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MAoT Suitable Drop Zones Received Errors 999999, 010213, 010325 and 010067. #126

Closed erikreid closed 9 years ago

erikreid commented 9 years ago

Ran the Suitable Drop Zone tool with services and received errors 999999, 010213, 010325 and 010067. Could be due to the version difference between the template and current software/service build.

Error 99999 General fault error

Error 010325 Run-time error - *\ "The tool or method encountered an error during execution. This is a general response that may be used for many possible error conditions or where a specific cause could not be trapped"

Error 010213 Error in reading grid "There was an error encountered when trying to read the specified grid. Problems accessing a grid are most commonly the result of missing required component files in the grid's folder. Consult the documentation to see the required files for the ESRI Grid format. If all of the required components are present, it is also possible that the files that contain the binary raster data are internally corrupted"

Error 010067 Error in executing grid expression " There was a problem executing the map algebra expression"

suitable drop zones errors

erikreid commented 9 years ago

Added to backlog

jrweakland commented 9 years ago

@erikreid Please review for issues that @mfunk has identified. He has attached a file to the Planbox PBI.

erikreid commented 9 years ago

Suitable Drop Zones (Modified) Test 10/17/2014 Contents Inputs 1 Tool Run 1 (Failed) 2 Tool Run 2 (Cancelled) 7 Test Run 3 (Succeeded with Warnings) 12 Recommendations 17



