Open Maresther-B opened 1 month ago
OK working on some steps to help you reproduce the issues and get a working image
On Mac:
xhost +
(this allows any local machine to display a window in XQuartz)ifconfig |grep 192.168
or ifconfig |grep 10.
(this is to get your Mac's ip address, you'll need that below), for me it was
On docker machine (this might be your mac or another machine, for me it's a Linux VM)
Demonstrating the issue where Chrome crashes even without being run in robot framework or rfswarm-agent
FROM estheniacollaboration/rfswarm-agent-seleniumlibrary-chrome:latest
cd xtest
docker build -t 'xtest' .
docker run -d xtest
docker ps
(to get the list of container names, in this case it was kind_zhukovsky)docker exec -it kind_zhukovsky bash
(connect to the container with a shell environment as the default shell is running rfswarm-agent)google-chrome
or /opt/google/chrome/chrome
Attempting to fix the issue, I investigated a number of the crash reasons and added them to a docker file in the xtestu
xtestu docker
FROM estheniacollaboration/rfswarm-agent-seleniumlibrary-chrome:latest
RUN echo [D-BUS Service]> /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service
RUN echo Name=org.freedesktop.Notifications>> /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service
RUN echo Exec=/usr/lib/notification-daemon-1.0/notification-daemon>> /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service
RUN apt install nano -y
RUN useradd -m rfsagent
USER rfsagent
RUN mkdir ~/.chrome
RUN cd
cd xtestu
docker build -t 'xtestu' .
docker run --privileged -d xtestu
(one of the chrome errors was related to the user not having privileged kernel access, that's why this has --privileged
)docker ps
(to get the list of container names, in this case it was goofy_mccarthy)docker exec -it goofy_mccarthy bash
(connect to the container with a shell environment as the default shell is running rfswarm-agent)google-chrome
or /opt/google/chrome/chrome
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Test Cases Open My Browser Open browser Chrome options=add_experimental_option("detach",True) sleep 10 Go To sleep 10 Go To sleep 10 Go To
- I then tried running `robot simple.robot`
- the test doesn't pass, sometimes it will load the first page, sometimes it will crash loading the first page, until this robot file can run no point testing that you can run tests with the agent
I haven't figured out the full solution but I think this will help you on the right track and help you troubleshoot the issue.
Thanks so much Dave, this is well detailed.
.K I reproduced the issue and I got this error message: [34:34:1106/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See This is while running the image without any custom user
A issue has been reported by Dave, while trying to run estheniacollaboration/rfswarm-agent-seleniumlibrary-chrome image with a DISPLAY on his mac computer.
The Dockerfile containt's used by Dave is:
FROM estheniacollaboration/rfswarm-agent-seleniumlibrary-chrome:latest ENV DISPLAY= where is the IP of his mac.
This happen because we can't run root apps on a remote display
Dave think that, maybe the better option is to create a user like rfsagent and switch to that before running the entrypoint
The steps realized to reproduce the issue are described below:
Here is a link which explains the context:
Thanks to @Dave for the report