EssentialOpenSource / device_essential_mata

Essential PH-1 device
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imsrcsd can't find symbols. #9

Closed ZVNexus closed 4 years ago

ZVNexus commented 4 years ago

05-14 12:53:15.744 2946 2946 F linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/vendor/bin/imsrcsd": cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android4base10LogMessageC1EPKcjNS0_5LogIdENS0_11LogSeverityEi" referenced by "/vendor/bin/imsrcsd"...

This is on master BTW, but from what I understand it happens even on 10 still.

jb-essential commented 4 years ago

Need to add this function to the AOSP

android::base::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const*, unsigned int, android::base::LogId, android::base::LogSeverity, int)

So the version without TAG.

Can be added in base/include/android-base/logging.h

This will fix the issue (As imsrcsd is a prebuilt)