Tool Run 1 (Failed) image Warning for Combined Vegetation Coverage: image This is really strange because ALL of the inputs are GCS_WGS_1984, with a datum of D_WGS_1984 From Area of Interest: image From LocalPercentSlope: image CombinedVegetationCoverage: image If I run the tool as-is: Executing: SuitableDropZonesTestEdited "Area of Interest" LocalPercentSlope CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\default.gdb\testDZ0001" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:44 2014 Executing (Copy Features (2)): CopyFeatures "Area of Interest" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # 0 0 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:45 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:46 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.60 seconds) Executing (Calculate Value: Cell Size): CalculateValue CalcCellSize(r"C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI") "def CalcCellSize(ds):\n desc = arcpy.Describe(ds)\n mx = max(desc.extent.width,desc.extent.height)\n return float(mx/1000.0)" "Cell Size" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:46 2014 Value = 6.24727317000009E-04 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:46 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Extract by Mask): ExtractByMask LocalPercentSlope "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:46 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:47 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.91 seconds) Executing (Set Null): SetNull "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" ""VALUE" > 30.0" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:47 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:48 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.86 seconds) Executing (Reclassify): Reclassify "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" Value "0 10 2;10 30 1" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" DATA Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:48 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:49 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.75 seconds) Executing (Raster to Polygon): RasterToPolygon "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" SIMPLIFY VALUE Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:49 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:52 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.52 seconds) Executing (Add Field): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc TEXT # # 50 "Slope Category Description" NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:52 2014 Adding slopedesc to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:52 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.09 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc SlopeCat(!gridcode!) PYTHON_9.3 "def SlopeCat(catval):\n if catval == 2: return "Less than 10% slope"\n if catval == 1: return "Between 10% and 30% slope"\n" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:52 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:00:55 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2.34 seconds) Executing (Clip): Clip CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:00:55 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:04:06 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3 minutes 11 seconds) Executing (Make Feature Layer): MakeFeatureLayer "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" clippedveg_Layer # # "OBJECTID OBJECTID VISIBLE NONE;Shape Shape VISIBLE NONE;fcsubtype fcsubtype VISIBLE NONE;f_code f_code VISIBLE NONE;adr adr VISIBLE NONE;aoo aoo VISIBLE NONE;ara ara VISIBLE NONE;atb atb VISIBLE NONE;awp awp VISIBLE NONE;caa caa VISIBLE NONE;dmbc dmbc VISIBLE NONE;dmbl dmbl VISIBLE NONE;dmbu dmbu VISIBLE NONE;dmt dmt VISIBLE NONE;ffn ffn VISIBLE NONE;ffn2 ffn2 VISIBLE NONE;ffn3 ffn3 VISIBLE NONE;hgt hgt VISIBLE NONE;lmc lmc VISIBLE NONE;lzn lzn VISIBLE NONE;oth oth VISIBLE NONE;pcf pcf VISIBLE NONE;ppo ppo VISIBLE NONE;ppo2 ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;ppo3 ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;pvh pvh VISIBLE NONE;sdsc sdsc VISIBLE NONE;sdsl sdsl VISIBLE NONE;sdsu sdsu VISIBLE NONE;ssr ssr VISIBLE NONE;ssr2 ssr2 VISIBLE NONE;ssr3 ssr3 VISIBLE NONE;tos tos VISIBLE NONE;tre tre VISIBLE NONE;tscc tscc VISIBLE NONE;tscl tscl VISIBLE NONE;tscu tscu VISIBLE NONE;ufi ufi VISIBLE NONE;vcm vcm VISIBLE NONE;vcm2 vcm2 VISIBLE NONE;vcm3 vcm3 VISIBLE NONE;vlm vlm VISIBLE NONE;voi voi VISIBLE NONE;vsp vsp VISIBLE NONE;vsp2 vsp2 VISIBLE NONE;vsp3 vsp3 VISIBLE NONE;wid wid VISIBLE NONE;zi004_rcg zi004_rcg VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna zi005_fna VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn zi005_nfn VISIBLE NONE;zi006_mem zi006_mem VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp zi013_csp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp2 zi013_csp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp3 zi013_csp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp zi013_ffp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp2 zi013_ffp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp3 zi013_ffp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm zi013_fmm VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm2 zi013_fmm2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm3 zi013_fmm3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_irg zi013_irg VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo zi014_ppo VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo2 zi014_ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo3 zi014_ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;zi018_wit zi018_wit VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rs0 zsax_rs0 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx3 zsax_rx3 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx4 zsax_rx4 VISIBLE NONE;zvh zvh VISIBLE NONE;created_user created_user VISIBLE NONE;created_date created_date VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_user last_edited_user VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_date