When I run the sample applications, all seems to work fine. I can detect the beacons and see their distance.
However, when I create my own Eclipse project, include the external jars for estimote and guave and try to simulate what happens in the ListBeaconsActivity, the BeaconManager initializes but then reports 'Could not bind service'.
I'm pretty sure I'm using at least the same library as the working sample (because I copied it from there). As far as I can tell all settings in project should be correct, since the application doesn't crash on classes not found.
When I run the sample applications, all seems to work fine. I can detect the beacons and see their distance.
However, when I create my own Eclipse project, include the external jars for estimote and guave and try to simulate what happens in the ListBeaconsActivity, the BeaconManager initializes but then reports 'Could not bind service'.
I'm pretty sure I'm using at least the same library as the working sample (because I copied it from there). As far as I can tell all settings in project should be correct, since the application doesn't crash on classes not found.
Is there something I could be missing?
Thanks in advance.