Closed Iten-No-404 closed 1 year ago
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Thanks for the marvelous effort!
We aren't certain yet whether the new script is necessary for all windows users, eh? If we are, then it may be worth mentioning in README/About.
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Thanks for the marvelous effort!
We aren't certain yet whether the new script is necessary for all windows users, eh? If we are, then it may be worth mentioning in README/About.
Yes, we aren't a 100% certain. The original script you had didn't work for me on Windows 10, so I googled back then and this is what I found: 'export' command is valid only for unix shells. In Windows - use 'set' instead of 'export'
from Source. Good idea, it can be added as a note in the README until we are certain what the problem exactly is.
Tried to translate the Courses Page to Arabic. Most of the course names are taken from the official 2018 board which can be found here:
N.B: Wasn't sure if it was best to stick to Classical Arabic or Egyptian Arabic or Arabic mixed with English. So, I went with a mix of all 3 while keeping the English to a bare minimum since we already have an English option in the first place.