last_edited_date VISIBLE NONE;adi adi VISIBLE NONE;cam cam VISIBLE NONE;ccg ccg VISIBLE NONE;cso cso VISIBLE NONE;cul cul VISIBLE NONE;hei hei VISIBLE NONE;hss hss VISIBLE NONE;mcc mcc VISIBLE NONE;mcc2 mcc2 VISIBLE NONE;mcc3 mcc3 VISIBLE NONE;srl srl VISIBLE NONE;ssc ssc VISIBLE NONE;tty tty VISIBLE NONE;zi024_ywq zi024_ywq VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rel zi037_rel VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rfa zi037_rfa VISIBLE NONE;aqn aqn VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdc ba000_vdc VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdr ba000_vdr VISIBLE NONE;cet cet VISIBLE NONE;dof dof VISIBLE NONE;fic fic VISIBLE NONE;got got VISIBLE NONE;pfd pfd VISIBLE NONE;pfh pfh VISIBLE NONE;rkf rkf VISIBLE NONE;sad sad VISIBLE NONE;sdcc sdcc VISIBLE NONE;sdcl sdcl VISIBLE NONE;sdcu sdcu VISIBLE NONE;sdo sdo VISIBLE NONE;sdt sdt VISIBLE NONE;sgcc sgcc VISIBLE NONE;sgcl sgcl VISIBLE NONE;sgcu sgcu VISIBLE NONE;shd shd VISIBLE NONE;sic sic VISIBLE NONE;slt slt VISIBLE NONE;srd srd VISIBLE NONE;stp stp VISIBLE NONE;swc swc VISIBLE NONE;trs trs VISIBLE NONE;trs2 trs2 VISIBLE NONE;trs3 trs3 VISIBLE NONE;tsm tsm VISIBLE NONE;tsm2 tsm2 VISIBLE NONE;tsm3 tsm3 VISIBLE NONE;wle wle VISIBLE NONE;ama ama VISIBLE NONE;cct cct VISIBLE NONE;bac bac VISIBLE NONE;hhd hhd VISIBLE NONE;stl stl VISIBLE NONE;stl2 stl2 VISIBLE NONE;stl3 stl3 VISIBLE NONE;wpi wpi VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna1 zi005_fna1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna2 zi005_fna2 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn1 zi005_nfn1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn2 zi005_nfn2 VISIBLE NONE;bmc bmc VISIBLE NONE;bmc2 bmc2 VISIBLE NONE;bmc3 bmc3 VISIBLE NONE;boc boc VISIBLE NONE;hyp hyp VISIBLE NONE;sbc sbc VISIBLE NONE;tid tid VISIBLE NONE;veg veg VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Length Shape_Length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Area Shape_Area VISIBLE NONE;Shape_length Shape_length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_area Shape_area VISIBLE NONE" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:04:07 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:04:07 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.04 seconds) Executing (Add Field (3)): AddField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:04:07 2014 Adding DZ_VEG to clippedveg_Layer... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:04:08 2014 (Elapsed Time: 1.15 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (3)): CalculateField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG CalcdzVeg(!f_code!) PYTHON_9.3 "dzVegType = {"AJ050":["Windmill",0],\n "AJ080":["Stable",0],\n "AJ085":["Barn", 0],\n "AJ110":["Greenhouse",0],\n "AM020":["Grain Storage Structure",0],\n "EA040":["Orchard",0],\n "EC015":["EC015",0],\n "EB020":["EB020",0]}\n\ndef CalcdzVeg(f_code):\n f_code=str(f_code)\n if f_code in dzVegType.keys():\n DZ_VEGVal = dzVegType[f_code][1]\n else: DZ_VEGVal = 1\n return DZ_VEGVal" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:04:08 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:04:08 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.75 seconds) Executing (Union): Union "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly #;clippedveg_Layer #" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" ALL # GAPS Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:04:08 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:06:15 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2 minutes 6 seconds) Executing (Add Field (2)): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:06:15 2014 Adding DZ_Suitability to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:06:15 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.08 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (2)): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability "DZSuit (!gridcode!,!DZ_VEG!)" PYTHON_9.3 "def DZSuit (gridcode,DZ_VEG):\n if DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 1: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 2: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 1 and DZ_VEG=="1": return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 1 : return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 2 : return "Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 2 and DZ_VEG == "1": return "Acceptable"" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:06:15 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:06:19 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.73 seconds) Executing (Select): Select "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable' OR DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable With Caution'" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:06:19 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:06:31 2014 (Elapsed Time: 12.40 seconds) Executing (Create Spatial Reference): CreateSpatialReference "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # # # # 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:06:32 2014 Spatial Reference = GCS_WGS_1984 XY Domain (XMin,YMin XMax,YMax) = -400,-400 9006799.25474099,9006799.25474099 Z Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 M Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:06:32 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.00 seconds) Executing (Project): Project "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "C:\Users\matt2542\Documents\Users\erik0000\Desktop\Workspace\Geospatial Data\Scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Project" "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" # # NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:06:32 2014 ERROR 000208: Error creating output feature class Failed to execute (Project). Failed at Fri Oct 17 10:06:32 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.12 seconds) Failed to execute (SuitableDropZonesTestEdited). Failed at Fri Oct 17 10:06:33 2014 (Elapsed Time: 5 minutes 48 seconds) WARNING 001003: Datum conflict between input and output.

