EstherPlomp / TNW-RDM-101

Self paced materials of the RDM101 course
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Overview issue [Ritesh Das] #134

Open RiteshDas2000 opened 2 weeks ago

RiteshDas2000 commented 2 weeks ago


Describe your research in 2-3 sentences to someone that is not from your field (please avoid abbreviations)

<My research involves looking at excitations in magnetic materials, known as magnons or spin waves, and their propagation under the presence of different external factors. I also examine their coupling with other degrees of freedom like optical or elastic excitations.>

My research entails the following aspects:

Research Aspect Answer
Use/collect personal data (health data, interviews, surveys) No
Use/collect experimental data (lab experiments, measurements with instruments) Yes
Collaborate with industry Potentially
Write/develop software as the main output of the project Yes
Use code (as in programming) for data analysis Yes
Work with large data (images, simulation models) Yes
Other: N/A

Reflections on the importance of RDM videos

<The most eye-opening statement was that 9 laptops were stolen from this faculty, which makes me consider the very real threat of having my laptop stolen. I have already been made aware of the importance of reproducibility through a particularly tough review process. My horror story has less to do with the storage of the data but rather the management of the code written. The code was written in a way that made sense to very few people and, at times, didn't make sense to me either. This made it extremely difficult for a particularly thorough reviewer to reproduce my results.>

What would you like to learn during this course?

<The most efficient way to store data. Updating code/manuscripts while keeping old iterations available and making changes that are easily reversible.>

Checklist assignments

EstherPlomp commented 1 week ago

For keeping track of changes in your code I can recommend version control! We do not discuss that in detail in this course, but sometimes TU Delft organises a workshop on version control. You can also check out the Carpentries workshop materials on version control: Or the Turing Way on version control:

For manuscripts tools such as OneDrive / Google Drive may be more userfriendly, especially if you have to collaborate with multiple people!

We do go into how/where to store your data - hopefully assignment 2 is providing some helpful pointers for that!

EstherPlomp commented 1 week ago

Hi @RiteshDas2000! I see you marked Assignment 2 as complete but I don't see a link yet. Can you please still share the assignment as soon as possible! Thank you!

RiteshDas2000 commented 1 week ago

Hi Esther! Sorry I forgot to add the link, added now.

kmertiri commented 6 days ago

Hi Ritesh! For manuscripts, and sometimes notes, I use Overleaf. The university also provides access to the premium version so that you can collaborate with others.

EstherPlomp commented 4 days ago

Thanks for still sharing your assignment 2 @RiteshDas2000!

  • I don't think your assignment is complete? I don't see your answers to the questions on where the data is stored?
  • For the experimental data: what formats is the data in? Since you'll receive this data from collaborators, will you have all the information you need to work with the data? Are there any restrictions on sharing the eventual results of your research?
  • Since you're working with code you can also consider using a platform that implements version control to manage the code, such as GitHub and GitLab. TU Delft has a Gitlab instance:
  • I agree with @kmertiri that Overleaf is a nice solution to collaboratively work on manuscripts with others! Thanks for sharing @kmertiri!
RiteshDas2000 commented 4 days ago

Hey @EstherPlomp ,

I seem to have uploaded the incorrect file before. I have added the answers to the ppt in the link now. I have also added answers to the questions related to the experimental data. @kmertiri, thanks for the advice. I already use Overleaf, but I did not know the university has access to premium, I shall be making use of that. Thanks.


EstherPlomp commented 4 days ago

Thanks @RiteshDas2000, also for the update!

  • Do make sure your collaborators are alright with their data being stored on Google drive. You do automatically give Google permission/rights to data stored on these storage solutions. If everyone is happy with this, there is no harm for 'regular' research data being stored there.
  • With making weekly backups to your personal computer, do you mean that OneDrive is syncing your files? Sounds like a solid strategy!
  • Fantastic to see that you're already using version control/GitHub!