Esri / twitter-for-geoevent

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sample Twitter connectors for sending and receiving tweets.
Apache License 2.0
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How to trace the twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl in GEP 10.3.1 #7

Open AussiePete2015 opened 8 years ago

AussiePete2015 commented 8 years ago

I work in a heavily secured environment, which means that making anything that is external work such as Twitter can be complicated by firewalls and proxies,. What I need to be able to do is to increase logging. I'm currently seeing the following in the GEP logs

twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl connect timed out Nov 6, 2015, 1:05:47 PM DEBUG twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl Twitter Stream consumer-4[Waiting for 16000 milliseconds] Nov 6, 2015, 1:05:31 PM DEBUG twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl Waiting for 16000 milliseconds Nov 6, 2015, 1:05:31 PM INFO

Cheers and thanks

AussiePete2015 commented 8 years ago

HI all

Thanks to Josh for the following details to make this work behind a proxy here’s the info I received this morning through the development team back-channel on item (3) – Twitter Connector/Proxy..

--- begin ---

The twitter connector does not support proxy specifically. And it does not use the HTTP modules in the GeoEvent so the current global proxy settings do not affect it. However, according to twitter4j (the library we used for the twitter connector) document, you could set the proxy host and port as the system property. See this link for more details.

As a result, you can go to c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\GeoEvent\etc folder and edit the ArcGISGeoEvent.cfg file. You will add these two lines to the file: host port

Please note the “n”s need to be the next two numbers of all your entries. For example, if you already have, the new ones are going to be and You will need to restart GeoEvent after this.

--- end ---

AussiePete2015 commented 8 years ago

Still having issues with the proxy. Although we've added the information, into the cfg file we are still not able to communicate with twitter. I can run a curl script to connect to twitter

D:\Apps\curl>curl -x proxy.auiag.corp:8080 --cacert D:/Downloads/IAGInternalCA.p em --get "" --header "Authorization: OAuth oauth_con sumer_key="xxxx", oauth_nonce="xxxx", oauth_signature="xxxx", oauth_signature_method= "HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1455248699", oauth_token="xxx", oauth_version="1.0"" --verbose

About to connect() to proxy proxy.auiag.corp port 8080 (#0)

However in GEX we see the following twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl Twitter Stream consumer-2[Establishing connection] Feb 15, 2016, 11:29:35 AM DEBUG twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl Establishing connection. Feb 15, 2016, 11:29:35 AM INFO twitter4j.TwitterStreamImpl connect timed out Feb 15, 2016, 11:29:35 AM DEBUG

Any help to trace this would be greatly appreciated.

jdelgadillo commented 8 years ago

Since you had to supply the cacert option to curl, I'm assuming your proxy's certificate was issued by a private Certificate Authority (CA). If that's the case, you'll need to add either your proxy's certificate or the CA that signed it to the ArcGIS certificate store.

To do that, import the pem file you passed to curl using the web page http://<serverhostname>:6080/arcgis/admin/machines/<machineName>/sslcertificates/importRootOrIntermediate

After importing the CA certificate, restart GeoEvent. After the restart, GeoEvent will trust connections to sites whose certificate were issued by the CA in the pem file.