So it seems there is a problem in Project towards the end of the model. But it’s still very weird about the data conflict warning at the beginning.

Tool Run 2 (Cancelled) So the spatial reference of the input feature set is Web Mercator. If we swap it out with the same AOI feature class that we are using for our input… image

Same problem. Let’s see how this works out… Executing: SuitableDropZonesTestEdited "Area of Interest" LocalPercentSlope CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\default.gdb\testDZ0001" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:01 2014 Executing (Copy Features (2)): CopyFeatures "Area of Interest" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # 0 0 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:03 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:04 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.70 seconds) Executing (Calculate Value: Cell Size): CalculateValue CalcCellSize(r"C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI") "def CalcCellSize(ds):\n desc = arcpy.Describe(ds)\n mx = max(desc.extent.width,desc.extent.height)\n return float(mx/1000.0)" "Cell Size" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:04 2014 Value = 6.24727317000009E-04 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:04 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Extract by Mask): ExtractByMask LocalPercentSlope "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:04 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:05 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.86 seconds) Executing (Set Null): SetNull "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" ""VALUE" > 30.0" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:05 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:06 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.80 seconds) Executing (Reclassify): Reclassify "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" Value "0 10 2;10 30 1" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" DATA Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:06 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:06 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.71 seconds) Executing (Raster to Polygon): RasterToPolygon "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" SIMPLIFY VALUE Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:06 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:10 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.28 seconds) Executing (Add Field): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc TEXT # # 50 "Slope Category Description" NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:10 2014 Adding slopedesc to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:10 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc SlopeCat(!gridcode!) PYTHON_9.3 "def SlopeCat(catval):\n if catval == 2: return "Less than 10% slope"\n if catval == 1: return "Between 10% and 30% slope"\n" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:10 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:19:12 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2.28 seconds) Executing (Clip): Clip CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:19:12 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:22:04 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2 minutes 51 seconds) Executing (Make Feature Layer): MakeFeatureLayer "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" clippedveg_Layer # # "OBJECTID OBJECTID VISIBLE NONE;Shape Shape VISIBLE NONE;fcsubtype fcsubtype VISIBLE NONE;f_code f_code VISIBLE NONE;adr adr VISIBLE NONE;aoo aoo VISIBLE NONE;ara ara VISIBLE NONE;atb atb VISIBLE NONE;awp awp VISIBLE NONE;caa caa VISIBLE NONE;dmbc dmbc VISIBLE NONE;dmbl dmbl VISIBLE NONE;dmbu dmbu VISIBLE NONE;dmt dmt VISIBLE NONE;ffn ffn VISIBLE NONE;ffn2 ffn2 VISIBLE NONE;ffn3 ffn3 VISIBLE NONE;hgt hgt VISIBLE NONE;lmc lmc VISIBLE NONE;lzn lzn VISIBLE NONE;oth oth VISIBLE NONE;pcf pcf VISIBLE NONE;ppo ppo VISIBLE NONE;ppo2 ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;ppo3 ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;pvh pvh VISIBLE NONE;sdsc sdsc VISIBLE NONE;sdsl sdsl VISIBLE NONE;sdsu sdsu VISIBLE NONE;ssr ssr VISIBLE NONE;ssr2 ssr2 VISIBLE NONE;ssr3 ssr3 VISIBLE NONE;tos tos VISIBLE NONE;tre tre VISIBLE NONE;tscc tscc VISIBLE NONE;tscl tscl VISIBLE NONE;tscu tscu VISIBLE NONE;ufi ufi VISIBLE NONE;vcm vcm VISIBLE NONE;vcm2 vcm2 VISIBLE NONE;vcm3 vcm3 VISIBLE NONE;vlm vlm VISIBLE NONE;voi voi VISIBLE NONE;vsp vsp VISIBLE NONE;vsp2 vsp2 VISIBLE NONE;vsp3 vsp3 VISIBLE NONE;wid wid VISIBLE NONE;zi004_rcg zi004_rcg VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna zi005_fna VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn zi005_nfn VISIBLE NONE;zi006_mem zi006_mem VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp zi013_csp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp2 zi013_csp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp3 zi013_csp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp zi013_ffp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp2 zi013_ffp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp3 zi013_ffp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm zi013_fmm VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm2 zi013_fmm2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm3 zi013_fmm3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_irg zi013_irg VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo zi014_ppo VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo2 zi014_ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo3 zi014_ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;zi018_wit zi018_wit VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rs0 zsax_rs0 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx3 zsax_rx3 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx4 zsax_rx4 VISIBLE NONE;zvh zvh VISIBLE NONE;shadow shadow VISIBLE NONE;created_user created_user VISIBLE NONE;created_date created_date VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_user last_edited_user VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_date last_edited_date VISIBLE NONE;st_areashape st_areashape VISIBLE NONE;st_lengthshape st_lengthshape VISIBLE NONE;bmc bmc VISIBLE NONE;bmc2 bmc2 VISIBLE NONE;bmc3 bmc3 VISIBLE NONE;boc boc VISIBLE NONE;hyp hyp VISIBLE NONE;sbc sbc VISIBLE NONE;tid tid VISIBLE NONE;veg veg VISIBLE NONE;aqn aqn VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdc ba000_vdc VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdr ba000_vdr VISIBLE NONE;cet cet VISIBLE NONE;dof dof VISIBLE NONE;fic fic VISIBLE NONE;got got VISIBLE NONE;mcc mcc VISIBLE NONE;mcc2 mcc2 VISIBLE NONE;mcc3 mcc3 VISIBLE NONE;pfd pfd VISIBLE NONE;pfh pfh VISIBLE NONE;rkf rkf VISIBLE NONE;sad sad VISIBLE NONE;sdcc sdcc VISIBLE NONE;sdcl sdcl VISIBLE NONE;sdcu sdcu VISIBLE NONE;sdo sdo VISIBLE NONE;sdt sdt VISIBLE NONE;sgcc sgcc VISIBLE NONE;sgcl sgcl VISIBLE NONE;sgcu sgcu VISIBLE NONE;shd shd VISIBLE NONE;sic sic VISIBLE NONE;slt slt VISIBLE NONE;srd srd VISIBLE NONE;stp stp VISIBLE NONE;swc swc VISIBLE NONE;trs trs VISIBLE NONE;trs2 trs2 VISIBLE NONE;trs3 trs3 VISIBLE NONE;tsm tsm VISIBLE NONE;tsm2 tsm2 VISIBLE NONE;tsm3 tsm3 VISIBLE NONE;wle wle VISIBLE NONE;bac bac VISIBLE NONE;hhd hhd VISIBLE NONE;stl stl VISIBLE NONE;stl2 stl2 VISIBLE NONE;stl3 stl3 VISIBLE NONE;wpi wpi VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna1 zi005_fna1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna2 zi005_fna2 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn1 zi005_nfn1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn2 zi005_nfn2 VISIBLE NONE;adi adi VISIBLE NONE;cam cam VISIBLE NONE;ccg ccg VISIBLE NONE;cso cso VISIBLE NONE;cul cul VISIBLE NONE;hei hei VISIBLE NONE;hss hss VISIBLE NONE;srl srl VISIBLE NONE;ssc ssc VISIBLE NONE;tty tty VISIBLE NONE;zi024_ywq zi024_ywq VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rel zi037_rel VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rfa zi037_rfa VISIBLE NONE;ama ama VISIBLE NONE;cct cct VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Length Shape_Length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Area Shape_Area VISIBLE NONE;Shape_length Shape_length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_area Shape_area VISIBLE NONE" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:22:04 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:22:04 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Add Field (3)): AddField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:22:04 2014 Adding DZ_VEG to clippedveg_Layer... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:22:05 2014 (Elapsed Time: 1.26 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (3)): CalculateField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG CalcdzVeg(!f_code!) PYTHON_9.3 "dzVegType = {"AJ050":["Windmill",0],\n "AJ080":["Stable",0],\n "AJ085":["Barn", 0],\n "AJ110":["Greenhouse",0],\n "AM020":["Grain Storage Structure",0],\n "EA040":["Orchard",0],\n "EC015":["EC015",0],\n "EB020":["EB020",0]}\n\ndef CalcdzVeg(f_code):\n f_code=str(f_code)\n if f_code in dzVegType.keys():\n DZ_VEGVal = dzVegType[f_code][1]\n else: DZ_VEGVal = 1\n return DZ_VEGVal" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:22:05 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:22:06 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.75 seconds) Executing (Union): Union "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly #;clippedveg_Layer #" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" ALL # GAPS Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:22:06 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:10 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2 minutes 4 seconds) Executing (Add Field (2)): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:10 2014 Adding DZ_Suitability to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:11 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.07 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (2)): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability "DZSuit (!gridcode!,!DZ_VEG!)" PYTHON_9.3 "def DZSuit (gridcode,DZ_VEG):\n if DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 1: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 2: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 1 and DZ_VEG=="1": return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 1 : return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 2 : return "Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 2 and DZ_VEG == "1": return "Acceptable"" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:11 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:14 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.72 seconds) Executing (Select): Select "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable' OR DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable With Caution'" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:14 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 (Elapsed Time: 12.06 seconds) Executing (Create Spatial Reference): CreateSpatialReference "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # # # # 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 Spatial Reference = GCS_WGS_1984 XY Domain (XMin,YMin XMax,YMax) = -400,-400 9006799.25474099,9006799.25474099 Z Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 M Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.00 seconds) Executing (Project): Project "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select_Project" "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" # # NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:35 2014 (Elapsed Time: 8.17 seconds) Executing (Dissolve): Dissolve "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select_Project" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\default.gdb\testDZ0001" DZ_Suitability # MULTI_PART DISSOLVE_LINES Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:35 2014 Sorting Attributes... Dissolving...

