Esri / wind-js

An demo animation of wind on a Canvas layer in the JSAPI
MIT License
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Anyone tried wind-js with Google Maps #12

Closed ilblog closed 9 years ago

ilblog commented 9 years ago

As far as I know Google Maps use Mercator Projection. So I suppose, that this library can work with Google Maps API also.

Anyone tried that?

chelm commented 9 years ago

Not that I know of, but its designed to simply render onto a canvas. is an example of this library on top of leaflet...

chelm commented 9 years ago

an example on top of this would be simple:

ilblog commented 9 years ago


ilblog commented 9 years ago

Well your comment helped me a lot. I have discovered Leaflet, so now good bye Google Maps API. Thanks again.

chelm commented 9 years ago

Love this! Good luck, let me know what you build!

ilblog commented 9 years ago

Still have a problems with Canvas Layer lib on leaflet. I have checked your work on freshymap, and you have also did some magic to anchor canvas element to specific place in DOM tree.

chelm commented 9 years ago

Yeah there is some magic to re-order the panes so they dont render behind the map tiles. I need to look into that in the leaflet code and see if there's a fix that can be applied.

ilblog commented 9 years ago

The canvas lib here have this issue (canvas is offset) already reported. Another leaflet canvas library is here . I am going to try this lib just now.

ilblog commented 9 years ago

Yep it works. I recommend lib for canvas layer. Works perfect on first try, and just few lines of code compared to first solution.

$http.get('gfs.json', { cache:true } ).success( function(result) {

    var timer = null;

    //Add CanvasLayer to the map
    canvasOverlay = L.canvasOverlay()

    //windy object  
    windy = new Windy({canvas: canvasOverlay.canvas(), data: result});

    //prepare context global var
    context = canvasOverlay.canvas().getContext('2d');

    //start drawing wind map
    function redraw(overlay, params) {

        if( timer ) 
            window.clearTimeout( timer ); 

        timer = setTimeout(function() { //showing wind is delayed
            var bounds = map.getBounds();
            var size = map.getSize();

            context.fillStyle = "red";

            windy.start( [[0,0],[size.x, size.y]], size.x, size.y, 
                [[bounds._southWest.lng, ],[bounds._northEast.lng,]] );


    //clear canvas and stop animation
    function clearWind() {
        context.clearRect(0,0,3000, 3000);

    map.on('dragstart', function() { clearWind() });
    map.on('zoomstart', function() { clearWind() });
    map.on('resize', function() { clearWind() });

pacioos commented 9 years ago

I followed the suggestion of @chelm to try CanvasLayer.js for Google Maps: While this works, wind-js behaves strangely once the dateline (antimeridian) comes into view. At that point, it starts drawing vertical lines on the map until you get the dateline out of view again. Ideas why that might be?

To see my example, you can try: That test page won't be around long, though, so here's the equivalent snippet to @ilblog above but for Google Maps and CanvasLayer.js.

var mapOptions = { center: { lat: 40, lng: -90 }, zoom: 4, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID };

var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( 'map' ), mapOptions );

$.ajax({url: 'gfs.json'}).success( function(result) {

    var timer = null;

    //Add CanvasLayer to the map
    var canvasLayerOptions = {
      map: map,
      animate: false,
      updateHandler: redraw 
    var canvasLayer = new CanvasLayer(canvasLayerOptions);

    //windy object  
    windy = new Windy({canvas: canvasLayer.canvas, data: result});

    //prepare context var
    var context = canvasLayer.canvas.getContext('2d');

    //start drawing wind map
    function redraw(overlay, params) {

        if( timer ) 
            window.clearTimeout( timer ); 

        timer = setTimeout(function() { //showing wind is delayed
            var bounds = map.getBounds();
            //var size = map.getSize();
            var map_size_x = $( '#map' ).width();
            var map_size_y = $( '#map' ).height();

            context.fillStyle = "red";

            windy.start( [[0,0],[map_size_x, map_size_y]], map_size_x, map_size_y, 
                [[bounds.getSouthWest().lng(), bounds.getSouthWest().lat() ],[bounds.getNorthEast().lng(), bounds.getNorthEast().lat()]] );


    //clear canvas and stop animation
    function clearWind() {
        context.clearRect(0,0,3000, 3000);

      function() {
