EstherPlomp / TNW-RDM-101

Self paced materials of the RDM101 course
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Assignment 1 Lloyd Mallee #82

Closed Lloyd537 closed 8 months ago

Lloyd537 commented 12 months ago


Hi, my name is Lloyd Mallee and I am a PhD candidate in the Biocatalysis group, although my project is much more focused on energy & materials science. I have two very needy cats.

Describe your research in 2-3 sentences to someone that is not from your field (please avoid abbreviations)

My research is focused on the development of a solar cell using waste/recycled/circular materials and sustainable processes. I am currently using an enzyme from papaya (fruit) to deposit a semiconductor layer onto glass, after which I apply fruit juice (at the moment pomegranate) and a few other layers to complete the solar cell. My goal is to replace every component/process of solar cell production with a sustainable alternative.

My research entails the following aspects:

Research Aspect Answer
Use/collect personal data (health data, interviews, surveys) No
Use/collect experimental data (lab experiments, measurements with instruments) Yes
Collaborate with industry Yes
Write/develop software as the main output of the project No
Use code (as in programming) for data analysis No
Work with large data (images, simulation models) No
Other: N/A

Reflections on the importance of RDM videos

I think it is very important to make sure your research data is safe and backed up in order to prevent situations in which you might lose everything. Our department has had to deal with lost or hard to find data on multiple occasions and, speaking from experience, this can significantly (and unnecessarily) delay research projects.

What would you like to learn during this course?

I am hoping to learn some good strategies and organizational structures for a logical data flow and security. I would like to end up in a place where no matter what experiment or how long ago I performed it, I - and any people working on this project after me - will be able to find the data I produced within a short amount of time.

Checklist assignments

QingLi-11 commented 11 months ago

Hi Lloyd,

Here are the comments for your data flow map:

It is clear that you create data from different measurements, and you will have numbers, figures and tables based on the data that you get. A question is that what type of files that you need to store and analyze your data (e.g., Excel. origin)? Where do you export your data to?

Best, Qing

Lloyd537 commented 11 months ago

Hi Qing,

Thanks for your comments, I didn't think about specifying this but you make a good point. It would be useful to determine what kinds of files I will get from each type of experiment and specify how I will store each of them.

Best, Lloyd

EstherPlomp commented 11 months ago

Thanks for sharing assignment 2 @Lloyd537! It looks very clear, well done!

Lloyd537 commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the comments Esther! File sizes should not be a problem in my case, since all my data will be either Excel files, graphs or pictures (sporadic).

I do indeed take lab notes, every 2 months I scan my lab journal and store it with the rest of my data on the department shared drive.

EstherPlomp commented 11 months ago

Thanks for sharing your assignment 3 @Lloyd537! It looks great - well done! I also appreciate your file naming used to share the assignments 👍

Just a thought:

Data Publication

Lloyd537 commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the insight! OpenEI is a repository that I've decided to use up until now, but I still have to discuss this more thoroughly with my supervisor & promotor - we might decide to use a different one after all - perhaps one that does provide a DOI. I do agree that it is more important for the information to be discoverable, whether that includes the use of a DOI or not.