<CANCELLED AT THIS POINT --- 10:32 AM – 15 minutes to run to this point>

OK so it took too long to run to this point, I cancelled, but somehow it still created an empty output dataset.. Still something not right with the SR. If you look at the output from the Create Spatial Reference the XY domain are off, especially for geographic cords: Executing (Create Spatial Reference): CreateSpatialReference "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # # # # 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 Spatial Reference = GCS_WGS_1984 XY Domain (XMin,YMin XMax,YMax) = -400,-400 9006799.25474099,9006799.25474099 Z Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 M Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.00 seconds) Executing (Project): Project "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select_Project" "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" # # NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:24:26 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:24:35 2014 (Elapsed Time: 8.17 seconds)

Back to the Clip showing datum conflict for inputs, the tool does this itself eventhough the input datums are the same. Seems like a bogus error. Let’s try this again and let it run no matter how long it takes.

Test Run 3 (Succeeded with Warnings) Same inputs. Output exists from previously cancelled run. We’ll just overwrite it. image

Executing: SuitableDropZonesTestEdited "Area of Interest" LocalPercentSlope CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\default.gdb\testDZ0001" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:10 2014 Executing (Copy Features (2)): CopyFeatures "Area of Interest" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # 0 0 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:12 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:13 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.74 seconds) Executing (Calculate Value: Cell Size): CalculateValue CalcCellSize(r"C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI") "def CalcCellSize(ds):\n desc = arcpy.Describe(ds)\n mx = max(desc.extent.width,desc.extent.height)\n return float(mx/1000.0)" "Cell Size" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:13 2014 Value = 6.24727317000009E-04 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:13 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Extract by Mask): ExtractByMask LocalPercentSlope "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:13 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:14 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.90 seconds) Executing (Set Null): SetNull "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedelev" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" ""VALUE" > 30.0" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:14 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:15 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.77 seconds) Executing (Reclassify): Reclassify "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slope30" Value "0 10 2;10 30 1" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" DATA Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:15 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:16 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.73 seconds) Executing (Raster to Polygon): RasterToPolygon "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\reclass" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" SIMPLIFY VALUE Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:16 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:19 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.24 seconds) Executing (Add Field): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc TEXT # # 50 "Slope Category Description" NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:19 2014 Adding slopedesc to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:19 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly" slopedesc SlopeCat(!gridcode!) PYTHON_9.3 "def SlopeCat(catval):\n if catval == 2: return "Less than 10% slope"\n if catval == 1: return "Between 10% and 30% slope"\n" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:19 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:47:21 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2.30 seconds) Executing (Clip): Clip CombinedVegetationCoverage "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:47:21 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:50:14 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2 minutes 52 seconds) Executing (Make Feature Layer): MakeFeatureLayer "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\clippedveg" clippedveg_Layer # # "OBJECTID OBJECTID VISIBLE NONE;Shape Shape VISIBLE NONE;fcsubtype fcsubtype VISIBLE NONE;f_code f_code VISIBLE NONE;adr adr VISIBLE NONE;aoo aoo VISIBLE NONE;ara ara VISIBLE