Estimote / iOS-Fleet-Management-SDK

Estimote Fleet Management SDK for iOS
MIT License
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iBeacon not detected #201

Closed jefferyleo closed 8 years ago

jefferyleo commented 9 years ago

I've developed an application that using the Estimote iBeacon. Before that, my application will detect the nearby iBeacon with iOS 8.1, but after that, I've format my iPad and upgrade to iOS 8.3, my application is not working anymore, it can't detect any nearby beacon, do you guys know what happen to it? Is it my application problem or the beacon problem?

wiktor commented 9 years ago

@jefferyleo Can you download Estimote app from App Store and check if it detects your beacons?

jefferyleo commented 9 years ago

@wiktor yea, it has detected the beacon with the offical Estimote app, but previously I could detect the nearby beacons with my own app, but once I've updated to iOS 8.3, my app couldn't detect any beacon now

wiktor commented 9 years ago

Can you share the code to detect beacons? What UUID/major/minor you are using?

jefferyleo commented 9 years ago

@wiktor Basically, I’m using Swift development to develop my application to iOS. So in the viewDidLoad() method, I write these code and try to discover whether it got beacons nearby locationManager.startMonitoringForRegion(beaconRegion) locationManager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(beaconRegion) locationManager(startUpdatingLocation)

After that, I have write these code in the didEnterRegion, which it detects whether the beacons is in range. let beaconRegion = CLBeaconRegion (proximityUUID: NSUUID(UUIDString: "B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D"), major: CLBeaconMajorValue(), minor: CLBeaconMinorValue(), identifier: "LAB L3 - 04") manager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(beaconRegion) manager.startUpdatingLocation()

wiktor commented 9 years ago

Ok, so you are using CoreLocation and not our SDK. For sanity, can you download Estimote app from App Store and check demos (for ranging & monitoring)?

Omarj commented 9 years ago

@wiktor I download the SDK and run example app , it detected all my iBeacon but when I turn on of them to secure UUID the app did not detected it ? "already added appID and token"

Saurman commented 8 years ago

This happens from time to time, u have to force close and restar Estimote app for beacons to appear. Maybe same applies to your app

heypiotr commented 8 years ago

Looks like it's not an SDK issue if you're using Core Location. If you're still experiencing this, let's discuss on our forums:

jackson140389 commented 5 years ago

Hello Guys, I'm using beacon(Moko Beacon) to track the location of the vehicle. Sometimes didExit event didn't call even beacon distance more than 3 km. After I come back to beacon didEnter event didn't call until change the power cycle of the beacon. So please help me out I have already spent more than 5 days to overcome this issue. But still, I didn't get the solution yet.