Estimote / Android-Fleet-Management-SDK

Estimote Fleet Management SDK for Android
MIT License
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EstimoteCloud.fetchBeaconDetails(deviceId, ...) #167

Closed Sharprender closed 7 years ago

Sharprender commented 8 years ago

If I use the function EstimoteCloud.fetchBeaconDetails(deviceId, ...), I get "onSuccess" the BeaconInfo object. But the problem is, that the beaconInfo.macAddress has more than 6 octets and is equal to deviceId.

for example:



I have this issue on Android 6.01 Samsung Galaxy S6 edge. Estimote SDK version 0.11.1

pawelDylag commented 8 years ago

Hello @Sharprender

EstimoteCloud.fetchBeaconDetails(...) is our old endpoint for proximity beacons. I assume that you are using Location Beacon or newer Proximity beacon - for such, we have prepared different cloud structure. I encourage you to use method EstimoteCloud.fetchDeviceDetails(...) for getting device details. Please bear in mind, that our old beacon's have their deviceId equal to their mac address. Since firmware 4.0.0 we are using deviceId DIFFERENT than mac address. I hope that it helps you somehow :)

Have a nice day!