NONE;atb atb VISIBLE NONE;awp awp VISIBLE NONE;caa caa VISIBLE NONE;dmbc dmbc VISIBLE NONE;dmbl dmbl VISIBLE NONE;dmbu dmbu VISIBLE NONE;dmt dmt VISIBLE NONE;ffn ffn VISIBLE NONE;ffn2 ffn2 VISIBLE NONE;ffn3 ffn3 VISIBLE NONE;hgt hgt VISIBLE NONE;lmc lmc VISIBLE NONE;lzn lzn VISIBLE NONE;oth oth VISIBLE NONE;pcf pcf VISIBLE NONE;ppo ppo VISIBLE NONE;ppo2 ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;ppo3 ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;pvh pvh VISIBLE NONE;sdsc sdsc VISIBLE NONE;sdsl sdsl VISIBLE NONE;sdsu sdsu VISIBLE NONE;ssr ssr VISIBLE NONE;ssr2 ssr2 VISIBLE NONE;ssr3 ssr3 VISIBLE NONE;tos tos VISIBLE NONE;tre tre VISIBLE NONE;tscc tscc VISIBLE NONE;tscl tscl VISIBLE NONE;tscu tscu VISIBLE NONE;ufi ufi VISIBLE NONE;vcm vcm VISIBLE NONE;vcm2 vcm2 VISIBLE NONE;vcm3 vcm3 VISIBLE NONE;vlm vlm VISIBLE NONE;voi voi VISIBLE NONE;vsp vsp VISIBLE NONE;vsp2 vsp2 VISIBLE NONE;vsp3 vsp3 VISIBLE NONE;wid wid VISIBLE NONE;zi004_rcg zi004_rcg VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna zi005_fna VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn zi005_nfn VISIBLE NONE;zi006_mem zi006_mem VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp zi013_csp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp2 zi013_csp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_csp3 zi013_csp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp zi013_ffp VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp2 zi013_ffp2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_ffp3 zi013_ffp3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm zi013_fmm VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm2 zi013_fmm2 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_fmm3 zi013_fmm3 VISIBLE NONE;zi013_irg zi013_irg VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo zi014_ppo VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo2 zi014_ppo2 VISIBLE NONE;zi014_ppo3 zi014_ppo3 VISIBLE NONE;zi018_wit zi018_wit VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rs0 zsax_rs0 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx3 zsax_rx3 VISIBLE NONE;zsax_rx4 zsax_rx4 VISIBLE NONE;zvh zvh VISIBLE NONE;shadow shadow VISIBLE NONE;created_user created_user VISIBLE NONE;created_date created_date VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_user last_edited_user VISIBLE NONE;last_edited_date last_edited_date VISIBLE NONE;st_areashape st_areashape VISIBLE NONE;st_lengthshape st_lengthshape VISIBLE NONE;bmc bmc VISIBLE NONE;bmc2 bmc2 VISIBLE NONE;bmc3 bmc3 VISIBLE NONE;boc boc VISIBLE NONE;hyp hyp VISIBLE NONE;sbc sbc VISIBLE NONE;tid tid VISIBLE NONE;veg veg VISIBLE NONE;aqn aqn VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdc ba000_vdc VISIBLE NONE;ba000_vdr ba000_vdr VISIBLE NONE;cet cet VISIBLE NONE;dof dof VISIBLE NONE;fic fic VISIBLE NONE;got got VISIBLE NONE;mcc mcc VISIBLE NONE;mcc2 mcc2 VISIBLE NONE;mcc3 mcc3 VISIBLE NONE;pfd pfd VISIBLE NONE;pfh pfh VISIBLE NONE;rkf rkf VISIBLE NONE;sad sad VISIBLE NONE;sdcc sdcc VISIBLE NONE;sdcl sdcl VISIBLE NONE;sdcu sdcu VISIBLE NONE;sdo sdo VISIBLE NONE;sdt sdt VISIBLE NONE;sgcc sgcc VISIBLE NONE;sgcl sgcl VISIBLE NONE;sgcu sgcu VISIBLE NONE;shd shd VISIBLE NONE;sic sic VISIBLE NONE;slt slt VISIBLE NONE;srd srd VISIBLE NONE;stp stp VISIBLE NONE;swc swc VISIBLE NONE;trs trs VISIBLE NONE;trs2 trs2 VISIBLE NONE;trs3 trs3 VISIBLE NONE;tsm tsm VISIBLE NONE;tsm2 tsm2 VISIBLE NONE;tsm3 tsm3 VISIBLE NONE;wle wle VISIBLE NONE;bac bac VISIBLE NONE;hhd hhd VISIBLE NONE;stl stl VISIBLE NONE;stl2 stl2 VISIBLE NONE;stl3 stl3 VISIBLE NONE;wpi wpi VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna1 zi005_fna1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_fna2 zi005_fna2 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn1 zi005_nfn1 VISIBLE NONE;zi005_nfn2 zi005_nfn2 VISIBLE NONE;adi adi VISIBLE NONE;cam cam VISIBLE NONE;ccg ccg VISIBLE NONE;cso cso VISIBLE NONE;cul cul VISIBLE NONE;hei hei VISIBLE NONE;hss hss VISIBLE NONE;srl srl VISIBLE NONE;ssc ssc VISIBLE NONE;tty tty VISIBLE NONE;zi024_ywq zi024_ywq VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rel zi037_rel VISIBLE NONE;zi037_rfa zi037_rfa VISIBLE NONE;ama ama VISIBLE NONE;cct cct VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Length Shape_Length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_Area Shape_Area VISIBLE NONE;Shape_length Shape_length VISIBLE NONE;Shape_area Shape_area VISIBLE NONE" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:50:14 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:50:14 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.05 seconds) Executing (Add Field (3)): AddField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:50:14 2014 Adding DZ_VEG to clippedveg_Layer... