DEPRECATED: The Story Map Crowdsource℠ app enables you to publish and manage a crowdsourced story to which anyone can contribute photos with captions.
I forked this app and I'm about to begin learning how to change the source code so that I can ultimately alphabetize (by title) end-user contributions. Then I read the app is being moved into mature support and will no longer be supported. I currently have three crowdsource apps up, and I want to still make these changes. Is this possible?
This repo will no longer receive updates but will remain available. With your fork, you can also continue maintain and fix bugs as needed. All customization will live on your server.
I forked this app and I'm about to begin learning how to change the source code so that I can ultimately alphabetize (by title) end-user contributions. Then I read the app is being moved into mature support and will no longer be supported. I currently have three crowdsource apps up, and I want to still make these changes. Is this possible?