Esri / quickstart-map-phonegap

ArcGIS JavaScript samples for use with PhoneGap/Cordova
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Issue with RouteTask & Circle in Windows phone #14

Open sadiq-mc opened 8 years ago

sadiq-mc commented 8 years ago

Hi... Have you tried RouteTask & Circle in windows phone?? We are getting an error, "TypeError: Object doesn't support this action" while we create the instances..

Find a route Circle

andygup commented 8 years ago

Can you post a screenshot of the console log?

What version of OS and what version of IE are you running on the windows phone?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Widows Phone 8.1 OS version - 8.10.14192.280 IE version - 11

andygup commented 8 years ago

Can you post your code and a screenshot of the console log?

ghost commented 8 years ago
<div id="mapDiv" dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;">

  <button id="closeMapBtn" data-title="Close">Close</button>
<script src="assets/js/dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script src="assets/js/jQueryHelper.js"></script>

  var map;
  var routeTask;
  var routeParams;
  var routeSymbol;
  $(document).ready(function () {

  function jqueryInit(){
          function (urlUtils,Map, PictureMarkerSymbol, Graphic, SpatialReference, Point, webMercatorUtils,
            InfoTemplate, lang, ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, FeatureSet, graphicsUtils, RouteTask, 
            RouteParameters, SimpleLineSymbol, Color, Circle, SimpleFillSymbol, GraphicsLayer, connect, on) {
            map = new Map("mapDiv",{
                   basemap: "streets",
                  center: [54.698181, 24.298214], 
                  zoom: 3
                  var destinationMarkerSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol({
                  try {
                      routeTask = new RouteTask(MyRouteServerURL);
                  } catch(e) {
                      console.log(e.message);                    // Type error:Object doesn't support this action
                  //setup the route parameters
                  routeParams = new RouteParameters();
                  routeParams.stops = new FeatureSet();
                  routeParams.outSpatialReference = {
                    "wkid" : 4326

                  routeTask.on("solve-complete", showRoute);
                  routeTask.on("error", errorHandler);

                  routeSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol().setColor(new dojo.Color([0, 0, 255, 0.5])).setWidth(5);
                  var successvalue = false;
                  if (navigator.geolocation) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        if (successvalue == false) {
                    }, 30000);
                    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(directionLocationSuccess, directionLocationError, {setHighAccuracy:true});

                    function directionLocationSuccess(position){
                      successvalue = true;
                      if(position.coords.latitude != null || position.coords.longitude != null){
                          var startPoint = markDirectionPoint(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
                          var destinationPoint = markPoint(details, destinationMarkerSymbol);

                         resolveRoute(startPoint, destinationPoint);


                  function directionLocationError(err){
                    console.log('Plotting Default Location');
                    var startPoint = markDirectionPoint(24.4722334192554, 54.342358636815625)            
                    var destinationPoint = markPoint(details, destinationMarkerSymbol);
                    resolveRoute(startPoint, destinationPoint);
                    else {
                     console.log('No GPS Available');
                function markDirectionPoint(latitude, longitude) {                 
                      var graphic = new Graphic(wgsPt, markerSymbol);
                      var pointGraphics =;

                      helper.setCenterPt(latitude, longitude, 4326);
                      return pointGraphics;

                  function resolveRoute(startPoint, endPoint) {
                    console.log("resolve route");
                    if (routeParams.stops.features.length >= 2) {
                 function markPoint(details, marker) {
                  var wgsPt = new Point(details.Location.Longitude, details.Location.Latitude, new SpatialReference({wkid:4326}));

                  var graphic = new Graphic(wgsPt, marker);
                  map.centerAndZoom(wgsPt, 6);
                  helper.setCenterPt(details.Location.Latitude, details.Location.Longitude, 4326);

                  return graphic

Please find the code snippet above and the screenshot is..


andygup commented 8 years ago

Are you reusing the dojo.js file from the sample app? That could very likely be causing the errors you are seeing.

That optimized dojo.js file is built only for the sample application and will not support additional functionality.

Please note: You must create your own optimized file using the website I'll make a note to document that clearly in the repo comments.

andygup commented 8 years ago

For reference to anyone looking to use the web optimizer. The web optimizer creates a single, optimized ArcGIS API for JavaScript library based on your applications unique needs:

You also have the option of using bower to generate custom builds of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript:

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yes.. We were using the same dojo.js...

Thanks for the info. I will update you once I get the dojo for my requirement and checks if issue is still existing..

ghost commented 8 years ago

@andygup That was a wonderful info.. The issue is resolved in Windows phone now.. Thanks a lot..

Please document regarding the same in, so that other users like me would be helpful... :)