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:50:16 2014 (Elapsed Time: 1.15 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (3)): CalculateField clippedveg_Layer DZ_VEG CalcdzVeg(!f_code!) PYTHON_9.3 "dzVegType = {"AJ050":["Windmill",0],\n "AJ080":["Stable",0],\n "AJ085":["Barn", 0],\n "AJ110":["Greenhouse",0],\n "AM020":["Grain Storage Structure",0],\n "EA040":["Orchard",0],\n "EC015":["EC015",0],\n "EB020":["EB020",0]}\n\ndef CalcdzVeg(f_code):\n f_code=str(f_code)\n if f_code in dzVegType.keys():\n DZ_VEGVal = dzVegType[f_code][1]\n else: DZ_VEGVal = 1\n return DZ_VEGVal" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:50:16 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:50:16 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.74 seconds) Executing (Union): Union "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\slopepoly #;clippedveg_Layer #" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" ALL # GAPS Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:50:16 2014 Reading Features... Cracking Features... Assembling Features... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:20 2014 (Elapsed Time: 2 minutes 3 seconds) Executing (Add Field (2)): AddField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability TEXT # # # # NULLABLE NON_REQUIRED # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:20 2014 Adding DZ_Suitability to C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:20 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.08 seconds) Executing (Calculate Field (2)): CalculateField "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" DZ_Suitability "DZSuit (!gridcode!,!DZ_VEG!)" PYTHON_9.3 "def DZSuit (gridcode,DZ_VEG):\n if DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 1: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif DZ_VEG == "0" and gridcode == 2: return "Not Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 1 and DZ_VEG=="1": return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 1 : return "Acceptable With Caution"\n elif gridcode == 2 : return "Acceptable"\n elif gridcode == 2 and DZ_VEG == "1": return "Acceptable"" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:20 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:24 2014 (Elapsed Time: 3.72 seconds) Executing (Select): Select "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable' OR DZ_Suitability = 'Acceptable With Caution'" Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:24 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:36 2014 (Elapsed Time: 12.09 seconds) Executing (Create Spatial Reference): CreateSpatialReference "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\AOI" # # # # 0 Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:36 2014 Spatial Reference = GCS_WGS_1984 XY Domain (XMin,YMin XMax,YMax) = -400,-400 9006799.25474099,9006799.25474099 Z Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 M Domain (Min,Max) = -100000,900719825474.099 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:36 2014 (Elapsed Time: 0.00 seconds) Executing (Project): Project "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select_Project" "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" # # NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE # Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:36 2014 Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 10:52:44 2014 (Elapsed Time: 7.87 seconds) Executing (Dissolve): Dissolve "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\scratch.gdb\DZUnion_Select_Project" "C:\Workspace\Test\TestForErikReid\s-g-t Tool test Oct2014\default.gdb\testDZ0001" DZ_Suitability # MULTI_PART DISSOLVE_LINES Start Time: Fri Oct 17 10:52:44 2014 Sorting Attributes... Dissolving... Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 11:04:18 2014 (Elapsed Time: 11 minutes 33 seconds) Succeeded at Fri Oct 17 11:04:19 2014 (Elapsed Time: 17 minutes 8 seconds) WARNING 001003: Datum conflict between input and output.

The warning that there is a datum conflict is bogus, probably because of the issue with Clip. If you check the output the datum is still D_WGS_1984.. image And the results… image


  1. The Feature Set template is in Web Mercator and should probably be made to be in GCS_WGS_1984 to match inputs.
  2. Found some intermediate datasets (DZUnion_Project) around the Project tool that reference a folder for ..\User\erik000.. Had to change these to %scratchGDB%.

image This also showed up for the output Drop Zones in the initial dialog. image

  1. While it didn’t seem to affect the results the Create Spatial Reference tool before Project still reference Web Mercator. image
erikreid commented 9 years ago

Made adjustment following the recommendations. ran the tools and did not receive the errors. re-synced to ensure latest version is posted. Changed the "Create Spatial Reference" portion of the model from Web Mercator to WGS-84. Cleared out the file path on the final output to force end user to set path of the output.