Estimote / Android-Fleet-Management-SDK

Estimote Fleet Management SDK for Android
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Ranging not working in android Nougat #284

Closed kpprasanth closed 6 years ago

kpprasanth commented 6 years ago

I am using motorola with android version 7. Ranging not working even the app is in foreground and it works fine in all other devices. While checking with log i am getting "I/BluetoothLeScanner: startRegisteration: mLeScanClients={com.estimote.coresdk.scanning.bluetooth.adapters.LollipopBluetoothAdapter$1@14f05d=android.bluetooth.le.BluetoothLeScanner$BleScanCallbackWrapper@f14ddd2}".

rajeshkanna777 commented 6 years ago

@kpprasanth which version of sdk are u using Am also had the same problem after the update the sdk version 1.4.1 it not happen in my side. check this link below

Poberro commented 6 years ago
  1. This SDK is deprecated for scanning (there is a note on main page). You should try to switch to Proximity SDK
  2. By your description is seems that it does not work on particular phone model, but it works fine on others. So it seems that is a phone issue rather than a bug in SDK.
  3. Motorola have more than several phone models. Which one are you using?
  4. This log message does not says much. It only tells that scan callback has been registered. Can you provide more logs?

Please fill provided template when submitting an issue. It really speeds up investigation.

kpprasanth commented 6 years ago

Hi Poberro, I am using Motorola E4 plus(android 7.1) in which ranging not working and I have tested using Motorola E2(android 5.1) where the ranging works fine. SDK Version : 1.4.1

Poberro commented 6 years ago

Can you provide some logs (from logcat and from BT Snoop log)? I need to see if there are some messages from Android that will tell me why it is not scanning.

Poberro commented 6 years ago

No logs provided. Closing. Scanning and Monitoring is deprecated in this SDK. Please use