esri Maps for Office.

Demo 9 (Vehicle Commander): This demo shows the Vehicle Commander application and how to create a viewshed, drop a chemlight, and create a SPOT report. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Vehicle Commander and ArcGIS Runtime.

Demo 10 (Operations Dashboard): This demo shows how to create a simple Operations Dashboard. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Operations Dashboard, ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server, and Portal for ArcGIS

jrweakland commented 9 years ago


Law Enforcement

Demo 1 (Tactical Planning): This demo shows how a majority of tactical units within law enforcement create and sketch their tactical plans on paper or white boards. Few leverage technology, by working with several of our users across law enforcement we’ve identified the common terms and workflows for tactical planning. A series of editable feature services within ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS can be leveraged to spatially enable this workflow. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS.

jrweakland commented 9 years ago


Maritime Operations

Demo 1 (Strikegroup Post-Deployment Report): This demo shows how to quickly and clearly brief my Admirals on the battlegroup’s deployment. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Story Map.

Demo 2 (Strait of Hormuz Intelligence Preparation Brief) This demo shows how to quickly create briefings for my organization about capabilities of other nations. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Portal for ArcGIS and Story Map.

Demo 3 (Maritime Decision Aid Template) This demo shows what are some operational constraints of the Iranian Kilo class and where are areas that are tactically significant. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS for Desktop.

Demo 4 (Anti-Shipping Activity Messages) This demo shows the need to understand where threats against maritime security are occurring, such as piracy. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Esri Maps for Office.

Demo 5 (Sea Height Analysis Template) This demo shows what areas are suitable to conduct an Underway Replenishment. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS for Desktop.

Demo 6 (Abu Musa Operational Support) This demo shows planning an amphibious operation and understanding the natural environment, as well as enemy capabilities. This demo uses the following Esri technology: ArcGIS Pro.

Demo 7 (Coastal Monitoring) This demo shows where are possible threats to the environment, safe transit, and locations of those who may be lost. This demo uses the following Esri technology: Collector for ArcGIS and Operations Dashboard.