Estimote / Android-Fleet-Management-SDK

Estimote Fleet Management SDK for Android
MIT License
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Estimote Android-SDK (version 1.0.3) Beacon not scanning #233

Closed rajeshkanna777 closed 6 years ago

rajeshkanna777 commented 7 years ago

Am using android one OnePlus 3T 7.1.1 Bacon version Firmware Version 4.9.4 Hardware Version G1.8

My code private static final BeaconRegion ALL_ESTIMOTE_BEACONS_REGION = new BeaconRegion("rid", null, null, null);


@Override public void onBeaconsDiscovered(BeaconRegion beaconRegion, List beacons) { beaconList = beacons;}

After 3 min the beacon list is Zero ,Beacon not scanning.

lopei commented 7 years ago

I confirm this issue. Beacons are not scanned. Nearables work fine though.

rajeshkanna777 commented 7 years ago

am using estimote app it showing all beacon and i go to switch off and switch on the bluetooth its not scanning (not showing the beacon) in estimote app and Estimote Android-SDK (version 1.0.3) also.

pawelDylag commented 7 years ago


We have released version 1.0.9 with slightly changed scanning mechanism on Nougat devices. Please confirm this issue still occurs :)

rajeshkanna777 commented 7 years ago

Am using this permission and code

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { String packageName = getPackageName(); PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); if (!pm.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(packageName)) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS); intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + packageName)); startActivity(intent); } } after 30 min beaconRegion not scanned its showing beacon size is zero

rajeshkanna777 commented 7 years ago

i just went to some other place so that place no beacon after few min i came back to beacon place , that time beacon not scanned show only mac address only

07-21 18:08:19.029 8759-8854/? E/bt-btm: new address: ea:54:2a:58:aa:31 07-21 18:08:19.033 8759-8854/? E/bt-btm: new address: 18:65:90:d5:24:ee 07-21 18:08:19.080 8759-8854/? E/bt-btm: new address: f0:e2:d8:a0:75:81 07-21 18:08:20.010 8759-8854/? E/bt-btm: new address: 4c:8e:3a:6a:2f:0d