EsriOceans / btm

Benthic Terrain Modeler
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add compatibility for ArcGIS 10.1 and 10.1SP1 #43

Closed scw closed 10 years ago

scw commented 11 years ago

Specifying tool data types changed from using descriptions to using their internal ArcObjects names as of 10.1SP1. This prevents locale-specific issues, and allows tools to work outside of an English context. However, BTM should be 10.1 and 10.1SP1 compatible, and in order to do so, we need to support both descriptive keywords, and their shorthand form.

To to so, determine the ArcGIS version with arcpy.GetInstallInfo(), and then substitute the datatypes as needed based on the version. For example, 'Feature Layer' becomes 'GPFeatureLayer'.

patiam commented 11 years ago

any progress or resolution on this? i just got a report of BTM breaking when 10.1 SP1 was applied. is there a workaround? also, how does one uninstall BTM and other Add-Ins? thanks, hope all is well.

scw commented 10 years ago

@patiam I've added the datatyping module to a new release, beta 12. Could you check in and see if this works? It should now be robust to the language the user is using for input which was the previous problem.

Generally, you can just install this one on top of an existing version of the add-in, but if you want to clean up an existing release first, you can remove it by visiting Customize > Add-In Manager and selecting BTM, then 'Delete this Add-In'.

patiam commented 10 years ago

removed beta 3 add-in and installed beta 12. all functionality seems fine in 10.1 SP1 now except Classification Wizard will not run ("Invalid Tool - Unable to execute the selected tool" error) from toolbar. everything else at least opens when run from both toolbar and 'box (did not fully test every tool by running them). while i don't use the wizard much, i figured you'd want to know it might be broken. i confirmed with another user that they have same performance (everything works except wizard). i did notice that there is no longer a tool to build zone data / classification dictionary... the classify tool help mentions this but it is a bit buried in the parameter explanations; it may be good to bring the matter of dictionary creation forward a bit.

incidentally, even when the old add-in is deleted, the toolbar persists, and i had to reset toolbar after installing the b12 add-in in order to make many of the functions work. i think add-ins are prone to quirky behavior like this, i've seen it elsewhere as well.

scw commented 10 years ago

Hi Pat,

I've released a beta-13 which should resolve the wizard issue, thanks! I'll add a ticket for the classification dictionary issue, which I agree should be highlighted better.

patiam commented 10 years ago

thanks Shaun!

patiam commented 10 years ago

hi Shaun- download page on text still says Beta 12, dated Sept 17... is the download link really to beta-13? thanks, -pat

ETA- I downloaded and it looks like it is still beta-12, at least from the folder name after extraction... checked the individual files and most (other than 2 .pyc files and a bunch of xml's) are identical, so i'll assume new beta-13 is not up yet. please let me know if otherwise.