EstherPlomp / TNW-RDM-101

Self paced materials of the RDM101 course
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Assignment 1 Angelique Pothuizen #60

Closed AngeliquePothuizen closed 1 year ago

AngeliquePothuizen commented 1 year ago


Hi! My name is Angelique Pothuizen. I am a first year PhD student working the in the Biocatalysis group in the department of Biotechnology. I am 25 years old and I live in the city center of Delft.

Describe your research in 2-3 sentences to someone that is not from your field (please avoid abbreviations)

My research focusses on improving enzymes more suitable for industrial application through protein engineering and kinetic analysis. The goal is to use those improved enzymes to replace classical chemical production processes and make production of certain (bio)chemicals more sustainable.

My research entails the following aspects:

Research Aspect Answer
Use/collect personal data (health data, interviews, surveys) No
Use/collect experimental data (lab experiments, measurements with instruments) Yes
Collaborate with industry No
Write/develop software as the main output of the project No
Use code (as in programming) for data analysis No
Work with large data (images, simulation models) No
Other: N/A

Reflections on the importance of RDM videos

I think the 'Why RDM is relevant for you' video comes with clear argumentation why RDM is important. The Markowetz paper / video also shows in a clear way what can go wrong if you do not take sufficient care of your research data while also showing the benefits of proper RDM.

What would you like to learn during this course?

I would like to improve / incorporate a little more structure in my data and become more aware of how to handle data.

Checklist assignments

AngeliquePothuizen commented 1 year ago


EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Hi @AngeliquePothuizen! Thanks for handing in your assignments!

Regarding Assignment 2 I have very little feedback since this looks super comprehensive! Well done!

Hctr95 commented 1 year ago


Hi @AngeliquePothuizen,

Your Readme.txt file looks great! I want to point out some details that I consider might be useful to add:

Keep it up!

Hctr95 commented 1 year ago

Hi @AngeliquePothuizen,

I am curious about the metadata from the Chromatogram software (Labsolutions). Do you also get the details about the column, eluent, and conditions under which the analyses were carried out by default from the .png and .xlsx files? Can you also export the .xlsx file as .csv to make it more accessible? I recall once I had to process some chromatograms and some details were missing, I had to contact the technician to get the details about the protocol and technical specs used for my samples.

Apart from that, it looks like a solid plan! You seemed to have thought about most of the details. Keep it up!


EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your readme file and Assignment 3 @AngeliquePothuizen! I hope you had a lovely holiday in the meantime!

And apologies for not responding to your question about the automatic folder structure reporting @Hctr95! I'm not aware of existing tools, but asked some colleagues if they may know more. I'll get back to you about this if I hear more!

Regarding your READme file:

And some feedback on Assignment 3: Well done! It looks very clear and comprehensive!


File format

AngeliquePothuizen commented 1 year ago

Thanks you for your feedback @Hctr95 and @EstherPlomp!

@Hctr95, about the metadata from Labsolutions, I looked a little into export options in the software and it looks like individual files can be exported in a plain text (ASCI) - format. However, exporting chromatograms to a plain text format does not really feel useful since I think it results in a loss of the direct visual component. However, if you feel different I am open to discuss this of course! The .XLS file I mentioned in my assignment is a manually created file containing the .PNG chromatograms, so this is not a direct export from the Labsolutions program itself. In most cases, the chromatogram itself does show the used temperature gradient (in case of GC analysis) or solvent gradient (in case of HPLC analysis). However, it is quite difficult to extract this from the chromatogram on its own so additional information about the used method is required to replicate the results. In a publication this will of course be present in the M&M section, but an additional Readtime.txt file in the uploaded dataset with this information would help with the data being FAIR and I will keep this in mind!

@EstherPlomp, considering the image metadata, giving this a second thought (with a fresh after holiday mind) this type of data might benefit from a Readme.txt file as well. Usually, the pictures are easy to interpret but you do need additional information to know what exactly you are looking at. Normally, this information is present in the M&M section of a publication and / or description of the figure, but I see how an additional explanatory file uploaded with the images itself might help with the FAIR principle. And thanks for the .xls / .csv format comment, a very fair point indeed!

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply @AngeliquePothuizen! If things don't make sense and result in too much loss of information please do leave things as it is. I'm happy to see the discussion about this going, so thanks @Hctr95 for bringing this up!

And a colleague of mine responded with a solution to share folder structures! You do need some command line experience to manage though:

exporting the output of the tree command might be all you need. Should be available on many Operating Systems. See examples for Linux:

I haven't tried this myself yet - but if I manage to get it working I'll update the materials to give people this option for the sharing of their folder structures. So thanks @Hctr95 for bringing this up as well!

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Hi @AngeliquePothuizen! I did not see feedback from your side on another participant's assignment 3 and readme file - please let me know if I'm overlooking something or please still comment on these assignments! Thanks!

AngeliquePothuizen commented 1 year ago

Hi @EstherPlomp, I have given feedback to Robin van der Haar his assignment and readme file. Feedback was posted 5 days ago, please let me know if you can't find it!

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Excellent, thanks @AngeliquePothuizen! For some reason I totally overlooked this, apologies! You're all complete in that case!

BiffoQ commented 1 year ago

Hi @AngeliquePothuizen,

nice job with the 3rd assignment.

I think you did not include a file naming convention in your folder structure.
